Li-COR Biosciences Tour
Li-COR Biosciences Tour
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- [00:00:03.690]Our technology is helping local farmers
- [00:00:06.300]grow better crops to feed their families.
- [00:00:09.710]Our DNA sequencer played a pivotal role
- [00:00:12.260]in the race to unlock the code
- [00:00:13.710]to the human genome.
- [00:00:15.900]The quest to improve the human condition,
- [00:00:18.130]to understand more about the world where we live,
- [00:00:20.650]begins with research.
- [00:00:22.880]This analyzer was used on the plane
- [00:00:24.720]that flew through the eye of Hurricane Isabel.
- [00:00:27.910]Our technologies are helping unlock the secrets
- [00:00:30.140]of human tastes.
- [00:00:32.330]Our Plant Canopy Analyzer
- [00:00:34.010]is used to strategically remove leaves
- [00:00:36.310]from grapevines in order to improve the quality of wine.
- [00:00:40.860]We develop dyes being used
- [00:00:42.450]in cancer surgery, clinical trials.
- [00:00:45.500]Each year when the media reports
- [00:00:47.270]on the annual changes in global CO2 levels,
- [00:00:49.970]a LI-COR instrument helps provide that data.
- [00:00:53.320]Scientists ask questions
- [00:00:54.840]that require accurate data
- [00:00:56.180]in order to get the best answers.
- [00:00:58.430]We help them in that quest with products and technology
- [00:01:01.330]from LI-COR Biosciences.
- [00:01:03.317]Our technology helps protect the declaration
- [00:01:05.053]of independence, the us constitution,
- [00:01:07.520]and the bill of rights
- [00:01:08.410]at the National Archives in Washington, DC.
- [00:01:12.510]These instruments were on display
- [00:01:14.290]at the Smithsonian Institution.
- [00:01:16.242]We're helping to catalog the coffee genome
- [00:01:18.650]in South America.
- [00:01:20.930]LI-COR Gas Analyzer helped conduct experiments
- [00:01:23.430]aboard the International Space Station.
- [00:01:26.610]LI-COR technology is helping train
- [00:01:28.110]the next generation of scientists.
- [00:01:30.910]Our mission is impacting lives through science.
- [00:01:33.610]It starts here at our home office in Lincoln, Nebraska.
- [00:01:36.430]And with employees and distributors around the world,
- [00:01:39.060]every hour, every day we are.
- [00:01:41.959](speaking in foreign language)
- [00:01:44.621](speaking in foreign language)
- [00:01:46.775](speaking in foreign language)
- [00:01:48.637](speaking in foreign language)
- [00:01:51.053]Impacting lives through science.
- [00:01:54.310]What question can we help you answer?
- [00:01:59.620]Hi, welcome to LI-COR Biosciences.
- [00:02:02.350]My name is Alicia Minzel
- [00:02:03.950]and I'm a director of Global Direct Sales.
- [00:02:07.120]Thank you for taking the time for this virtual tour.
- [00:02:11.240]We are so excited that the National Association
- [00:02:14.810]of Plant Breeders Conference has decided to come here
- [00:02:17.750]and take a tour.
- [00:02:19.690]Today you will hear from
- [00:02:20.940]our Senior Product Manager, Rod Manson
- [00:02:23.435]as we're gonna tell you
- [00:02:24.450]a little bit about LI-COR
- [00:02:26.280]and how our instruments can help in your research.
- [00:02:30.630]LI-COR was founded in 1971 by Bill Biggs.
- [00:02:34.210]Since then it has evolved into three different domains.
- [00:02:37.050]We have a clinical area, biotechnology
- [00:02:39.550]and environmental sciences.
- [00:02:41.440]Our environmental division looks to really serve
- [00:02:43.720]the whole ecosystem as a whole.
- [00:02:46.820]Anyway, anything from measuring soil fluxes
- [00:02:50.100]to atmospheric fluxes,
- [00:02:51.840]and also looking at leaf level measurements.
- [00:02:55.000]We have products in all of these domains.
- [00:02:58.160]Today you're gonna hear
- [00:02:59.190]about our LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System
- [00:03:03.740]and our LI-600 Porometer/Fluorometer.
- [00:03:07.590]Hello, as Alicia said,
- [00:03:08.880]my name is Rod Manson.
- [00:03:09.940]I'm a Senior Product Manager here at LI-COR Biosciences.
- [00:03:12.540]And today I'd like to show you two products
- [00:03:15.200]in our plant physiology area.
- [00:03:16.750]The first one being
- [00:03:17.870]the LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System.
- [00:03:21.090]This system here,
- [00:03:22.340]clamps onto a leaf
- [00:03:23.630]and we can measure the,
- [00:03:25.220]both the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis.
- [00:03:28.190]And so we have a gas analyzer right here,
- [00:03:30.930]the fluorometer, also the light source.
- [00:03:33.390]This is where we would clamp on our leaf inside of here.
- [00:03:37.770]Inside of this leaf right here,
- [00:03:40.203]we can condition the air by adding water vapor,
- [00:03:44.030]drying out the Airstream,
- [00:03:46.280]drying out the CO2.
- [00:03:47.940]And so, we can do lots of different physiological responses
- [00:03:51.860]with this device.
- [00:03:53.420]That could be light response, curves, ACI,
- [00:03:55.820]or CO2 response curves, temperature response curves,
- [00:03:58.670]humidity curves.
- [00:03:59.820]This is a very, very,
- [00:04:01.667]excellent instrument to understand a number of different,
- [00:04:05.246]physiological parameters in the leaf photochemistry.
