Webinar: Bystander Intervention Combating Rising Bias and Harassment
Office of Diversity and Inclusion
Webinar: Bystander Intervention Combating Rising Bias and Harassment
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- [00:00:00.000]Oh
- [00:00:04.160]hello everyone thank you all so much for
- [00:00:06.779]joining the office of diversity and
- [00:00:08.250]inclusion before we begin just wanted to
- [00:00:11.700]give you a few announcements if we could
- [00:00:14.220]have everyone to if you'd like to use
- [00:00:16.769]the lot of closed captioning option
- [00:00:19.110]please go to the bottom of your screen
- [00:00:21.420]you'll see about stair labelled closed
- [00:00:23.730]captioning and that's where you'll be
- [00:00:25.650]able to receive closed captioning
- [00:00:27.570]throughout this webinar there will be
- [00:00:29.730]offered live again I'm gonna give you a
- [00:00:31.859]few minutes to do that for those who
- [00:00:34.139]would like to exercise that option
- [00:00:35.479]you'll see that's closed captioning at
- [00:00:38.010]the bottom of your screen if you click
- [00:00:39.809]on that and then of course follow those
- [00:00:42.120]with prompts you'll be able to have that
- [00:00:43.649]live closed captioning option throughout
- [00:00:45.899]this webinar
- [00:00:49.720]you
- [00:00:54.170]so thank you all for joining the office
- [00:00:56.280]of diversity and inclusion this is our
- [00:00:58.260]second webinar entitled bystander
- [00:01:01.079]intervention combating rising bias and
- [00:01:03.570]harassment and of course this webinar is
- [00:01:06.390]slated to begin right now at noon and
- [00:01:08.490]will be ending right at 1:30 and again
- [00:01:11.460]as a reminder we do have closed
- [00:01:13.259]captioning and if you would like to
- [00:01:14.880]activate this option please go to the
- [00:01:17.159]bottom of your screen and click the
- [00:01:18.630]option notice closed caption if you
- [00:01:22.560]would like to pose a question to the
- [00:01:23.880]answers by the presenters please use the
- [00:01:26.220]Q&A box otherwise please use the general
- [00:01:29.369]check comments for all participants
- [00:01:30.890]again if you want to pose a question
- [00:01:33.030]directly for the presenters please use
- [00:01:35.550]the Q&A box and we have that box set up
- [00:01:38.550]so that you can ask those questions
- [00:01:39.659]we'll try to get to those questions at
- [00:01:41.729]the end of this webinar but they may be
- [00:01:43.679]answered throughout by our assistant
- [00:01:45.509]vice chancellor of inclusive student
- [00:01:47.159]excellence
- [00:01:47.789]Charlie Foster again if you want to ask
- [00:01:50.069]questions throughout the session please
- [00:01:51.630]use the Q&A box for the presenters and
- [00:01:56.869]we will now begin next slide please
- [00:02:04.400]and that's noted a little earlier we are
- [00:02:08.180]your presenters my name is Anne Kenji
- [00:02:09.740]Friday I serve as the assistant vice
- [00:02:11.720]chancellor for strategic initiatives in
- [00:02:13.760]the office of diversity and inclusion
- [00:02:15.650]and I'm joined by my colleague who
- [00:02:18.080]already introduced herself good morning
- [00:02:21.380]my name is Gwen combs and I am an
- [00:02:24.500]associate professor in the College of
- [00:02:26.540]Business in the management department
- [00:02:28.870]but I'm also serving in the
- [00:02:31.400]administrative role as director of
- [00:02:32.900]faculty diversity and inclusion also in
- [00:02:36.200]the office of diversity and inclusion
- [00:02:38.810]with McKinsey in Kenji good morning next
- [00:02:45.350]slide please so today's webinar we have
- [00:02:52.790]quite a few areas that we're going to
- [00:02:54.320]cover first we want to give you a little
- [00:02:56.900]bit more information of course about the
- [00:02:58.610]webinar at the topic at hand will also
- [00:03:00.980]provide you with some brief definitions
- [00:03:02.770]specifically calling out bystander
- [00:03:04.970]intervention and what does it mean
- [00:03:06.620]particularly when we're talking about
- [00:03:07.880]diversity and inclusion and ways that we
- [00:03:10.160]can address the need of course providing
- [00:03:12.890]use of incidents that have been
- [00:03:14.209]happening across the become of the
- [00:03:16.040]country notably during this coab it 19
- [00:03:18.860]pandemic and then we want also drove it
- [00:03:21.110]to our student experiences specifically
- [00:03:23.290]allowing some information so that you
- [00:03:25.640]can better understand the way all this
- [00:03:27.350]information connects and then provide
- [00:03:30.080]you with the types of behaviors to be on
- [00:03:32.450]the lookout for when we're talking about
- [00:03:33.920]bystander intervention and then of
- [00:03:36.140]course notably the five needs of
- [00:03:38.390]intervention and the application
- [00:03:40.040]processes it will also allow at least 15
- [00:03:42.769]minutes at the end of this webinar to
- [00:03:44.390]answer questions that may have come
- [00:03:45.920]forth throughout and as a reminder we
- [00:03:49.850]will ask for those who are using the Q&A
- [00:03:51.890]box to use that box for specifically if
- [00:03:55.220]you have questions for the panelists to
- [00:03:56.930]answer throughout and of course at the
- [00:03:59.540]end next slide please
- [00:04:04.049]so the office of diversity and inclusion
- [00:04:06.129]is the office that provides the vision
- [00:04:08.769]the leadership and advocacy specifically
- [00:04:11.470]we're looking to foster inclusive
- [00:04:13.420]excellence equitable goals policies and
- [00:04:16.540]a welcoming campus is central to our
- [00:04:18.340]bank rent mission at the university of
- [00:04:20.350]nebraska-lincoln and a few weeks ago of
- [00:04:23.350]course following the spread of the
- [00:04:25.720]Kovach 19 our office began developing
- [00:04:28.360]resources to devise specifically for
- [00:04:30.370]faculty and an expanded of course to be
- [00:04:33.220]inclusive of staff and students to
- [00:04:35.169]really start conversations on how we can
- [00:04:37.630]practice inclusive excellence principles
- [00:04:39.610]throughout this period and we've done
- [00:04:42.250]devoted a website that's a diversity UNL
- [00:04:45.520]dot edu slash Kovach - 19 - response
- [00:04:48.970]which is on your screen here that's
- [00:04:51.669]dedicated to providing these resources
- [00:04:53.080]when it comes to online instructor on
- [00:04:56.050]instructing instruction also resources
- [00:04:58.780]that are dedicated to students and ways
- [00:05:01.630]that can be more mindful and of course
- [00:05:03.820]ways that staff commissioners have
- [00:05:06.190]following these principles but we're
- [00:05:07.599]also calling out ways to practice
- [00:05:09.700]inclusion during emergence of course as
- [00:05:13.090]health pandemic and at this point seeing
- [00:05:16.000]a global rise of course and issues
- [00:05:18.910]related to stigma bias and stereotyping
- [00:05:20.979]we want to emphasize that there is no
- [00:05:23.320]specific race or ethnicity that can
- [00:05:25.330]cause diseases but we also want to to
- [00:05:29.050]equip all of our campus community and of
- [00:05:32.320]our large community with different types
- [00:05:34.720]of principles and skills that you can
- [00:05:36.490]use in your everyday practice both as
- [00:05:39.820]your practicing social distancing but
- [00:05:41.830]also within any aspect of your lives so
- [00:05:45.250]ways we can do that next slide please
- [00:05:53.680]so today we'll do just that as we're
- [00:05:56.900]noting this pandemic has continued to
- [00:05:58.910]escalate it's changed the fabric of much
- [00:06:01.610]of our daily life and we've seen an
- [00:06:05.060]increase a significant increase in
- [00:06:06.530]harassment and violence directed at
- [00:06:08.630]underrepresented populations notably a
- [00:06:11.650]rising anti-asian sentiment we want to
- [00:06:14.900]address those elements and many times we
- [00:06:17.780]have noted that some of these are
- [00:06:18.860]actually these so fences are committed
- [00:06:21.320]in the presence of bystanders many times
- [00:06:23.990]who see what's happening look for
- [00:06:25.760]whatever reasons in a variety of reasons
- [00:06:27.470]fail to act so one thing the session or
- [00:06:30.260]many things that session hopes to do
- [00:06:32.120]will be to provide models of disrespect
- [00:06:34.100]so that you can be more mindful and
- [00:06:35.630]aware of how these different situations
- [00:06:38.000]may look and how you can address those
- [00:06:40.490]and then providing back behaviors and
- [00:06:42.650]patterns because many times we've noted
- [00:06:44.960]in patterns can increase and become a
- [00:06:46.730]regressive what we should be looking for
- [00:06:48.890]as advocates and allies and then we also
- [00:06:51.530]want to define in detail ways that you
- [00:06:53.660]can implement different different
- [00:06:56.120]patterns here but also the five keys of
- [00:06:58.130]bystander intervention which we'll go
- [00:07:00.020]into a lot more detail with using the
- [00:07:02.419]most appropriate one based on the
- [00:07:04.490]situation at hand
- [00:07:06.070]and I will now hand it over to my
- [00:07:09.260]colleague dr. Holmes okay we'd like to
- [00:07:12.650]know who is on the call it's very
- [00:07:16.700]important for us in as we assess the
- [00:07:19.070]programs that we want to know the
- [00:07:21.470]audience that we have been engaging so
- [00:07:23.810]there is a poll for you where you will
- [00:07:26.780]be asked to respond to the question what
- [00:07:30.050]is your role at UNL so last that you
- [00:07:32.810]would do that as it is provided to you
- [00:07:36.560]you
- [00:07:40.090]you
- [00:07:49.020]you
- [00:07:56.300]you
- [00:08:01.550]all right so we see the results we have
- [00:08:04.930]primarily 74% of the participants this
- [00:08:09.680]morning come from our ranks of staff we
- [00:08:13.520]also have a good number of faculty and
- [00:08:16.699]also students which is great and then
- [00:08:19.610]friends of UNL are here as well so don't
- [00:08:23.539]seem to have any alumni but probably
- [00:08:26.539]within that group of faculty and staff
- [00:08:28.970]I'm sure there may be some alumni
- [00:08:31.180]individuals who are in that in that
- [00:08:33.649]group so thank you very much for
- [00:08:35.810]participating next slide
- [00:08:40.850]so as in Kenji indicated we wanted to
- [00:08:45.210]always start with some definitions so
- [00:08:48.090]that everyone is operating from the same
- [00:08:50.580]perspective and from the same same
- [00:08:52.860]vantage point so we know we've been
- [00:08:54.900]talking about inclusive excellence for
- [00:08:57.060]some time now for approximately at least
- [00:08:59.430]a year and we know that it is a
- [00:09:01.620]framework a mindset where universities
- [00:09:05.040]and colleges integrate diversity equity
- [00:09:07.470]and inclusion efforts as a part of our
- [00:09:11.700]mission statement and how we operate as
- [00:09:14.700]an institution so all areas of the
- [00:09:17.790]university should be concerned with
- [00:09:20.000]promoting and integrating inclusive
- [00:09:22.710]excellence the bystander intervention
- [00:09:26.390]the definition there is recognizing our
- [00:09:31.110]potential to witness a harmful or
- [00:09:34.590]hurtful types of interactions and
- [00:09:36.480]thinking about ways in this particular
- [00:09:38.850]webinar how we might assist you in
