PFS: Time Management
Rachel Lindhart
Tips on success for managing your time as an undergraduate student.
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- [00:00:07.878]Big Red Welcome. This is so cool for me!
- [00:00:10.957]I'm so excited to be here with so many of
- [00:00:13.568]you as you come back to campus or as you
- [00:00:15.837]first arrive. My name is Dr. Manda
- [00:00:18.476]Williamson, associate prof. in the Dept of
- [00:00:21.298]Psychology. I'm so excited to be a part of
- [00:00:23.360]this. Before we get into how we as faculty
- [00:00:26.720]help to connect with you a little bit now
- [00:00:28.908]that the semester has started, I just want
- [00:00:31.171]to give a little background information
- [00:00:33.458]about our role in Big Red Welcome.
- [00:00:35.561]We started meetings back in January.
- [00:00:37.734]I've been thinking about you all since
- [00:00:39.685]January. And one of the areas where I
- [00:00:42.380]thought was really important that you have
- [00:00:44.970]some time to at least look at faculty, was
- [00:00:48.360]with respect to academics and how you
- [00:00:50.489]transition from your experiences in high
- [00:00:52.509]school to what your experiences are going
- [00:00:54.580]to be like in college. And I just want to
- [00:00:56.570]share - I hope this is okay - I'm going to
- [00:00:58.590]share a personal narrative with you about
- [00:01:00.790]my experience my first month of college.
- [00:01:03.250]I walked into a classroom where I was
- [00:01:06.037]pretty sure that people were having
- [00:01:07.924]conversations that I must have walked
- [00:01:10.064]in on late because I couldn't figure out
- [00:01:12.164]what the heck they were talking about,
- [00:01:14.124]and I felt as though I didn't belong
- [00:01:16.349]and it was really difficult for me to
- [00:01:18.149]speak to my faculty members, to speak to
- [00:01:20.239]my instructors about the confusion that I
- [00:01:22.274]was experiencing. I'm from a really rural
- [00:01:24.356]part of Pennsylvania and so college was
- [00:01:27.104]just this institution that I was having a
- [00:01:29.106]problem connecting with. I don't want that
- [00:01:31.539]for you. I've been thinking about you
- [00:01:33.308]since January and dang it all to heck at
- [00:01:35.487]least you're going to see from some of us
- [00:01:38.453]how excited we are to have you here and
- [00:01:40.445]how we want to help you right now even
- [00:01:42.357]before the semester starts.
- [00:01:44.409]When I first sat down in my
- [00:01:45.979]classes, the faculty members all handed me
- [00:01:48.534]this like 3-4 page paper and it said
- [00:01:51.530]'Syllabus' at the top, and as I fumbled
- [00:01:54.066]through the syllabus at the end there was
- [00:01:56.095]a schedule for the entire semester of
- [00:01:57.908]readings and I know that there were dates
- [00:02:00.388]on those schedules, but I thought that it
- [00:02:03.215]was like a trick. So I figured that, even
- [00:02:06.282]though it says I'm supposed to read the
- [00:02:08.248]first three chapters of Unit 1 by the end
- [00:02:10.293]of Week 4, I thought that was maybe for
- [00:02:13.040]the lazy students. That was their
- [00:02:15.305]schedule. So I read everything in every
- [00:02:19.002]one of my classes for the entire first
- [00:02:21.333]Unit in every one of my classes in the
- [00:02:24.031]first week of the semester, and it nearly
- [00:02:26.159]killed me. And so I don't want that to
- [00:02:28.041]happen to you. And so what I want to talk
- [00:02:30.093]to you today is, in particular, about a
- [00:02:32.858]topic that we call "time management."
- [00:02:34.856]I know that's kind of a buzzword, but what
- [00:02:37.120]literally it means is it's a way for you
- [00:02:39.303]to control your day so you can achieve the
- [00:02:41.709]goals that you have for yourself. It's the
- [00:02:43.982]ability to prioritize all of the events
- [00:02:46.748]that you have going on in a way so that
- [00:02:49.377]you get done what you must get done,
- [00:02:51.428]and that's usually the things you don't
- [00:02:53.490]like to do, but that you have to get done,
- [00:02:56.238]in order to free up time to do the things
- [00:02:58.449]that you want to do and to be able to
- [00:03:00.251]enjoy those things more fully. As an adult
- [00:03:02.546]what you need to kind of wrap your head
- [00:03:04.448]around is the fact that most of us spend a
- [00:03:06.833]good portion of our day doing the things
- [00:03:08.815]that we don't like to do, so that gives us
- [00:03:10.897]time to freely enjoy the things that we do
- [00:03:12.971]like to do, that require money, materials,
- [00:03:16.390]and that require connections with others.
