Exploring STEM faculty perceptions of how student data can inform teaching practices
Justin K Shuman
Justin Shuman Summer 2020 UCARE presentation documenting what instructors know regarding students and where they receive their information from. This is looked at in context to what instructors know regarding first generation students and the transition students undergo from high school to college.
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- [00:00:09.552]Currently we know that students experience a
- [00:00:12.305]significant shift from high school
- [00:00:14.275]to college and have various pressing
- [00:00:16.409]concerns, but now my lab and I would like
- [00:00:18.780]to know more about where faculty are with
- [00:00:21.230]data use, what instructors already know,
- [00:00:23.593]and where they receive their data and
- [00:00:25.874]information on students from.
- [00:00:29.859]For this project, our primary research
- [00:00:32.497]questions are: How does data inform
- [00:00:35.678]instructors' understanding of the
- [00:00:37.709]transition from high school to college?
- [00:00:39.379]And how does data inform instructors'
- [00:00:41.751]understanding of first-generation students
- [00:00:47.345]23 instructors from 3 research intensive
- [00:00:50.005]universities were interviewed before a
- [00:00:52.287]year-long professional development program
- [00:00:54.982]The interviews were then transcribed and
- [00:00:57.410]the answers to each question they were
- [00:00:59.612]asked were summarized to about a
- [00:01:01.405]paragraph's length for ease of reviewing.
- [00:01:04.278]For this project, emphasis was given to
- [00:01:06.738]two particular questions: What are the
- [00:01:10.111]differences in instruction between
- [00:01:12.287]introductory courses that cover that
- [00:01:14.392]instructors subject at the high school
- [00:01:16.627]level versus the college level and
- [00:01:18.554]Would you expect first-generation college
- [00:01:20.808]students to have different struggles
- [00:01:22.592]in your introductory course compared to
- [00:01:25.384]continuing-generation students,
- [00:01:27.342]why or why not?
- [00:01:31.773]To analyze the summaries, I chose by
- [00:01:34.043]random and read through 6 instructor
- [00:01:36.290]responses, noting any general takeaways or
- [00:01:38.913]trends I was noticing and discussed them
- [00:01:41.936]later with Dr. Kelly Lane.
- [00:01:44.602]Because instructor responses were not
- [00:01:46.992]concise enough, this process was repeated
- [00:01:49.432]with 6 more random instructor responses.
- [00:01:52.464]After these discussions, I began making a
- [00:01:56.334]codebook to analyze the responses.
- [00:02:01.254]This is an example of the codebook results
- [00:02:04.294]At the top we can see the question
- [00:02:14.719]All of the responses for instructors here
- [00:02:17.629]are for people who have answered yes.
- [00:02:22.472]12 instructors claim that the differences
- [00:02:25.182]present are a result of the students
- [00:02:30.018]having a lack of modeled behavior in their
- [00:02:32.604]household, typically meaning that it is
- [00:02:36.637]because the student did not have parents
- [00:02:39.107]that went through college, and those
- [00:02:41.391]students will as a result have some sort
- [00:02:45.181]of difference between them and students wh
- [00:02:48.294]did have parents who went to college.
- [00:02:50.649]5 of the instructors claim that the
- [00:02:53.419]differences are a result of students
- [00:02:56.127]coming from a different background.
- [00:02:59.763]Typically talking about students coming
- [00:03:03.703]from a different socio-economic background
- [00:03:08.240]5 of these instructors claim the
- [00:03:11.298]differences are that the students do not
- [00:03:17.468]ask for help while 4, for example,
- [00:03:20.608]the students lack the necessary attitude
- [00:03:27.913]or confidence, and that is the result of
- [00:03:30.640]their differences. So while reading
- [00:03:36.155]through these transcripts, after noticing
- [00:03:38.585]recurring themes and points such as
- [00:03:40.860]instructors claiming that first-generation
- [00:03:43.009]students differ because they come from
- [00:03:45.305]different socio-economic statuses, the
- [00:03:47.619]recurring points were made into these
- [00:03:50.275]codes. And while reading these interviews,
- [00:03:53.865]I would note each time the reoccurring
- [00:03:56.421]point resurfaced. As the analysis went on
- [00:04:01.498]the codes were changed as needed and
- [00:04:03.513]previous work was re-gone over. For this
- [00:04:07.386]project overall, multiple codebooks were
- [00:04:10.388]made to answer each question.
- [00:04:14.525]Some of the notable results show that
- [00:04:16.925]while all instructors acknowledge
- [00:04:19.054]significant differences between high
- [00:04:20.776]school and college, 7 instructors have not
- [00:04:23.208]made any modifications to their class to
- [00:04:25.420]accommodate. And while 20 out of 23
- [00:04:28.946]instructors believe there is a difference
- [00:04:31.112]between first-generation and continuing-
- [00:04:33.067]generation students, only 9 out of 23
- [00:04:36.401]instructors have made any modifications to
- [00:04:38.849]their class to accommodate for that.
- [00:04:41.116]Also, it was notable that instructors
- [00:04:43.516]primarily cite anecdotal information when
- [00:04:46.238]asked how they became aware of the
- [00:04:48.479]differences between high school to college
- [00:04:50.968]or between first-generation and continuing
- [00:04:54.141]generation students.
- [00:04:58.202]Looking at the results of these interviews
- [00:05:00.822]two points are apparent. One is that
- [00:05:03.510]instructors that are making changes to
- [00:05:07.831]remedy differences and challenges they see
- [00:05:10.719]are generally making small classroom
- [00:05:13.772]modifications. This is evident in this
- [00:05:16.642]quote that was pulled from one of the
- [00:05:19.369]interviews.
- [00:05:31.802]Also, the other point that has become
- [00:05:35.242]apparent is that these results tell us
- [00:05:37.988]overall that faculty are not as aware as
- [00:05:41.030]we would hope them to be in the
- [00:05:43.573]differences between first-generation and
- [00:05:46.087]continuing generation students, as well as
- [00:05:48.722]the differences between high school to
- [00:05:50.593]college. To mediate this, it may be
- [00:05:52.949]helpful for universities to provide more
- [00:05:55.268]resources and to create an easier system
- [00:05:57.956]for instructors to find this information.
- [00:06:00.669]Currently it seems rather difficult for
- [00:06:03.790]instructors to find this, or know how to
- [00:06:06.963]go about finding this information.
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