- [00:09:41.570]responding to those particular
- [00:09:43.590]situations I'll talk a little bit more
- [00:09:46.890]about that at when I get to the end of
- [00:09:49.200]the definitions and then bystander
- [00:09:50.850]effect is basically the inhibiting
- [00:09:53.520]influence of the presence of others when
- [00:09:57.060]we witness something that might be
- [00:10:00.330]harmful to an individual so the research
- [00:10:03.480]indicates that the more the number of
- [00:10:05.640]others that are observing the incident
- [00:10:09.120]the more less likely any one individual
- [00:10:12.420]will step up and intervene in that
- [00:10:15.150]particular situation and the the
- [00:10:18.840]concepts that we'll present to you today
- [00:10:20.430]will give you an opportunity to really
- [00:10:23.310]think about how you might be more
- [00:10:25.140]intentional when we observe or in a
- [00:10:28.530]situation where a harassment is taking
- [00:10:30.900]place next slide so these are familiar
- [00:10:37.920]definitions for all of us and these
- [00:10:39.960]definitions are listed on the the ODI
- [00:10:42.480]website so we we know bias refers to
- [00:10:46.320]prejudice or favoring of one particular
- [00:10:48.900]thing a person or another or race or
- [00:10:51.360]gender all of those types of things that
- [00:10:53.550]can end
- [00:10:54.290]in perhaps problematic situations the
- [00:10:57.410]typical definition of discrimination
- [00:10:59.149]where we are tension ly making decisions
- [00:11:02.299]based upon a difference that we see or
- [00:11:05.479]perceive and then harassment can be
- [00:11:09.129]overt or it can be covert in nature but
- [00:11:13.069]we know that it is an unlawful part of
- [00:11:16.429]discrimination where we observe or
- [00:11:19.639]experience verbal or physical conduct
- [00:11:21.549]that is pervasive in some instances but
- [00:11:26.179]can cause harm to other individuals and
- [00:11:28.549]also harm to the persons who are
- [00:11:30.229]observing as well so the definition that
- [00:11:33.589]we are using today in the webinar to
- [00:11:37.309]reference Asian Pacific Islanders those
- [00:11:40.519]persons who fall in what we consider to
- [00:11:42.739]be Asian populations are listed here so
- [00:11:46.399]you will see that API a acronym
- [00:11:50.059]throughout the the presentation now if
- [00:11:53.809]we go back to the previous slide
- [00:11:54.979]bystander we all want to do the right
- [00:11:59.749]thing particularly and it's a part of
- [00:12:01.879]the core of individuals to want to help
- [00:12:03.859]so we might ask why do we need by Skinz
- [00:12:06.919]bystander skills so we need to have the
- [00:12:09.739]skills that help us to address the
- [00:12:11.959]problems that we might see in an
- [00:12:13.699]appropriate way things that we might
- [00:12:16.609]witness it's critical that we begin to
- [00:12:19.579]think about our ability to be
- [00:12:21.559]intentional to step up and to try to
- [00:12:24.859]eradicate some of the things that we
- [00:12:27.079]experience that fall under
- [00:12:29.119]discrimination and harassment situations
- [00:12:31.489]all right thank you
- [00:12:32.929]next slide this particular slide
- [00:12:38.689]provides some graphic information we
- [00:12:42.409]wanted to kind of give you the case for
- [00:12:46.669]why bystander interventions are
- [00:12:49.159]important there are a lot of incidents
- [00:12:51.319]that have been reported through various
- [00:12:54.619]organizations and I'm sure some of us
- [00:12:56.720]probably have observed some of those
- [00:12:58.909]things happening where Asian individuals
- [00:13:01.459]if they COFF then people tend to run
- [00:13:04.819]away from them and that's a specific
- [00:13:06.559]event that occur
- [00:13:07.880]and was reported in France also in the
- [00:13:11.300]United States we have in New York where
- [00:13:13.850]there's a sharp increase in the
- [00:13:17.230]reporting of harassment and
- [00:13:19.220]discrimination and bias incidents
- [00:13:21.200]against Asian populations there so
- [00:13:23.990]Asians are being considered a part of
- [00:13:26.660]the or causes for the covet 19 incident
- [00:13:32.450]that we find ourselves and today but
- [00:13:34.760]there are lots of incidents there's some
- [00:13:37.100]others that we'll go through later on
- [00:13:38.450]but this is just to show the categories
- [00:13:42.230]we also have not only incidents that are
- [00:13:45.580]impacting our Asian populations with
- [00:13:47.900]some other populations our LGBTQ a
- [00:13:50.150]population are experiencing bias and
- [00:13:53.480]also Africans in certain locations and
- [00:13:56.690]communities are also experiencing that
- [00:13:58.760]bias next slide so I'll turn it over to
- [00:14:08.180]and Kenji we have another poll for you
- [00:14:11.750]and notably when the reasons we're
- [00:14:13.790]asking this question is based on your
- [00:14:15.860]own particulars what you've seen of
- [00:14:19.070]course perhaps in the news what you've
- [00:14:20.870]been reading but in the past few months
- [00:14:22.730]there has been a surge in anti-asian
- [00:14:24.650]harassment and from your perspective how
- [00:14:27.320]many incidents are being reported daily
- [00:14:30.100]your options here are 15 reports 36
- [00:14:34.250]reports 78 reports or a hundred courts
- [00:14:37.460]and again how many do you think
- [00:14:39.290]basically in perspective are being
- [00:14:41.090]reported daily and they poll now you
- [00:14:44.570]have access to we'll give you 15 seconds
- [00:14:47.120]for that poll
- [00:15:05.620]okay we have fifteen or fourteen percent
- [00:15:09.500]said 15 reports 37 percent of our
- [00:15:13.130]participants of 36 reports 38 percent of
- [00:15:17.480]our participants at 78 reports and then
- [00:15:20.959]we had 11 percent of our participants
- [00:15:23.390]who noted 100 reports per day next slide
- [00:15:27.829]please
- [00:15:36.190]so in one month the organization stopped
- [00:15:39.500]aap I hate receives almost 1500 instance
- [00:15:43.459]reports of verbal harassment shunning
- [00:15:45.410]and physical assaults and if you notice
- [00:15:48.050]at the bottom the Asia Pacific policy
- [00:15:50.779]and planning council currently receives
- [00:15:52.640]almost 100 reports per day of hate
- [00:15:55.880]crimes against Asian Americans and it
- [00:15:58.339]should be noted that this actual
- [00:16:00.050]tracking officially began March 19 and
- [00:16:03.380]at that point of course since this
- [00:16:06.560]Sunday there have been over 1,500
- [00:16:08.839]reports total and they've received this
- [00:16:13.160]many reports of coronavirus in
- [00:16:15.829]particularly discrimination from Asian
- [00:16:17.570]Americans across the country and notably
- [00:16:20.240]this Reporting Center had was founded by
- [00:16:22.520]the Asian Pacific policy and Planning
- [00:16:24.380]Council the Chinese affirmative action
- [00:16:26.660]and San Francisco State University Asian
- [00:16:29.360]American Studies department next slide
- [00:16:32.060]please
- [00:16:36.610]so since January of 2020 which we've
- [00:16:40.520]started to see the initial reports
- [00:16:42.020]coming in there has been a significant
- [00:16:44.270]increase in harassment and hate towards
- [00:16:46.190]minoritized populations as a whole and
- [00:16:49.370]only we've called out anti-aging
- [00:16:51.680]harassment but this harassment has
- [00:16:54.769]actually increased and its intensity but
- [00:16:57.350]it's also spread across different
- [00:16:58.820]marginalized identities and populations
- [00:17:01.180]and just these are a few that one
- [00:17:03.800]to mention just because we wanted to
- [00:17:06.079]just make mention of this as worth
- [00:17:07.939]noting that this has been the result of
- [00:17:10.760]many different layers and we've seen
- [00:17:12.439]this happening online in online spaces a
- [00:17:15.140]lot of times but this is also because of
- [00:17:17.390]the propensity the propriety of course
- [00:17:19.490]of the uses of zoom or any type of video
- [00:17:22.760]conferencing that we've been using so
- [00:17:25.399]we've now seen an increase of that and
- [00:17:27.049]much of this we've got this information
- [00:17:29.149]from the anti-defamation league who has
- [00:17:32.510]now developed their own tracking of hate
- [00:17:35.960]and in particular in Detroit which
- [00:17:38.929]happened of course earlier this month
- [00:17:40.419]class was actually lives led by a rabbi
- [00:17:43.039]was interrupted by one person in
- [00:17:45.649]particular and in a second and a third
- [00:17:47.299]person joined on and they were using
- [00:17:51.799]different types of hate speech and etc
- [00:17:53.990]and then we've seen even these exactly
- [00:17:56.840]at university campuses particularly
- [00:17:59.000]targeting classes and which there is
- [00:18:01.760]some type of culture or ethnic studies
- [00:18:03.440]program or curriculum and these are not
- [00:18:07.100]being targeted by zero bombers who have
- [00:18:08.899]used different types of racial or
- [00:18:11.630]discriminatory slurs against students of
- [00:18:14.270]color in particular but this has also
- [00:18:17.179]happened for a lot of different again I
- [00:18:20.120]think our cultural based classes and
- [00:18:22.010]then of course physical attacks which
- [00:18:24.679]have been ongoing in different parts of
- [00:18:26.389]the country notably one in Martinsville
- [00:18:29.090]Indiana a man of Korean descent was
- [00:18:31.700]denied entry into a gas station and
- [00:18:34.299]again whoever slurs that were used as
- [00:18:36.710]well and notably again we're talking
- [00:18:38.809]about the ones that have increased in
- [00:18:40.460]the US but we've also seen this happen
- [00:18:42.230]in different parts Canada just recently
- [00:18:44.480]reported a surge against an anti-ageing
- [00:18:48.049]cinnamon in targeted populations and so
- [00:18:50.929]these incidents are happening across of
- [00:18:52.909]course North America but across globally
- [00:18:55.220]and as we're thinking it through this
- [00:18:57.169]while there has been a sentiment towards
- [00:18:59.559]particularly anti-asian statement this
- [00:19:01.940]is now tripled and now expanded to
- [00:19:04.789]include different minoritized
- [00:19:06.409]populations not just an online spaces
- [00:19:08.899]notably an online spaces but also in
- [00:19:10.970]still these physical spaces as well next
- [00:19:14.090]slide please
- [00:19:19.450]and so one of the things that we wanted
- [00:19:22.639]to do is to know that while these
- [00:19:24.979]phenomenons may receive a lot of
- [00:19:27.139]necessary attention
- [00:19:29.659]many of these sentiments are not exactly
- [00:19:31.940]new there has been an increase but the
- [00:19:34.580]FBI has tracked for a number of years
- [00:19:37.179]surrounding hate and bias incidents
- [00:19:39.559]across the globe across of course the
- [00:19:42.019]u.s. the creep the Pew Research Center
- [00:19:44.029]has run a lot of great surveys to track
- [00:19:46.759]some of this in the online spaces and
- [00:19:49.369]this is part two years in bombing and of
- [00:19:51.470]course the different sentiments are
- [00:19:54.349]feelings that Americans notably have had
- [00:19:57.109]about race relations in the past five or
- [00:19:59.509]six years and these different data
- [00:20:02.389]points are to give us some type of
- [00:20:03.919]measurable information and potatoes to