- [00:03:18.770]We kind of have to earn that as an adult.
- [00:03:21.102]And so time management is just a way for
- [00:03:23.350]you to gain control over your day, to
- [00:03:25.215]organize how you spend your day every day.
- [00:03:27.436]Now a lot of you are probably thinking,
- [00:03:29.405]'Meh, I was in four years of high school,
- [00:03:31.576]and I did fine. I got admitted to college.
- [00:03:34.074]I already know how to time-manage!' But I
- [00:03:36.085]want to tell you, College is different.
- [00:03:38.364]The reason why time management will be
- [00:03:40.585]challenged in college is because the
- [00:03:42.345]academics are different in college. I wish
- [00:03:44.427]somebody would have told me this long
- [00:03:46.865]ago. When
- [00:03:47.934]you get to college is the learning - when
- [00:03:49.933]you learn the stuff that you need to learn
- [00:03:51.992]in order to do well on your tests is
- [00:03:53.921]different in terms of when it occurs. In
- [00:03:56.556]high school, about 80% of what you learn
- [00:03:58.949]happens in a classroom with your teacher.
- [00:04:01.532]So if you sit and listen really well, in
- [00:04:03.651]a lot of cases you learn a lot of the
- [00:04:05.421]material and you can do well on your tests
- [00:04:07.488]In college that's flipped. Only 20% of
- [00:04:11.370]the new learning takes place in the
- [00:04:13.888]classroom. Eighty percent of your learning
- [00:04:16.394]is your responsibility and you need to
- [00:04:18.295]accomplish that outside of class. In
- [00:04:20.515]addition, the things that we do in our
- [00:04:23.786]time together, between your instructor
- [00:04:26.451]and you, is quite different. There is more
- [00:04:30.462]that you have to read, there is more that
- [00:04:32.506]you will have to write, there is more
- [00:04:34.545]you have to study when you're in college,
- [00:04:36.825]and the individual assignments tend to
- [00:04:38.827]have a depth that is more challenging than
- [00:04:42.098]the kind of assignments in high school
- [00:04:44.514]and your test are also more
- [00:04:46.328]time-consuming, and they test you more
- [00:04:48.909]deeply, so that when you come to class,
- [00:04:50.874]rather than learning something new, we ask
- [00:04:52.973]you to take what you have already learned
- [00:04:55.008]and consider it more deeply. So you're
- [00:04:56.842]going to take new concepts or terms
- [00:04:58.629]that you learn, be comparing and
- [00:05:00.786]contrasting them, you're going to be
- [00:05:02.588]looking for how they all tend to fit
- [00:05:04.301]together in a big concept map, you're
- [00:05:06.547]going to look for cause and effects, so
- [00:05:08.503]you have to do the work outside of class
- [00:05:10.495]to learn that baseline material in order
- [00:05:12.499]to be able to use it more deeply in class
- [00:05:14.585]time. So because the academics are
- [00:05:16.245]much more deep, a college experience is
- [00:05:18.902]almost the same type of time commitment
- [00:05:20.943]that you would have in a full-time job.
- [00:05:22.811]And to just break that down for you
- [00:05:24.745]if you have 15 credit hours, that
- [00:05:26.389]means that 15 hours of your week are
- [00:05:28.188]spent in class, and that means that you
- [00:05:30.245]probably also need to devote at least 2
- [00:05:32.238]hours per night to each of those classes.
- [00:05:34.788]So, if you do that 7 days a week, that's
- [00:05:36.991]fourteen hours. So minimally, we're
- [00:05:38.838]talking almost 30 hours per week right
- [00:05:40.697]now, and that's not considering whether or
- [00:05:43.319]not you have any zero-credit classes that
- [00:05:45.297]you have to attend, and that's not also
- [00:05:47.422]considering how many hours you're spending
- [00:05:49.450]in a lab a week. So please bear that in
- [00:05:51.339]mind, your time commitments are different
- [00:05:53.455]in college. What we hope to avoid, I hope
- [00:05:56.024]you never have the experience of, when you
- [00:05:59.255]get through this with me today is this
- [00:06:01.120]experience of 2:00 in the morning, your
- [00:06:03.318]computer crashes, you don't have access
- [00:06:05.219]to any other computer to submit your
- [00:06:07.069]assignment, and now it's going to be late.