- [00:04:08.890]We also have a new product
- [00:04:10.200]that I think is gonna be ideal for the plant breeder.
- [00:04:13.010]It's a high Porometer/Fluorometer the LI-600,
- [00:04:16.080]and we just launched that last month.
- [00:04:18.970]And I'd like to go ahead and demonstrate that as well.
- [00:04:21.990]This is the new LI-600 Porometer/Fluorometer
- [00:04:24.640]that we launched about a month ago.
- [00:04:26.150]It is designed to do stomatal conductance
- [00:04:28.220]and leaf level fluorescence
- [00:04:29.330]in a high throughput manner.
- [00:04:30.490]So I'm gonna go ahead
- [00:04:31.360]and clamp on a leaf here.
- [00:04:34.657]And as you can see,
- [00:04:35.490]it's looking for stability.
- [00:04:38.370]My conductance is the upper left number 5PS-2
- [00:04:41.310]for the fluorescence,
- [00:04:42.570]upper right there, just did the flash.
- [00:04:46.420]Now I'm actually gonna go ahead,
- [00:04:49.780]scan my barcode that says a builtin barcode scanner.
- [00:04:52.417]There you go.
- [00:04:53.250]So now I know exactly
- [00:04:54.100]where I'm at for my next measurement.
- [00:04:55.670]We'll go ahead
- [00:04:56.503]and do one more sample here.
- [00:04:59.090]Clamp one more time.
- [00:05:02.410]Again conductance on the upper left
- [00:05:04.340]5PS-2 for the fluorometry on the upper right.
- [00:05:07.540]Looking for stability.
- [00:05:10.660]And they're logged.
- [00:05:13.810]This is the new LI-600 Porometer/Fluorometer from LI-COR.
- [00:05:16.640]We're excited, especially for people
- [00:05:18.640]that like the phenotyping,
- [00:05:19.640]the high throughput,
- [00:05:20.473]like many plant breeders.
- [00:05:22.660]When it comes to collecting data,
- [00:05:24.870]it seems like your plants
- [00:05:25.940]are abundant while your time can be a little scarce.
- [00:05:28.760]But just because your plants are stressed,
- [00:05:30.650]doesn't mean that you have to be.
- [00:05:33.092]The LI-600 Porometer/Fluorometer is a handheld device
- [00:05:36.500]that measures your plants in seconds.
- [00:05:39.290]It is designed to expedite
- [00:05:40.700]your high throughput studies
- [00:05:42.040]by measuring stomatal conductance
- [00:05:44.030]and chlorophyll fluorescence on the same leaf area.
- [00:05:47.380]No need to spend your entire day or night
- [00:05:49.760]assessing your plants.
- [00:05:51.450]You can now dedicate more time toward analyzing your data
- [00:05:54.550]and making groundbreaking discoveries.
- [00:05:57.720]Because the LI-600 takes measurements
- [00:06:00.280]are ambient conditions.
- [00:06:01.660]You don't have to acclimate the chamber.
- [00:06:03.750]Making your routine even faster.
- [00:06:06.610]And don't worry about toting around a bunch
- [00:06:08.510]of heavy equipment.
- [00:06:09.800]It's lightweight, compact and handheld.
- [00:06:12.420]Perfect for the field, greenhouse
- [00:06:14.150]or wherever your research takes you.
- [00:06:16.690]Once you're on site,
- [00:06:17.610]you can use the LI-600 to take measurements
- [00:06:20.210]as you move from plant to plant.
- [00:06:22.980]This software automatically determines
- [00:06:24.900]when conditions are stable.
- [00:06:26.620]And the LI-600 logs each data point
- [00:06:29.300]as you go.
- [00:06:31.090]Using barcodes, the LI-600 has you covered,
- [00:06:34.360]Keep track of each plant
- [00:06:35.660]using the builtin barcode scanner.
- [00:06:37.980]Just scan, measure, and repeat.
- [00:06:40.420]With the LI-600, It's that simple.
- [00:06:44.410]When you're ready to stream data from your device,
- [00:06:46.770]just open the user interface.
- [00:06:49.270]Working with students,
- [00:06:50.170]or need to share your results with the group,
- [00:06:52.510]stream live data with the LI-600
- [00:06:54.830]using it's USB port.
- [00:06:57.520]Because it's designed for
- [00:06:58.376]high throughput sampling under ambient conditions.
- [00:07:01.540]You could exclude plants
- [00:07:02.510]that don't need further analysis.
- [00:07:05.720]Pinpoint which ones have most interest.
- [00:07:08.120]Then take a more in depth
- [00:07:09.480]like using the LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System.
- [00:07:14.310]Study your plants without feeling overwhelmed yourself.
- [00:07:17.470]See how the LI-600 Porometer/Fluorometer
- [00:07:20.160]can help you achieve the fast precise stomatal conductance
- [00:07:23.280]and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements,
- [00:07:25.460]right in the palm of your hand.
- [00:07:32.830]Thank you for taking the time to visit us at LI-COR.
- [00:07:35.670]If you have any questions,
- [00:07:37.190]please feel free to reach out to Rod or myself.
- [00:07:39.730]We have online Webinars, videos, applications,
- [00:07:43.620]support notes, that we would love share with you.
- [00:07:46.300]And if you are interested in more information
- [00:07:48.470]or want a demo of any of our instruments,
- [00:07:50.610]please let us know.
- [00:07:52.160]Also, if you are interested
- [00:07:54.100]in having our scientific team
- [00:07:56.360]at maybe a lunch and learn
- [00:07:57.880]or talk at a department meeting,
- [00:07:59.920]we are also more than willing to help.
- [00:08:02.350]Contact us anytime.
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