- [00:20:07.729]know that loudness may not be new it may
- [00:20:09.919]distort to look at different things but
- [00:20:12.200]this has been a sentiment brimming in
- [00:20:14.119]different parts of our country for a
- [00:20:15.679]while and as when thinking about
- [00:20:17.299]bystander intervention this is important
- [00:20:21.379]to know how many Americans who are cold
- [00:20:22.970]held about these high levels of anxiety
- [00:20:26.119]that may be felt after witnessing
- [00:20:27.889]harassment different forms and then of
- [00:20:30.440]course even when hearing racist or
- [00:20:33.139]racially insensitive comments and what
- [00:20:35.239]those centers are based on even
- [00:20:36.979]demographics so you want to provide this
- [00:20:38.690]information just so then we have some
- [00:20:40.609]scope to examine this with the lens of
- [00:20:43.429]course of cope at 19 but also throughout
- [00:20:47.179]the years what has been noted by the FBI
- [00:20:49.129]and has been researched by the Pew
- [00:20:50.840]Research Center so as you're looking
- [00:20:52.849]through that just keep those elements in
- [00:20:55.039]mind of course most of the data that we
- [00:20:57.080]have is based up until the the year of
- [00:20:59.419]2018 as information becomes available
- [00:21:01.639]for 2019 which is some have an impact of
- [00:21:04.309]course bykova 19 we anticipate that this
- [00:21:08.869]will be an ongoing an ongoing element
- [00:21:12.590]for our office but we are also using
- [00:21:14.450]this as a tool to begin these
- [00:21:16.639]conversations as we're thinking through
- [00:21:18.769]our own respective positions and how we
- [00:21:21.440]want to serve as advocates and educators
- [00:21:23.840]in the space
- [00:21:27.370]next slide and I will now hand it over
- [00:21:31.210]spectacles okay so we have another poll
- [00:21:34.300]for you and as in Kenji just said in
- [00:21:37.600]looking at and being proactive on our
- [00:21:40.210]own campus to think about the types of
- [00:21:43.090]situations that might be operating
- [00:21:45.430]currently and how those things might
- [00:21:47.740]escalate depending upon the resolution
- [00:21:50.170]of the COBIT 19 situation so thinking
- [00:21:53.050]about UNL we'd like for you to respond
- [00:21:55.750]to our third question how would you rate
- [00:21:59.020]the overall student experience for
- [00:22:01.540]underrepresented populations regarding
- [00:22:04.210]issues of bias discrimination or hate at
- [00:22:07.540]UNL and you have your four choices
- [00:22:10.270]overall quite positive be overall just
- [00:22:14.320]okay see overall negative and be overall
- [00:22:18.430]quite negative so if you would
- [00:22:21.010]participate in the poll please
- [00:22:46.710]okay so we have our results of your your
- [00:22:50.830]responses the overwhelming response was
- [00:22:55.360]you most of you see the incumbent at UNL
- [00:22:59.410]as overall just okay and then the next
- [00:23:04.600]largest response was overall negative
- [00:23:06.910]with 23% of the participants responding
- [00:23:11.170]to selecting that particular response
- [00:23:14.260]so overall okay was 63% overall negative
- [00:23:17.730]26% and then overall quite positive
- [00:23:21.070]there are nine percent of the
- [00:23:23.140]participants who see the environment at
- [00:23:25.660]UNL as being a positive environment for
- [00:23:28.600]our students next slide please
- [00:23:36.480]so to bring this a little bit closer to
- [00:23:39.490]home and looking at the data that we've
- [00:23:42.400]been able to gather at UNL in terms of
- [00:23:44.920]the student experience in 2018 many of
- [00:23:48.340]us participated in the Gallup survey
- [00:23:50.520]where they were looking at and trying to
- [00:23:53.680]gauge issues related to campus climate
- [00:23:57.250]and free expression on the campus so in
- [00:24:00.100]the two text boxes you can see two
- [00:24:02.680]elements of the results in the first
- [00:24:04.870]text box while most students reported a
- [00:24:07.390]good racial climate the data did show
- [00:24:10.600]that blacks African American students
- [00:24:13.120]did not see the same picture and
- [00:24:16.080]indicated that black students were less
- [00:24:19.360]likely to rate the climate as being good
- [00:24:22.900]or excellent in the second dialogue box
- [00:24:26.380]where you can see a question was asked
- [00:24:29.950]related to student engagement in ways of
- [00:24:33.280]or their ability or desire to engage
- [00:24:36.610]persons who are different from
- [00:24:38.500]themselves and I'll direct your
- [00:24:40.570]attention to that last statement where
- [00:24:43.060]it says that one-third of students
- [00:24:45.580]reported never or rarely seeking
- [00:24:48.070]relationships with others who might
- [00:24:50.350]challenge their understanding of the
- [00:24:52.720]world so as we think about
- [00:24:55.870]inclusive excellence and working towards
- [00:24:59.029]better areas of diversity and inclusion
- [00:25:01.850]being more intentional and proactive in
- [00:25:05.120]that space I think that that particular
- [00:25:07.580]question raises a considerable amount of
- [00:25:10.159]concern we would hope that our students
- [00:25:13.490]will feel comfortable in exploring other
- [00:25:17.450]types of perspectives other types of
- [00:25:20.480]worldviews and to see that one third of
- [00:25:23.720]the students never or rarely seek those
- [00:25:26.210]types of relationships indicates an area
- [00:25:29.149]of concern in an area of work that we
- [00:25:31.909]perhaps should I think more proactively
- [00:25:34.279]about on our campus so if we don't
- [00:25:37.399]engage others who are different it is
- [00:25:39.890]very challenging for us to gain a
- [00:25:43.039]broader perspective so that issues of
- [00:25:45.559]diversity diversity and inclusion can
- [00:25:48.730]prosper and also where issues of
- [00:25:53.059]discrimination and harassment can
- [00:25:55.460]decline next slide please
- [00:26:01.000]next slide so in terms of the student
- [00:26:05.870]experience again the campus does conduct
- [00:26:08.870]a survey called Husker power-pole and
- [00:26:12.289]this information is from before 2019
- [00:26:17.740]survey that was conducted and we know
- [00:26:21.350]that many of our for many of our
- [00:26:24.440]underrepresented students students of
- [00:26:26.960]color international students LGBTQ plus
- [00:26:30.950]students persons who are religious
- [00:26:32.990]minorities being an environment which
- [00:26:35.630]most of the people that you are in
- [00:26:37.640]counting are different from you is quite
- [00:26:40.970]new especially for many of our freshmen
- [00:26:43.130]and it can be a challenging experience
- [00:26:44.510]for them so being in those types of
- [00:26:48.169]environments you can see the numbers on
- [00:26:51.289]your right on the screen in terms of the
- [00:26:54.649]types of questions that were asked in
- [00:26:57.289]that regard and one of the questions in
- [00:27:01.340]the guest I sometimes feel alone or
- [00:27:03.350]isolated because of my racial ethnic or
- [00:27:05.899]cultural identity it's the fourth one
- [00:27:08.270]from the bottom
- [00:27:09.049]so while the number is 156 students
- [00:27:13.369]reported that that can be pretty
- [00:27:15.619]significant when we can because again
- [00:27:17.360]forget when we compare that to the
- [00:27:19.399]actual numbers of students of color on
- [00:27:21.830]our campus so some of the social
- [00:27:24.320]pressures that students can in fear
- [00:27:25.759]experience are listed here for you and
- [00:27:28.220]we know we have many students or several
- [00:27:30.980]students who express feelings of
- [00:27:33.649]alienation from other individuals who
- [00:27:37.970]comprise the total college population or
- [00:27:41.090]university population there can be
- [00:27:43.249]elements of mistrust
- [00:27:45.470]we know that people grow up our students
- [00:27:49.429]grow up and experience environments that
- [00:27:51.919]will help them form their their their
- [00:27:55.700]their compass in terms of values and
- [00:27:57.830]belief systems and so students do come
- [00:28:00.259]with some preconceived notions about
- [00:28:04.249]other persons and how those persons
- [00:28:07.190]might respond who those persons are and
- [00:28:09.830]what engagement with them might be like
- [00:28:12.460]then also there's a pressure to
- [00:28:15.529]assimilate where individuals might feel
- [00:28:18.619]that they need to abandon their dominant
- [00:28:22.129]cultural perspective in order to
- [00:28:24.549]effectively within our university
- [00:28:26.960]environment where the again the
- [00:28:29.210]population for the most part does not
- [00:28:31.789]represent the values sometimes or the
- [00:28:35.059]beliefs of our or the experience of our
- [00:28:37.909]students of color and we know that under
- [00:28:42.159]represented students do experience
- [00:28:44.869]racism sexism you know perhaps all of
- [00:28:47.779]those isms on campus that direct - or
- [00:28:52.279]are indirect indications of areas of
- [00:28:56.090]oppression and then when we talk about
- [00:28:59.929]students I think we also need to think
- [00:29:01.369]also about students who are
- [00:29:04.429]non-traditional who might fall in some
- [00:29:07.999]of these areas as well because we know
- [00:29:10.190]that we're thinking about age there can
- [00:29:13.340]be some very very strong perceptions
- [00:29:16.009]about older students and their
- [00:29:19.340]capabilities and the engagement can be
- [00:29:22.039]channel
- [00:29:22.490]there next slide please
- [00:29:27.190]again looking at that Husker student
- [00:29:30.890]power survey the question that was asked
- [00:29:35.900]in the fall and you can see it's
- [00:29:37.850]somewhat a little bit in the middle of
- [00:29:39.170]the screen where the students were asked
- [00:29:41.179]were considered the statement I am
- [00:29:43.070]considering not returning to UNL in the
- [00:29:45.980]spring semester and you can see the
- [00:29:48.830]percentages at the top of persons who
- [00:29:51.580]were who responded to the survey who
- [00:29:54.470]fell in the racial ethnicity categories
- [00:29:57.559]and also the percentages are listed for
- [00:30:00.440]you actual percentages at the bottom
- [00:30:02.750]also but in the dialog box we know that
- [00:30:07.640]students feel alone and isolated because
- [00:30:12.050]of their racial and ethnic cultural
- [00:30:13.670]backgrounds and so that can lead to
- [00:30:16.240]students not feeling that they have the
- [00:30:18.890]ability to overcome some of the
- [00:30:21.530]challenges around being actively engaged
- [00:30:25.010]in student activities perhaps some
- [00:30:27.980]issues that might occur in the classroom
- [00:30:29.920]so we need to begin to think about how
- [00:30:34.910]we can address some of those issues and
- [00:30:37.280]properly help students and mitigate
- [00:30:38.900]those feelings that are leading to their
- [00:30:42.040]perceptions that UNL is not a place for
- [00:30:44.900]them and their predisposition perhaps to
- [00:30:48.020]not return after just a semester we also
- [00:30:51.290]see that these issues also relate to
- [00:30:53.809]persons based on their sexual
- [00:30:56.150]orientation or their gender identity so
- [00:30:59.750]this might be an indication specifically
- [00:31:02.780]I think of a problem or a situation or
- [00:31:04.970]concern that requires some addressing