- [00:06:09.190]That's a horrible feeling you're not going
- [00:06:11.366]to sleep well. By using time effectively,
- [00:06:13.460]controlling how you spend your day, and
- [00:06:15.449]by being proactive or thinking in advance
- [00:06:17.573]about how to organize your day, time
- [00:06:19.555]management will help you not run into
- [00:06:21.367]those troubles. So what I want to show you
- [00:06:23.402]are actually 3 schedules that you should
- [00:06:25.466]all be keeping in order to gain control
- [00:06:28.131]over the semester, over the week, and over
- [00:06:31.986]every day, and you're going to have
- [00:06:34.209]to do this specifically and intentionally
- [00:06:36.725]at first. It's going to suck. It's going
- [00:06:39.489]to take up some of your time, but as you
- [00:06:41.615]achieve success, and you find that you're
- [00:06:43.612]meeting deadlines effectively and you're
- [00:06:45.565]doing well on tests, you likely won't have
- [00:06:47.876]to write so much down on a daily basis to
- [00:06:50.030]track your day. But do this first so
- [00:06:53.127]that you can get the stuff out of the way
- [00:06:55.175]successfully that you don't want to do
- [00:06:58.723]that's, you know, like academics, ack! I
- [00:07:02.146]know. And then you can figure out how much
- [00:07:04.335]time you have to play. Work hard so that
- [00:07:07.332]you can play. You don't come here to play
- [00:07:10.796]and then work the work in, or you're going
- [00:07:12.838]to find that you're not going to be here
- [00:07:14.777]next year. That's kind of the hard part
- [00:07:17.875]about college is that you are going to
- [00:07:20.065]be held accountable for the performance
- [00:07:21.970]that you put out. So let's get out in
- [00:07:24.162]front of this stuff right now, and commit
- [00:07:26.119]to doing well by managing our time. So
- [00:07:28.754]the first thing I want you to think about.
- [00:07:30.800]What do you think your schedule actually
- [00:07:33.013]looks like? You all have been here for
- [00:07:35.909]probably a week now, you all do have
- [00:07:37.649]a syllabus. So I'm going to share my
- [00:07:39.761]screen. I'm going to show you
- [00:07:41.211]how to get out in front of all of
- [00:07:42.894]the important due dates and deadlines.
- [00:07:46.923]So, you have this calendar. It's called
- [00:07:48.862]Long-Term Planning. I did not make this.
- [00:07:50.805]It's from a success coach at the
- [00:07:52.678]University of Tennessee - Knoxville named
- [00:07:54.659]Barbara Pate. It's important that we give
- [00:07:56.679]credit where it's is due. But this is
- [00:07:58.498]what you should be doing when
- [00:08:00.062]you get back to your rooms tonight. Long-
- [00:08:02.015]Term Plan. So you see you have Monday
- [00:08:03.833]through Sunday, and you have Week 1 all
- [00:08:06.284]the way down to Week 15. In each one
- [00:08:08.975]of those boxes, you should put wherever
- [00:08:10.848]you have a test or a paper due or an
- [00:08:13.039]assignment due that's already listed in
- [00:08:14.944]your syllabus. You should have all of
- [00:08:16.892]those deadlines in that particular
- [00:08:18.608]calendar. Now the next thing you have to
- [00:08:20.916]do is ask yourself: 'How do I want to
- [00:08:23.037]spend my time each week?' and I don't mean
- [00:08:26.194]'Because everything should feel good and
- [00:08:28.112]I should always have fun.' That is not how
- [00:08:30.131]we're going to operate as adults. You have
- [00:08:32.130]to ask yourself, 'What priorities do I
- [00:08:35.054]need to make in my life so that in four
- [00:08:36.998]years I am out of here with a degree and
- [00:08:39.397]I'm going to have a standard of living
- [00:08:41.255]that's better than my parents.' So we
- [00:08:43.121]can't only think about having fun, we have
- [00:08:45.135]to think about how we're going to work in
- [00:08:47.168]our college experiences and our
- [00:08:48.703]assignments. Let's look at short-
- [00:08:50.548]term planning. What I would encourage you
- [00:08:52.674]to do is, y'all have phones, take a screen
- [00:08:55.877]shot of this and recreate it. This is also
- [00:08:58.041]from the University of Tennessee, I did
- [00:08:59.915]not make this. When you think about all
- [00:09:02.434]the demands that you have in a given week,
- [00:09:04.686]those demands are: tests that you should
- [00:09:07.600]study for at least 8 days in advance is
- [00:09:11.231]when you should begin studying, in small
- [00:09:13.612]bursts of about 20 minutes. Alright? So
- [00:09:15.916]write down how much you have to study in
- [00:09:18.025]each class every day in order to be ready
- [00:09:20.141]for your test. Write down all the times
- [00:09:22.221]that you have to be in class. Write down
- [00:09:24.270]your work schedule and then also write
- [00:09:26.228]down off to the side, 'I would really like
- [00:09:28.250]to see my friends or my family.' Do not
- [00:09:30.831]neglect that. When you're managing your
- [00:09:32.816]time, that means you make time for
- [00:09:34.462]yourself. According to the
- [00:09:36.043]priorities that you have, and the things
- [00:09:38.321]that we prioritize that come to the top of
- [00:09:40.374]our list are those things that are the
- [00:09:42.322]most important and the most urgent to us.