- [00:31:07.730]from the campus all right so I'll turn
- [00:31:11.150]it over to Kim G next slide thank you so
- [00:31:19.280]the one in the Y some examples of
- [00:31:22.070]behaviors we're stepping in would make a
- [00:31:24.530]lot of students especially as we're
- [00:31:26.000]talking through conversations or actions
- [00:31:28.850]that may be harmful to those who are
- [00:31:31.280]impacted of course but also those who
- [00:31:33.919]witness it so some of those behaviors
- [00:31:36.270]in particular we want you to be mindful
- [00:31:37.830]of the inappropriate jokes
- [00:31:40.910]microaggressions and which we attention
- [00:31:43.410]included microaggressions here with the
- [00:31:45.900]understanding that there would be some
- [00:31:47.160]baseline understanding of
- [00:31:48.360]microaggressions but also we're looking
- [00:31:50.040]and thinking through biased comments
- [00:31:52.280]bullying or just in particular comments
- [00:31:55.320]or actions that are harassing in nature
- [00:31:57.800]and one of the reasons I want to call
- [00:31:59.910]out these different types of behaviors
- [00:32:01.530]that we we've been we note in many times
- [00:32:05.400]lead to these kind of harassing
- [00:32:06.450]situations is because these are your
- [00:32:09.060]everyday occurrences especially when we
- [00:32:11.610]think through what would you be
- [00:32:12.870]considered an inappropriate joke
- [00:32:14.240]those that which of course generalize or
- [00:32:17.040]use very harmful stereotypical
- [00:32:19.880]information to describe or depict groups
- [00:32:22.950]of people and and as we're even thinking
- [00:32:26.100]sort of we're looking we're thinking
- [00:32:27.570]about gender we're thinking about gender
- [00:32:29.370]identity sexuality race and ethnicity
- [00:32:32.730]nationality all these elements
- [00:32:35.300]socio-economic statuses that we know
- [00:32:37.790]when people lean heavily into different
- [00:32:40.470]types of harmful stereotypes or behavior
- [00:32:42.510]patterns that based on biases these are
- [00:32:45.330]the things we want you to be mindful of
- [00:32:46.820]because ultimately our goal especially
- [00:32:49.290]if you think through bystander
- [00:32:50.820]intervention and what role we play our
- [00:32:53.040]goal is to empower you and so empower
- [00:32:55.980]you to feel that you have the tools
- [00:32:57.360]necessary to speak up or to take some
- [00:33:00.540]action to obviously protect the person
- [00:33:03.480]while also dementia are mitigating that
- [00:33:06.240]situation but we also want you be
- [00:33:08.070]mindful this is not for you to police or
- [00:33:11.190]think that you have to police every
- [00:33:12.630]conversation
- [00:33:13.530]looking for nuances or fault evaluating
- [00:33:16.950]every comment to be made but it's more
- [00:33:19.110]so to use your judgment as we're
- [00:33:20.700]thinking through this because when these
- [00:33:22.770]situations arrives and they inevitably
- [00:33:24.660]they do arise we want you to understand
- [00:33:27.630]the intervention comes from a place of
- [00:33:29.100]contributing to the collective good and
- [00:33:31.230]notably it has far-reaching effects for
- [00:33:34.710]the person who was targeted as well as
- [00:33:37.020]the larger community and what we mean
- [00:33:38.520]when we say that is that these have
- [00:33:39.900]implications that the person who is
- [00:33:42.000]being impacted
- [00:33:43.410]feels as though there are more people in
- [00:33:45.630]their corner they saw this month if this
- [00:33:48.030]behavior is wrong
- [00:33:49.890]those people that are not because
- [00:33:51.720]research has shown us of course that
- [00:33:54.420]those who are harassed because of these
- [00:33:55.920]elements their identity and etc this can
- [00:33:59.460]weigh heavily on people it can also
- [00:34:01.680]cause immeasurable damage to communities
- [00:34:03.800]as you want to make sure that we're
- [00:34:05.640]being inclusive part of that is to stand
- [00:34:08.100]up as advocates so as we're thinking
- [00:34:09.929]about these these situations and these
- [00:34:12.179]different types of behaviors we will
- [00:34:14.490]note that there are some incidents where
- [00:34:16.290]if you don't feel safe making sure that
- [00:34:18.630]you're safe as well is is obviously a
- [00:34:21.030]crucial component here this is why when
- [00:34:23.190]you're introducing the five DS of
- [00:34:25.740]bystander intervention you think through
- [00:34:28.260]that situation and you're assessing the
- [00:34:30.450]best using your best judgment for this
- [00:34:32.909]course of action and next slide and as
- [00:34:37.710]we think about that how do we move from
- [00:34:40.399]inaction to intervention first know what
- [00:34:43.770]public harassment looks like many times
- [00:34:46.230]we've seen videos by our videos we've
- [00:34:48.510]read stories of incidents that have
- [00:34:51.179]happened and there's not been a lot of
- [00:34:53.100]people or there's not been a person to
- [00:34:54.690]stand up so you'd have to understand
- [00:34:56.760]first what's happening and why it's
- [00:34:58.410]happening and so that's the first step
- [00:35:00.360]towards this effective intervention if
- [00:35:03.120]you're hearing things such as racism
- [00:35:05.930]sexism ageism all the isms and I foe
- [00:35:09.090]being homophobia or religious
- [00:35:11.100]discrimination these are all examples of
- [00:35:13.230]what that looks like and then of course
- [00:35:15.930]and I want to make sure I stress this
- [00:35:18.000]component to be aware of your identity
- [00:35:19.950]before you act the reality of this is
- [00:35:22.500]that for many who hold a very vulnerable
- [00:35:25.020]or a marginalized identity whether it be
- [00:35:27.330]for race religion color or gender size
- [00:35:31.800]etc when you have what you perceive to
- [00:35:35.160]be one of those or something that's
- [00:35:36.840]intersecting you may also be putting
- [00:35:38.880]yourself in a potentially violent
- [00:35:42.690]situation for yourself or you can become
- [00:35:44.670]a target so well being aware of your own
- [00:35:46.680]identity is important because our answer
- [00:35:50.010]could then begin to target you and it's
- [00:35:52.170]a good example of that is if you're
- [00:35:54.450]noticing some type of assault would be
- [00:35:57.720]verbal and you aren't and you identify
- [00:36:00.090]as a woman is this happening to another
- [00:36:02.010]woman you may want to be mindful
- [00:36:04.380]of that as well because you may become
- [00:36:05.940]the target of it so being aware for your
- [00:36:07.829]own identity which is why we give some
- [00:36:10.079]of the five DS we do discuss ways you
- [00:36:12.089]can engage other individuals to help you
- [00:36:14.480]as you're trying to confront the
- [00:36:16.589]situation so being aware that is very
- [00:36:18.630]important and then of course recognizing
- [00:36:21.329]why we all have blocks what those blocks
- [00:36:23.700]are sometimes we are scared we think
- [00:36:27.089]that other people may intervene or we
- [00:36:29.369]feel that we may not be able to make
- [00:36:30.960]that difference even if we act against
- [00:36:33.390]some of us are a little afraid of
- [00:36:34.349]perhaps of being a target ourselves and
- [00:36:36.410]part of this is to believe that of
- [00:36:39.990]course as we are intervening for other
- [00:36:41.730]people we're hoping that the same
- [00:36:43.440]happens for us so that may be the
- [00:36:46.410]underlying issue there because simply
- [00:36:48.210]sometimes we believe it's not our
- [00:36:49.589]problem especially if no one else is
- [00:36:51.930]doing anything so recognize that we do
- [00:36:53.789]have blocks and as these situations are
- [00:36:56.460]happening understand that you have those
- [00:36:57.990]blocks what do you need to do to
- [00:36:59.549]mitigate how do you move past that which
- [00:37:01.710]again is to think about what that public
- [00:37:03.660]harassment looks like and how you can be
- [00:37:06.119]active an active advocate for that
- [00:37:09.029]person or persons they're being harassed
- [00:37:11.779]next slide which of course brings us the
- [00:37:16.890]five DS of intervention the five DS of
- [00:37:20.089]intervention are a relatively historical
- [00:37:24.210]at this point they've been around for
- [00:37:25.680]well over 20 years it's based on social
- [00:37:28.109]science and they are simply it is to
- [00:37:31.829]their right to delegate document delay
- [00:37:35.099]and distract and when we say direct we
- [00:37:38.010]mean directly responding to an incident
- [00:37:39.960]by confronting the harasser it is like
- [00:37:43.349]the name itself implies you're being of
- [00:37:46.980]course you're putting yourself now in
- [00:37:48.359]the situation you are responding
- [00:37:49.770]directly to the individual or
- [00:37:51.869]individuals that are doing that
- [00:37:53.130]harassing and you're confronting that
- [00:37:54.809]situation as we would like to say you're
- [00:37:57.210]confronting it head on and then of
- [00:37:59.579]course the second is we're thinking
- [00:38:00.869]about this is how do you actually
- [00:38:04.049]interrupt the incident and essentially
- [00:38:07.589]that's distracting your goal is Aran's
- [00:38:10.140]about the incident but not looking at
- [00:38:12.299]her ass over you're more so engaging
- [00:38:13.770]with the person who's being targeted and
- [00:38:15.569]that's how we
- [00:38:16.710]you distract the third one I used a
- [00:38:19.830]little bit earlier is now we're trying
- [00:38:21.510]to look for a third party to solicit
- [00:38:23.310]additional support and that's where
- [00:38:25.560]you're now starting to delegate turning
- [00:38:27.480]to a third party for help isn't it to
- [00:38:29.609]delegate what needs to happen and
- [00:38:31.520]obviously involving other people
- [00:38:33.240]actively it will give you examples of
- [00:38:35.250]how you do that and then your fourth one
- [00:38:37.650]you're following the incident but you're
- [00:38:39.180]also checking in on the person and this
- [00:38:42.540]essentially is as you're delaying you're
- [00:38:45.060]supporting that victim because you may
- [00:38:47.910]have not acted as it was happening and
- [00:38:50.070]after that incident happens you then
- [00:38:51.810]provide the support needed and you're
- [00:38:54.480]looking directly at the individuals and
- [00:38:56.250]tactics to make sure they're okay but
- [00:38:57.660]again you may not have responded during
- [00:38:59.550]the actual incident and the last one
- [00:39:02.130]document actually recording an incident
- [00:39:05.369]as it happens the fifth of those which
- [00:39:08.339]is the document has now kind of really
- [00:39:10.760]started another conversation as to would
- [00:39:14.369]renowned moving past bystander but now
- [00:39:16.410]we're actually more so acting as an
- [00:39:18.810]individual who's now documenting what's
- [00:39:21.060]happening you may not be as active but
- [00:39:22.650]your goal perhaps even to offer this
- [00:39:24.900]information to law enforcement or just
- [00:39:27.810]use it for future reference for the
- [00:39:29.460]person impacted and you're getting here
- [00:39:31.530]providing them an inspiration for
- [00:39:32.820]historical purposes and this has been
- [00:39:34.650]one that we've seen in our a lot more so
- [00:39:38.310]in our model conversations because we've
- [00:39:40.500]seen the videos we've noted kind of
- [00:39:42.599]those witnesses and that that's a person
- [00:39:44.310]who serves in that capacity those are
- [00:39:47.010]their five DS of intervention and what
- [00:39:49.410]we will do now is we'll actually go now
- [00:39:51.060]is a deeper dive into each one of those
- [00:39:53.070]so that we can give you some some tips
- [00:39:55.890]and skills but also some examples of
- [00:39:58.410]ways that you can actually embrace each
- [00:40:00.450]of these five so we'll go to our next
- [00:40:02.910]five and dr. combs will begin
- [00:40:13.190]okay I think we've said it before the
- [00:40:16.860]5ds are a method that you can use to you
- [00:40:22.500]observe being harassed and emphasized
- [00:40:25.140]that in that situation that that
- [00:40:27.270]particular incident is not okay and
- [00:40:29.360]demonstrate to people in your own
- [00:40:31.980]situation is in our own University
- [00:40:33.900]community and others the power to to
- [00:40:37.740]help and the power to become an
- [00:40:40.020]effective advocate and this is what this
- [00:40:42.930]is all about trying to help us all
- [00:40:45.150]become more effective advocates in the
- [00:40:48.120]situation not to police as we've said
- [00:40:51.300]before but to be proactive
- [00:40:54.120]where you feel that that is the most
- [00:40:56.790]appropriate response should take place
- [00:40:59.240]so when we talk about direct
- [00:41:01.530]intervention this is where you may
- [00:41:05.090]directly intentionally purposely respond
- [00:41:08.130]to harassment you know by naming what is
- [00:41:10.860]happening or confronting the harasser as
- [00:41:15.060]you're asked right there slide indicate
- [00:41:17.070]that this can be a little bit of risky
- [00:41:19.350]and as we've said before you may want to
- [00:41:22.560]consider your identity and the
- [00:41:24.540]intersection of identities for yourself
- [00:41:26.400]and trying to assess how you might
- [00:41:29.130]approach that particular situation it's
- [00:41:32.160]risky because in your direct
- [00:41:34.980]intervention you may cause the orosco to
- [00:41:39.000]redirect their abuse toward you and it
- [00:41:42.330]may create an escalation to the
- [00:41:44.400]situation so before you decide to
- [00:41:46.860]respond directly you assess the
- [00:41:50.160]situation now we know that there are you
- [00:41:53.940]know some situations where an
- [00:41:56.180]individually individual you know has
- [00:41:58.590]fallen down the steps or you see that a
- [00:42:01.770]person is you know incapacitated in a
- [00:42:05.640]way and being direct may be your best
- [00:42:08.370]option
- [00:42:09.000]you know many times we don't think about
- [00:42:10.890]those things we just immediately act so
- [00:42:13.440]that's an example of direct intervention
- [00:42:16.590]but you want to assess and respond to
- [00:42:19.530]the questions that are on the screen to
- [00:42:21.540]yourself and reflect on those looking at
- [00:42:24.360]the
- [00:42:24.780]area of harm to you and the person who
- [00:42:28.890]is the target of the harassment so are
- [00:42:32.100]you safe from harm if you intervene is
- [00:42:35.400]the person being harassed safe from harm
- [00:42:38.460]does it seem unlikely that the situation
- [00:42:41.460]will escalate so there may be some times
- [00:42:44.100]where we experience things that are
- [00:42:46.710]particularly troubling but they in
- [00:42:48.690]usually as quickly as they start so step
- [00:42:53.520]back take a look see kind of listen to
- [00:42:55.970]see what might happen in this situation
- [00:42:59.490]and then determine whether or not it's
- [00:43:02.280]appropriate for you to take that direct
- [00:43:04.560]intervention and then the fourth one can
- [00:43:08.700]you tell if the person being harassed
- [00:43:09.960]wants someone to speak up and I have
- [00:43:13.080]been in situations where I perceive
- [00:43:15.360]something that situation or an exchange
- [00:43:18.300]that I thought was problematic but the
- [00:43:21.360]person who is being the target really
- [00:43:24.360]doesn't seem to want that particular
- [00:43:27.240]intervention and I've been in situations
- [00:43:29.100]where I've seen people intervene or I've
- [00:43:31.620]intervene directly and then that person
- [00:43:33.930]who was the target really gets upset
- [00:43:36.480]because they were not wanting any help
- [00:43:39.030]in that situation so you need to
- [00:43:42.030]ascertain whether or not that person is
- [00:43:44.940]really wanting someone to speak up and
- [00:43:47.910]usually you can tell by kind of the
- [00:43:49.650]distress the level of distress that the
- [00:43:51.930]person might be experiencing if they are
- [00:43:54.060]looking around perhaps to see if there
- [00:43:56.070]is some help available for them but if
- [00:43:58.470]you can answer yes to any of those four
- [00:44:01.140]questions you might choose a direct
- [00:44:05.970]response so some of the things that you
- [00:44:09.780]might do in a direct response situation
- [00:44:13.460]you might just and we talked about
- [00:44:15.540]naming the the occurrence so you might
- [00:44:18.710]direct to the harasser a statement like
- [00:44:22.650]this is an appropriate what you're doing
- [00:44:25.560]is disrespectful you might tell them to
- [00:44:28.470]leave the person alone you might further
- [00:44:32.070]name the situation as being you might
- [00:44:34.440]say well what you're doing is racist or
- [00:44:37.140]what you're doing
- [00:44:38.580]to be homophobic and then see if that
- [00:44:42.210]helps the individual to kind of back
- [00:44:44.220]away because sometimes naming the event
- [00:44:47.400]can stun the person a little bit because
- [00:44:49.950]they have to then think about well
- [00:44:51.780]really is this me am I really a racist
- [00:44:54.360]so or am I really a person who is you
- [00:44:58.530]know concerned about or have problems
- [00:45:02.070]with persons based on sexual identity or
- [00:45:04.830]identity status but be careful in this
- [00:45:09.300]particularly of intervention and give
- [00:45:11.370]yourself some time to think about those
- [00:45:14.730]four questions and your own feelings in
- [00:45:18.000]the situation and how your own
- [00:45:20.600]representation or perception of
- [00:45:23.130]identities might also be a trigger or
- [00:45:26.250]may exacerbate or escalate the situation
- [00:45:29.060]so the most important thing is when
- [00:45:32.130]you're making the statements to be
- [00:45:34.110]succinct be short
- [00:45:35.730]don't try to engage in a dialogue or
- [00:45:38.370]debate or an argument with the harasser
- [00:45:41.280]because that tends to escalate the
- [00:45:44.180]situation because you're giving the
- [00:45:47.010]person an added audience or a more a
- [00:45:50.400]hiding audience and someone else to to
- [00:45:54.030]direct their harassing responses to okay
- [00:45:56.760]so again it's good to be direct to be to
- [00:46:02.400]be intentional if you feel that it is a
- [00:46:04.320]safe environment for you and the person
- [00:46:07.140]who is the target of the irrational
- [00:46:09.150]the harassment so direct intervention
- [00:46:11.790]can be risky so use it with some caution
- [00:46:15.290]all right next one please
- [00:46:25.550]so the next slide is presenting a second
- [00:46:29.670]method which is distraction and you're
- [00:46:33.900]being a little bit more subtle in this
- [00:46:36.920]situation and thinking of more creative
- [00:46:40.740]ways to intervene the goal or the aim is
- [00:46:44.850]to simply kind of derail the incident by
- [00:46:48.540]interrupting the incident
- [00:46:50.490]the idea is to ignore
- [00:46:52.270]or the harasser which is different from
- [00:46:56.740]the direct approach where you are
- [00:46:58.690]speaking to the harasser the distraction
- [00:47:01.840]is to ignore the harasser and speak
- [00:47:04.270]directly or engage directly with a
- [00:47:06.400]person who is the target okay
- [00:47:12.030]so some of the things that you might do
- [00:47:15.250]in this situation is you know be
- [00:47:18.640]creative and you know pretend that you
- [00:47:21.130]know the person that allows you to
- [00:47:23.950]create a conversation with the
- [00:47:26.170]individual maybe you can pretend that
- [00:47:30.820]that person is a neighbor or a colleague
- [00:47:32.800]or friend of yours someone that you are
- [00:47:36.220]seeing in that environment so strike up
- [00:47:38.260]a conversation with that individual or
- [00:47:41.710]you can strike up a conversation about
- [00:47:44.350]something random you might go up to the
- [00:47:46.780]person and asked for directions you
- [00:47:49.030]might try to engage that person about
- [00:47:53.430]something that maybe he or she is
- [00:47:56.080]wearing at the time you know those shoes
- [00:47:58.660]look really really comfortable or you
- [00:48:01.750]know those are really cute or something
- [00:48:03.280]like that so it can be just something
- [00:48:05.860]simple as complimenting the person
- [00:48:09.180]you're not addressing the harasser
- [00:48:11.770]you're talking to the individual this is
- [00:48:13.960]a way to kind of get between the person
- [00:48:17.440]who is the harasser and the person who's
- [00:48:19.720]being the target but remember you are
- [00:48:21.460]ignoring the harasser you're
- [00:48:23.500]concentrating on the person who's the
- [00:48:25.450]target so but of course again safety is
- [00:48:29.020]a consideration so read the situation
- [00:48:31.840]and choose the approach that you're
- [00:48:33.670]going to use based upon your perception
- [00:48:36.340]and understanding of what's happening in
- [00:48:39.310]that particular encounter so hopefully
- [00:48:42.700]if you're pretending and being creative
- [00:48:44.950]the person who's the target will catch
- [00:48:47.170]on and they will begin to also move
- [00:48:49.870]their attention away from the harasser
- [00:48:52.120]and begin to engage with you so direct
- [00:48:56.110]approach where you are specifically
- [00:48:58.540]talking to the person who is the
- [00:49:00.490]harassing individual trying to get that
- [00:49:03.280]person to recognize their be
- [00:49:05.470]a view into perhaps step back from what
- [00:49:07.930]they are doing so you're actually you
- [00:49:10.990]know talking to that person the
- [00:49:13.570]distraction intervention approach is
- [00:49:15.820]where you're turning your attention to
- [00:49:17.740]the target and you are engaging the
- [00:49:20.800]target in some type of engagement or
- [00:49:23.980]some type of conversation or some type
- [00:49:27.849]of opportunity to move themselves away
- [00:49:31.810]from the harasser and then in that
- [00:49:34.540]situation the hope or the goal is that
- [00:49:37.330]the person will see that they're being
- [00:49:39.430]ignored and it will lessen the effect of
- [00:49:42.520]the harassers approach to the individual
- [00:49:47.349]all right
- [00:49:48.720]next slide so we're going to give you an
- [00:49:52.660]opportunity to think about scenario and
- [00:49:56.070]some of us may have encountered this
- [00:49:59.260]before either at a party or an office
- [00:50:02.890]situation or if your student and some of
- [00:50:05.800]your activities if you're a student who
- [00:50:08.200]is legal age to drink and some of you
- [00:50:11.349]are your areas of activity so here we're
- [00:50:14.290]looking at a person who has had too much
- [00:50:16.450]to drink and it's almost closing time at