- [00:09:44.388]So stick them in your short-term planning
- [00:09:47.385]calendar just for the week. This is how
- [00:09:50.238]you plan for every week. So this is
- [00:09:52.050]something you should do the Saturday or
- [00:09:53.979]the Sunday before your Monday class begins
- [00:09:55.977]so that you know what you need to do for
- [00:09:57.879]your week. And then lastly, that
- [00:10:00.133]Sunday night, figure out 'What do I got to
- [00:10:02.289]do tomorrow?' Where you list things
- [00:10:04.659]according to how critically important they
- [00:10:06.801]are to you and the things that are
- [00:10:08.450]the most important are the things that if
- [00:10:10.564]you fail to meet that item, if you fail
- [00:10:13.896]to successfully execute that particular
- [00:10:16.094]item, that failure could cause irreparable
- [00:10:19.185]harm to the goals that you have set for
- [00:10:21.256]yourself four or five years from now. So
- [00:10:23.877]if you have a test, that goes to the top.
- [00:10:25.849]If you have a paper due, that goes to the
- [00:10:27.818]top. If you want to go on a date, that
- [00:10:29.749]doesn't go to the top. That goes after you
- [00:10:31.883]achieve that five-year goal that you had
- [00:10:34.829]set for yourself in this individual
- [00:10:37.043]activity today that must done successfully
- [00:10:39.667]If it's important for you to go out, get
- [00:10:43.705]all of the things that you need to get
- [00:10:45.549]done this week done and then think about
- [00:10:47.502]what can I do Friday night and Saturday
- [00:10:49.467]night that will enable me to healthfully
- [00:10:52.114]relax? And that's when you start to put in
- [00:10:56.171]the social time that you have. Don't ever
- [00:10:58.609]forget to schedule time for you. I'm going
- [00:11:01.024]to stop sharing again because I want to
- [00:11:03.102]finish off really quickly by saying
- [00:11:04.981]when you manage your time effectively, you
- [00:11:07.897]will gain control over your day and you
- [00:11:10.349]will minimize your stress load that comes
- [00:11:12.981]as deadlines approach. The more you can
- [00:11:15.562]get out in front of your deadlines, the
- [00:11:17.493]easier your semester is going to be for
- [00:11:19.626]you. And please, do not think that even
- [00:11:22.473]though I know academics are so critically
- [00:11:24.561]important, I also know that it's
- [00:11:26.278]critically important that you maintain
- [00:11:28.157]balance in your life. So work into your
- [00:11:31.032]schedule the time when you're going to
- [00:11:33.381]work out. Work into your schedule and
- [00:11:35.450]don't ever sacrifice this time. You may
- [00:11:38.993]have to shorten it, but work it in. Time
- [00:11:41.194]when you're meeting with your friends,
- [00:11:43.039]when you're meeting with your family. When
- [00:11:45.175]you're going to sleep. That's important
- [00:11:47.769]too. That calendar that you keep - don't
- [00:11:50.333]put anything in there after midnight
- [00:11:52.215]please. You can get your stuff done in
- [00:11:54.347]time. And then lastly, don't forget to
- [00:11:56.442]come into regular contact with the
- [00:11:58.159]organizations that are most important to
- [00:12:00.132]you. Your church life, your community
- [00:12:01.907]volunteering that you do, any
- [00:12:03.522]organizations that you're in on campus.
- [00:12:05.386]And so hopefully this gives you
- [00:12:07.243]ideas about how to get out
- [00:12:08.759]in front of your semester. I want you
- [00:12:10.580]to know the faculty are rooting for you.
- [00:12:12.611]We're excited you're here. I miss people!
- [00:12:15.327]It was really great to be able to interact
- [00:12:17.395]with you, even if it's this way. So you
- [00:12:19.336]all have a great day, and welcome to UNL.
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