- [00:50:19.450]the bar where you have been having a fun
- [00:50:21.940]time hanging out with your friends
- [00:50:23.680]there's a person who has clearly had too
- [00:50:26.380]much to drink and you saw her friends
- [00:50:28.750]leave without her about an hour ago
- [00:50:31.960]after they had had a loud disagreement
- [00:50:35.230]she's talking to a guy who you have not
- [00:50:39.010]noticed until now and he's trying to
- [00:50:42.220]help her get her coat on as he's leading
- [00:50:45.190]her to the door which D of the bystander
- [00:50:49.300]intervention would you an employee
- [00:50:51.359]distracts or direct intervention all
- [00:50:55.180]right
- [00:50:55.570]so we'll give you a few minutes to think
- [00:50:58.780]about the scenario and to register your
- [00:51:02.589]response
- [00:51:27.069]you
- [00:51:29.270]you
- [00:51:31.780]okay our results are in so 73% of you
- [00:51:37.550]indicated that you would use distracting
- [00:51:40.100]approach where you would talk to the
- [00:51:42.710]person and focus in on that in
- [00:51:45.050]particular individual and 23% says that
- [00:51:48.950]you would focus on the harasser and use
- [00:51:53.030]the more direct approach okay
- [00:51:56.270]so let's just talk a little bit about
- [00:51:58.790]some of the things that you might do in
- [00:52:02.030]this particular situation and remember
- [00:52:04.670]that you have some help available here
- [00:52:06.650]you're with a group of friends so you're
- [00:52:09.200]not only going to be looking at your own
- [00:52:11.300]instincts but you also have the
- [00:52:13.370]opportunity to ask someone else what do
- [00:52:15.890]they see does it seem like the situation
- [00:52:19.340]is one that would require some help or
- [00:52:23.630]assistance from a bystander who is a
- [00:52:28.130]very good advocate a trained advocate
- [00:52:30.140]hopefully with the the approaches or
- [00:52:33.680]some approaches that you can take so you
- [00:52:35.960]have your own instincts that you're
- [00:52:37.640]relying on but you also have the
- [00:52:39.260]opportunity to check those instincts by
- [00:52:42.230]asking your friends does this seem like
- [00:52:44.840]kind of a weird situation to you so you
- [00:52:47.990]can focus on her you can begin to say to
- [00:52:53.660]her like you know hey you know we saw
- [00:52:57.230]that their friends left before and we
- [00:52:59.150]noticed that you had an argument do you
- [00:53:01.730]need help getting home we can help you
- [00:53:04.340]get home so direct her away from the the
- [00:53:08.870]mail from the guy and make sure that she
- [00:53:12.200]can get to a safe place maybe in another
- [00:53:15.860]part of the bar and if she is clear
- [00:53:18.380]about where she lives and you can check
- [00:53:20.420]that by talking to the person and you
- [00:53:22.670]feel okay letting him alone then you can
- [00:53:25.730]also help her call a friend or call a
- [00:53:28.250]ride and wait with her until they they
- [00:53:31.430]arrive so that's more of the kind of
- [00:53:35.120]indirect approach that some of you said
- [00:53:38.120]that you might use so when you're
- [00:53:41.840]pretending like you know her you're
- [00:53:43.340]going to want to kind of change
- [00:53:44.810]change the emotion in the situation so
- [00:53:47.630]you're gonna be really really happy to
- [00:53:49.760]see her and say that you want her to
- [00:53:53.450]come with you and your friends maybe to
- [00:53:56.510]another party or something like that so
- [00:53:58.640]you're in trying to entice that person
- [00:54:00.890]away in the focusing on the person you
- [00:54:08.390]might just simply say to the guy
- [00:54:10.700]hi you know this is a friend of ours but
- [00:54:14.240]you know what you're trying to do
- [00:54:15.470]helping her we appreciate that but
- [00:54:16.880]that's okay we'll help her get home from
- [00:54:19.370]here
- [00:54:19.910]all right so those types of statements
- [00:54:24.320]can be made to help mitigate the
- [00:54:26.990]situation and you're not wanting to
- [00:54:29.420]escalate the situation really in this
- [00:54:31.970]particular instance because if the
- [00:54:33.590]person has had too much to drink you're
- [00:54:35.420]not sure how the person is going to
- [00:54:36.590]respond they could side with the guy
- [00:54:39.110]they could you know become pretty
- [00:54:42.470]agitated with you so you really want to
- [00:54:44.990]think through and seek the confirmation
- [00:54:48.320]of the other persons that are around you
- [00:54:50.120]that you trust the friends are with you
- [00:54:51.800]so if the guy persists in this direct
- [00:54:54.470]approach you've already said to that
- [00:54:56.060]person that you know we can help her get
- [00:54:58.160]home from here if that person persists
- [00:55:00.680]then you can you know kind of ask him
- [00:55:02.150]okay so what is your plan and getting
- [00:55:04.850]her home we see that she is you know had
- [00:55:07.250]a little bit too much to drink what's
- [00:55:08.360]your plan so you're what you know are
- [00:55:11.510]you two friends you might ask about the
- [00:55:13.640]relationship again trying to get that
- [00:55:16.280]person who perhaps might be in your
- [00:55:18.920]opinion trying to do harm to to someone
- [00:55:22.520]getting him to rethink and to refocus
- [00:55:24.800]and to know also that someone else is
- [00:55:27.350]looking and someone else is concerned
- [00:55:29.210]okay so two explanations the direct
- [00:55:33.260]approach where you're approaching the
- [00:55:35.330]person and also an approach losing
- [00:55:37.970]distraction so it depends upon what you
- [00:55:41.210]see depends upon what you feel in that
- [00:55:43.130]situation and the assessment that you
- [00:55:45.680]make that can indicate whether you do a
- [00:55:47.930]direct approach or approach using more
- [00:55:51.020]distraction okay next slide
- [00:55:59.579]so the next approach - thank you all for
- [00:56:03.369]participating in the polio also and
- [00:56:07.049]considering that scenario that
- [00:56:09.189]opportunity to practice so in the
- [00:56:12.069]delegation approach it's when you're
- [00:56:15.339]asking for assistance you assess the
- [00:56:18.909]situation you feel that something is out
- [00:56:21.159]of whack something needs to occur - - to
- [00:56:24.399]help the person that you feel is the
- [00:56:25.869]target but you're asking for third party
- [00:56:29.109]help in this situation
- [00:56:31.269]so there are some examples they're
- [00:56:33.269]presented for you
- [00:56:36.130]you know if you happen to experience the
- [00:56:38.529]situation in the store there's usually
- [00:56:40.390]some people around you can contact the
- [00:56:42.999]manager there may be a store a system
- [00:56:47.709]that is in the aisle or you've seen a
- [00:56:50.049]person nearby you might contact that
- [00:56:52.539]person or go to that person and seek
- [00:56:55.149]help from them if you are in a situation
- [00:56:59.019]where you can if you're in a school or
- [00:57:01.569]if you're in a college situation on
- [00:57:03.219]campus you can also contact a teacher or
- [00:57:06.789]maybe someone that is in a position that
- [00:57:11.289]is you perceive can give you some help
- [00:57:13.929]or give the other person some help you
- [00:57:18.459]can contact campus security we all have
- [00:57:22.119]our phones usually with us and you can
- [00:57:26.380]call campus security called the operator
- [00:57:28.989]explain the situation and they can
- [00:57:31.779]either give you some advice as to how to
- [00:57:33.779]handle that situation or they can
- [00:57:37.149]dispatch an officer to the scene so
- [00:57:41.189]using teamwork to distract and delegate
- [00:57:44.229]it's also helped where you can have a
- [00:57:46.479]friend where you are trying to perhaps
- [00:57:48.809]deal with the person you might send a
- [00:57:51.880]friend to go and get help okay or you
- [00:57:56.709]might have that trend to do some other
- [00:57:59.829]types of things that might interrupt the
- [00:58:02.859]situation I had a particular situation
- [00:58:05.229]as an example that I was experiencing
- [00:58:10.299]with an
- [00:58:11.060]individual and a student and I sent
- [00:58:14.870]someone to get help and but I also
- [00:58:18.250]walked past that particular those two
- [00:58:22.280]particular people and that engagement
- [00:58:23.750]and I looked at the harasser didn't say
- [00:58:27.110]a word but just looked at the harasser
- [00:58:29.450]and then looked at the person who was
- [00:58:31.340]the target then I moved away and that
- [00:58:34.580]particular situation the eraser began to
- [00:58:36.890]change their tone began to change their
- [00:58:39.740]approach to the person so you can use a
- [00:58:42.620]combination of these methods in order to
- [00:58:46.910]to bring help or get help for the person
- [00:58:50.720]that is as having a problem so a
- [00:58:55.760]scenario I hope to help you in that
- [00:58:58.580]regard so we've talked about direct
- [00:59:01.700]intervention we've talked about using
- [00:59:05.950]delegation we've talked about
- [00:59:07.990]distraction in these particular
- [00:59:11.270]situations and as you can see there
- [00:59:14.120]opportunities for you to use these
- [00:59:16.810]individually or you can use them in
- [00:59:19.250]concert so let's look at the next slide
- [00:59:22.130]that talks about delay intervention so
- [00:59:26.090]in the delay intervention maybe you
- [00:59:28.930]experienced something in again sometimes
- [00:59:32.510]situation this can resolve or in just as
- [00:59:36.290]quickly as they began so you may not had
- [00:59:38.960]an opportunity to engage and the other
- [00:59:41.330]intervention methods or you may hear
- [00:59:45.230]something that happened to a person that
- [00:59:47.480]you thought was harassing in nature or
- [00:59:50.570]an element of discrimination so in
- [00:59:54.530]instances where you cannot act in the
- [00:59:56.840]moments when things are occurring you
- [00:59:59.420]can still make a difference in that
- [01:00:01.370]situation you can go to that individual
- [01:00:05.060]targeted person after the the the
- [01:00:08.750]situation or acts after the incident and
- [01:00:11.300]you can help that individual in that
- [01:00:15.110]perspective so you might just go and
- [01:00:18.050]check on them and you can tell them that
- [01:00:20.660]you you saw what happened you apologize
- [01:00:24.680]for the
- [01:00:25.119]happening to the person you can say that
- [01:00:27.099]you're sorry and just trying to ensure
- [01:00:30.160]that the person is okay you might ask
- [01:00:34.569]that individual whether or not there's
- [01:00:37.990]anything that you can do at this stage
- [01:00:39.490]to help them and you might find that the
- [01:00:43.839]person might need some help they may
- [01:00:46.420]need some help in trying to maybe think
- [01:00:48.400]through what happened to to wrap their
- [01:00:51.220]minds around what happened so you can
- [01:00:54.160]that's an opportunity for you to point
- [01:00:56.829]them to perhaps some other resources
- [01:00:59.160]particularly on campus we know that
- [01:01:01.420]there are a number of resources that
- [01:01:03.849]will help students we have caps where
- [01:01:06.460]there are counselors you have Oasis
- [01:01:08.499]where there are individuals who know
- [01:01:10.450]about these types of situations and they
- [01:01:13.779]help the person there or refer them on
- [01:01:16.630]to other places we also have other areas
- [01:01:20.019]and student services that can be helpful
- [01:01:22.450]to to the individual offer to accompany
- [01:01:25.720]the person to the assistance that you're
- [01:01:28.900]referring them to it's always good if
- [01:01:31.029]you have a name of an individual who
- [01:01:33.970]could be a resource for the targeted
- [01:01:36.430]person that's always better and it's
- [01:01:39.789]proven to be more successful than having
- [01:01:41.739]those persons actually contact an
- [01:01:44.319]individual as to as opposed to going to
- [01:01:46.989]a place you can share whatever eight
- [01:01:50.890]resources that you might have and then
- [01:01:54.720]if you've documented the incident on
- [01:01:57.789]video and we know we use our phones a
- [01:02:00.190]lot to to document things and to to
- [01:02:04.210]create a record ask the person if they
- [01:02:08.710]want a copy of that documented video and
- [01:02:12.339]also you might ask the person you know
- [01:02:16.210]what they feel you should do with that
- [01:02:18.720]documentation sometimes we rush to
- [01:02:22.779]judgment and we post something that
- [01:02:24.819]we've seen and that goes viral and that
- [01:02:28.119]may not necessarily be the best way to
- [01:02:30.279]help the individual who's been the
- [01:02:32.410]target of that particular type of
- [01:02:34.450]harassment okay so we have the red
- [01:02:39.400]were you addressing the harasser the
- [01:02:43.079]distraction approach where you are
- [01:02:46.059]creating some incident it may be just a
- [01:02:48.819]matter of dropping an item close to
- [01:02:52.599]where the incident is occurring that it
- [01:02:54.549]caused a change in the behavior of the
- [01:02:57.309]eraser we also have the delegation
- [01:03:00.250]approach where you're going to use or
- [01:03:03.220]enlist the help of a third party and
- [01:03:05.109]then we have the opportunity where if
- [01:03:07.569]you're not in a moment you can also
- [01:03:09.900]double back to that person and try to
- [01:03:13.240]provide some assistance to them after
- [01:03:16.599]the fact so hopefully these have been
- [01:03:19.480]helpful for you and give you some fruit
- [01:03:21.490]for thought and now we will move to
- [01:03:24.359]discussion of the documentation
- [01:03:26.349]intervention by engaging so the last of
- [01:03:33.670]the the five DS is the document
- [01:03:35.890]intervention and this is the one I
- [01:03:38.020]actually want to be for us to be a
- [01:03:39.880]little bit more mindful of especially
- [01:03:41.559]given where we are right now in our
- [01:03:44.170]society we're highly connected the
- [01:03:46.029]technology is quite easy we're sort of
- [01:03:48.880]thinking through the way we want to
- [01:03:50.349]intervene I think that will be employed
- [01:03:53.349]which is typically a recording device
- [01:03:55.000]through our phones or some type of
- [01:03:59.279]tablet platform we use but I want us to
- [01:04:02.710]be mindful of this particular one
- [01:04:04.359]because this is the one where a lot of
- [01:04:06.039]individuals have probably found the most
- [01:04:08.309]useful at times because gaming sometimes
- [01:04:11.200]it keeps you out of the situation it
- [01:04:14.170]allows you the opportunity to document
- [01:04:16.660]the information as needed to perhaps to
- [01:04:19.180]share etc but while this can't be
- [01:04:22.390]helpful we do want to make sure as to
- [01:04:25.150]the purpose behind what why we do what
- [01:04:26.980]we do so when we're thinking through the
- [01:04:29.200]document what should be in mind for us
- [01:04:31.720]should be why am i why am i recording
- [01:04:33.940]why am i cetera because if this is to
- [01:04:36.760]directly provide to the impacted but of
- [01:04:40.359]course this is something where you want
- [01:04:42.369]to exercise this particular effort but
- [01:04:46.089]if it's for more and so - perhaps upload
- [01:04:48.520]to some type of social media account to
- [01:04:50.920]build a platform or just
- [01:04:52.930]track' for your own particular purposes
- [01:04:55.510]we want to make sure that we're being
- [01:04:56.890]mindful of this being a very sensitive
- [01:04:58.900]situation one that's involving a person
- [01:05:01.720]who is probably a point right now with
- [01:05:05.440]this situation where it's not something
- [01:05:07.150]they may want to be shared or it could
- [01:05:09.820]be something where it could lead to
- [01:05:11.350]additional harassment for the impacted
- [01:05:13.330]and again it does not always provide the
- [01:05:16.270]best opportunity for some people to be
- [01:05:18.910]seen again a much more why their
- [01:05:21.460]availability so as we're thinking
- [01:05:23.530]through document intervention just make
- [01:05:25.510]sure you're keeping those elements in
- [01:05:26.890]mind because at its core it's very
- [01:05:29.650]helpful to record an incident or a
- [01:05:31.330]document an incident as it happens and
- [01:05:34.240]we also want you to keep your things in
- [01:05:36.160]mind to make sure that you're being safe
- [01:05:37.750]you're also being responsible as you're
- [01:05:39.640]documenting this so of course you want
- [01:05:41.710]to make sure you're assessing the
- [01:05:42.910]situation first and foremost is anyone
- [01:05:45.760]helping the person that's being harassed
- [01:05:47.760]if not you want to resort to the other
- [01:05:50.530]four DS one because a given document is
- [01:05:53.800]typically to make sure that you're
- [01:05:55.600]capturing that information to possibly
- [01:05:57.640]share with law enforcement or that
- [01:05:59.560]person for their own particular needs
- [01:06:01.620]but you want to make sure the year being
- [01:06:03.610]as helpful as possible to the person as
- [01:06:05.230]well so if someone else is engaging and
- [01:06:08.170]helping the person and you assess your
- [01:06:11.020]own safety at that point then of course
- [01:06:13.090]you can start if you're safe you can
- [01:06:15.310]start recording some things you want to
- [01:06:17.440]keep in mind you want actually keeping a
- [01:06:19.030]safe distance from the incident and some
- [01:06:22.360]things we sometimes forget as these
- [01:06:24.040]things are happening or they're
- [01:06:25.060]occurring make sure you try to film some
- [01:06:26.920]landmarks something that is easily
- [01:06:28.540]identifiable and then straight line give
- [01:06:33.130]you a bus a bus number the bus route if
- [01:06:37.000]you're some type of public
- [01:06:38.770]transportation
- [01:06:39.580]it could be subway car number or train
- [01:06:42.310]platform signs something that makes it
- [01:06:44.110]where the situation is unfolding we
- [01:06:47.530]understand where you are and as you're
- [01:06:50.350]recording if you have the ability of
- [01:06:52.720]course clearly state the date and time
- [01:06:55.380]this again allows for additional
- [01:06:58.510]information context is important and
- [01:07:00.730]then as you are recording this
- [01:07:03.670]information is you're documenting it
- [01:07:04.990]always make sure the person
- [01:07:06.510]being harassed you ask them what they
- [01:07:09.000]want you to do with the recording
- [01:07:10.470]um this is pivotal one is gonna because
- [01:07:13.590]again like I said earlier we don't want
- [01:07:15.300]to make sure we're sharing it for
- [01:07:16.790]possibly selfish reasons but as we're
- [01:07:19.650]sharing this we're keeping in mind the
- [01:07:21.060]person that's being harassed it's just
- [01:07:22.950]that a person is being harassed this is
- [01:07:25.110]not always in the time when people other
- [01:07:27.300]to be shared so you ask the person what
- [01:07:29.490]they want you to do with that
- [01:07:30.270]information other recording and again
- [01:07:32.340]it's always a good idea to check in
- [01:07:34.710]before you load this any other social
- [01:07:37.020]media or some type of platform where it
- [01:07:38.580]can be shared widely so these are things
- [01:07:41.190]you want to keep in mind you're
- [01:07:42.060]documenting the intervention one of the
- [01:07:44.010]reasons why it's important to document
- [01:07:45.740]and the reason why we want to make sure
- [01:07:47.760]you're providing the best type of
- [01:07:49.260]information because this is something
- [01:07:50.610]that the person that was harassed can
- [01:07:52.800]actually use for future purposes where
- [01:07:55.830]we can use it for law enforcement
- [01:07:56.850]reasons and again it just provides more
- [01:07:59.790]context and it provides a wider angle of
- [01:08:02.250]the entire incident as it unfolded so
- [01:08:05.340]that person has as much information as
- [01:08:06.870]they need this is helpful because begin
- [01:08:09.480]many times law enforcement staff in the
- [01:08:11.100]past
- [01:08:11.870]eyewitness testimony can not always be
- [01:08:13.890]the most reliable because sometimes
- [01:08:15.480]again based our own lens we may think
- [01:08:17.580]make me see things that probably didn't
- [01:08:19.859]unfold the way they did this just
- [01:08:21.630]provides a more unbiased element of of
- [01:08:25.020]the incident as it occurred
- [01:08:27.230]slide next slide please
- [01:08:32.120]and then of course as we're thinking
- [01:08:35.390]through this we have another scenario
- [01:08:36.920]for you that I that is on your screen
- [01:08:39.260]and it's regarding classroom comment
- [01:08:41.480]again this is a scenario we've adapted
- [01:08:43.400]some of these from the University of
- [01:08:44.780]Colorado Boulder which says during a
- [01:08:47.690]lively class discussion another student
- [01:08:50.270]makes a sweeping negative comment about
- [01:08:52.400]on people who have recently immigrated
- [01:08:54.530]to the US you feel uncomfortable but no
- [01:08:57.560]one in the room speaks up about it
- [01:08:59.240]including the instructor you are pretty
- [01:09:01.700]sure that some people in the room might
- [01:09:03.770]feel attacked or offensive so for this
- [01:09:07.280]poll we're going to give you the option
- [01:09:08.780]of all five of the bystander
- [01:09:11.090]interventions a direct B distract C
- [01:09:16.160]delegate D delay or a document which of
- [01:09:21.500]the five bystander intervention these
- [01:09:24.350]would you employ and I'll give you all a
- [01:09:27.170]few seconds 15 seconds to be correct
- [01:09:30.590]again you're in a class someone makes a
- [01:09:32.960]comment sweeping negative comment about
- [01:09:35.270]US immigration you feel uncomfortable
- [01:09:37.250]and it's not addressed by the instructor
- [01:09:39.950]which of the five bystander intervention
- [01:09:42.770]would you employ which of which D
- [01:09:45.890]apologies
- [01:09:48.170]you
- [01:09:56.329]okay and it seems the results event is
- [01:10:01.599]direct of 48 of you or 61% noted that
- [01:10:07.849]the direct intervention will be the one
- [01:10:09.710]you would employ one percent said
- [01:10:12.199]distract ten percent said delegate 11%
- [01:10:16.699]said delay and then sixteen percent said
- [01:10:20.929]document so as we're thinking through
- [01:10:26.840]this scenario in particular classroom
- [01:10:29.150]coming it is important to note that you
- [01:10:31.190]are serving as a student and of course
- [01:10:33.949]you've heard something
- [01:10:35.270]well you're uncomfortable it was a
- [01:10:37.520]probably a very negative comment that
- [01:10:39.409]was made no one speaking up including
- [01:10:41.389]the instructor and you personally field
- [01:10:43.099]some people in the room might feel
- [01:10:44.570]attacked or defensive so one of the
- [01:10:47.510]things you do of course we always start
- [01:10:49.550]off with this which is to evaluate the
- [01:10:51.320]situation sometimes comments like these
- [01:10:54.170]they can come as a surprise the
- [01:10:56.119]conversation has a tendency sometimes to
- [01:10:57.920]move on before you have a chance to say
- [01:11:00.710]or even do something and even if you you
- [01:11:04.219]being in this role of student at time it
- [01:11:06.619]may be unclear whether the people who
- [01:11:08.750]have been targeted we want you to
- [01:11:10.610]intervene so there's so many different
- [01:11:12.139]factors to consider you know sometimes
- [01:11:14.270]we do want to entertain we had those
- [01:11:16.579]blocks of course which could be should I
- [01:11:18.770]even say something or what those
- [01:11:20.449]infected want me to say something and
- [01:11:22.480]according to some research that was
- [01:11:24.199]actually done by Penn State people who
- [01:11:26.389]have been targeted in this way they
- [01:11:28.730]report that the most helpful action
- [01:11:31.219]bystanders can take is to let them know
- [01:11:34.219]you don't agree but the problematic
- [01:11:35.630]comment or behavior so those where the
- [01:11:37.849]comment might actually actually
- [01:11:40.940]reverberate with or it involves directly
- [01:11:43.520]do two identities I have a set or report
- [01:11:46.250]it it actually makes you feel a lot
- [01:11:48.320]better that when someone stands up for
- [01:11:50.239]it in st. younger or the problematic
- [01:11:52.579]comment or behavior and the same
- [01:11:55.250]researcher was actually condemn it to my
- [01:11:57.079]Penn State says that research indicates
- [01:11:59.300]that ignoring the situation was the
- [01:12:01.579]least helpful thing bystanders could do
- [01:12:03.829]even if the good intention was to keep
- [01:12:06.079]from drawing more attention to the
- [01:12:07.880]negative situation so if you strategy
- [01:12:10.829]to employ of course would be the a
- [01:12:13.619]option which is to be direct and this is
- [01:12:17.280]probably your best option for exercising
- [01:12:19.880]one because it's confronting the
- [01:12:22.770]situation as it has unfolded you're
- [01:12:25.500]directly discussing the the incident at
- [01:12:28.050]hand and you're taking more of a sense
- [01:12:30.300]to make sure you're providing the
- [01:12:32.070]support for the person at the time it's
- [01:12:33.540]unfolding even though it's uncomfortable
- [01:12:35.960]it isn't necessarily at this point to be
- [01:12:38.699]confrontational to be effective one
- [01:12:41.610]thing you may want to consider is you're
- [01:12:43.050]thinking through a possible response
- [01:12:45.199]what do you mean so just simply posing
- [01:12:47.880]question can you elaborate there or I
- [01:12:51.540]don't agree with that and what's your
- [01:12:54.150]evidence for this information or you can
- [01:12:57.540]ask for clarity as a way of providing
- [01:12:59.159]the the individual or individuals who
- [01:13:01.650]said it - perhaps that's backpedal which
- [01:13:04.560]is I'm not sure I heard you right you
- [01:13:06.270]put it again then allows the person to
- [01:13:08.639]either correct themselves
- [01:13:09.989]even though they probably meant what
- [01:13:11.340]they said but it lasts for them improve
- [01:13:13.190]- perhaps that pedal or you can say
- [01:13:16.560]things like no I just don't agree that's
- [01:13:18.300]that's incorrect
- [01:13:19.320]that's offensive and you don't have to
- [01:13:21.810]say that's offensive to that person but
- [01:13:23.940]a sweeping that's offensive if you want
- [01:13:27.270]to think about strategies to help you
- [01:13:28.800]after the fact and I want to know before
- [01:13:31.550]note that I never mentioned the
- [01:13:33.750]instructor or being confrontational
- [01:13:35.429]because again you're more so directing
- [01:13:37.800]your comments toward the comment being
- [01:13:40.139]made as opposed to individuals or the
- [01:13:43.829]instructor themselves it's more so
- [01:13:45.270]you're talking about the comment and
- [01:13:46.590]yours you're advocating for people
- [01:13:48.599]without having to make mention of that
- [01:13:50.280]because you're your length quite clear
- [01:13:53.369]your stance and why you feel it that you
- [01:13:55.290]do it's trying to say if you want to
- [01:13:57.510]employ these after you might want to
- [01:14:00.239]connect with someone who might have felt
- [01:14:01.530]targeted afterwards and it doesn't have
- [01:14:04.020]to be something where it's done in front
- [01:14:05.369]of others but you can just let them know
- [01:14:07.170]that you don't agree for the little said
- [01:14:08.730]X and say okay and then ask them if you
- [01:14:12.449]don't like for you to speak up if
- [01:14:14.219]someone says like something like that
- [01:14:15.540]get in class or if they have suggestions
- [01:14:18.389]that's what you could do the next time
- [01:14:21.469]so you also want to use it not
- [01:14:23.910]perhaps to even follow up again
- [01:14:26.420]one-on-one with the instructor and ask
- [01:14:30.330]them their feelings about the comment
- [01:14:32.130]and even so asking them outside the
- [01:14:34.440]class about perhaps people over that
- [01:14:37.110]have impacted by this comment but this
- [01:14:39.000]is something you want to make sure that
- [01:14:40.260]you're if you're comfortable doing this
- [01:14:42.510]that you're doing in a way that you
- [01:14:43.620]still feel comfortable and you're more
- [01:14:45.840]so asking them about their own again
- [01:14:48.590]detector that you used and why you used
- [01:14:51.120]it it's a way to continue to advocate
- [01:14:53.280]but I'm making sure that you're also
- [01:14:54.720]safe in this in the scenario and then
- [01:14:58.800]you can also ask if this comment is
- [01:15:00.420]brought up in class the next time what
- [01:15:02.670]if the professor or the instructors one
- [01:15:04.980]of their suggestions to make sure that
- [01:15:07.380]we're being very mindful of language
- [01:15:09.600]that could possibly harmful so these are
- [01:15:11.730]things that you want to make sure that
- [01:15:12.660]you're thinking through in particular
- [01:15:14.820]the direct the direct option of the five
- [01:15:18.480]DS is the one that was the one that we
- [01:15:21.390]would suggest employing only because
- [01:15:23.280]this allows you to directly obviously
- [01:15:25.200]address that comment that's been made
- [01:15:26.580]are you doing so with the goal of making
- [01:15:29.940]sure that those who are impacted are
- [01:15:32.130]supported but also that you could lessen
- [01:15:34.050]the blow and most importantly perhaps
- [01:15:36.300]those situations will know them fold in
- [01:15:38.790]that particular area as often they do
- [01:15:40.740]because sometimes when people stand up
- [01:15:42.210]it just takes that person to stand up
- [01:15:43.770]for more to do so and then those
- [01:15:45.540]aggressors and not feel as though those
- [01:15:47.580]are the forms to make certain comments
- [01:15:50.030]next slide please
- [01:15:55.290]so as we've gone through the five of
- [01:15:58.600]these different scenarios one thing that
- [01:16:00.700]are the five DS of bystander
- [01:16:02.740]intervention we want you to remember
- [01:16:05.200]that everyone can do something
- [01:16:07.420]many times when these situations are
- [01:16:09.100]these incidents aren't unfolding we have
- [01:16:12.160]different type of mental blocks but we
- [01:16:14.350]don't deliver capable and these are all
- [01:16:16.720]the reasons why and as you're thinking
- [01:16:18.490]through this one small step or one small
- [01:16:22.930]gesture can make so much of a difference
- [01:16:25.930]for those who are impacted and we want
- [01:16:28.390]you to think about this even in the
- [01:16:30.130]online space and we talked a little bit
- [01:16:32.170]earlier about tsunami and one of the
- [01:16:34.450]things that has been noted and we also
- [01:16:36.130]have these resources at the end of our
- [01:16:37.900]PowerPoint located in our resources is
- [01:16:41.650]that sometimes we've been standing up
- [01:16:43.120]online through comment sections people
- [01:16:45.730]have also reported harmful behavior
- [01:16:47.500]directly to organizations where these
- [01:16:49.570]anomalies are happening and what happens
- [01:16:51.580]in really after that organisations have
- [01:16:53.290]now stepped up to release statements
- [01:16:55.300]where they denounce hate and they
- [01:16:57.190]directly speak to those who may be
- [01:16:58.930]impacted with support messages etc and
- [01:17:02.710]so when you're thinking to resume bomb
- [01:17:04.270]for example and that happens in your
- [01:17:06.040]indent space one thing would recommend
- [01:17:08.860]is the best method here sometimes
- [01:17:11.200]especially given many times these
- [01:17:13.960]situations it's very quick they only
- [01:17:15.910]laugh sometimes five or ten minutes is
- [01:17:18.040]to take your attention towards more of a
- [01:17:20.740]distracting method talking through this
- [01:17:23.620]as people are posting things and it can
- [01:17:25.930]even be people who use their videos to
- [01:17:28.570]use certain sign or to have certain
- [01:17:31.090]types of messages or some different
- [01:17:33.280]types of powerful no they may be wearing
- [01:17:34.540]to use the chat box if you can to say
- [01:17:38.200]hey it has them home here we don't want
- [01:17:41.260]you here those kind of messages or if
- [01:17:43.570]you have the ability to use your mic um
- [01:17:45.340]he uses to say we will fix this this is
- [01:17:48.040]being fixed right now I'm going everyone
- [01:17:50.470]hold on the line what you need to say of
- [01:17:52.360]course at that point I'm gonna strike
- [01:17:54.850]from the person and say we'll get back
- [01:17:56.650]to this right away these are kind of
- [01:17:58.240]messages you want to think through as is
- [01:17:59.560]happening in online spaces but to
- [01:18:02.500]remember that there are many different
- [01:18:04.000]types of thoughts we have like the first
- [01:18:05.650]one is usually I'm scared this
- [01:18:08.199]what it's been reported most one of the
- [01:18:10.330]big reasons for not intervening it's
- [01:18:12.219]fear if the hairdresser will target us
- [01:18:14.170]hopefully the different the 5ds that
- [01:18:17.110]we've offered not all of them directly
- [01:18:19.510]involved you confronting the aggressive
- [01:18:22.239]more so that's why we wanted to make
- [01:18:23.949]sure you're looking at those who are
- [01:18:25.060]impacted and to know that this is all of
- [01:18:26.980]our problem as we are witness to these
- [01:18:29.640]street harassment online harassment hate
- [01:18:33.160]violence they're everyone's problem we
- [01:18:35.199]should all take it upon ourselves to
- [01:18:36.699]understand the impact it has on those
- [01:18:38.860]who are impacted but also how we also
- [01:18:41.860]wondering sure they were not targeting
- [01:18:43.210]or they were not perpetuating any other
- [01:18:45.790]types of pay by not engaging against
- [01:18:49.120]someone else would do something this is
- [01:18:51.340]typically what we fall back on
- [01:18:52.660]especially if this is happening or is
- [01:18:54.969]unfolding large groups of people we
- [01:18:57.010]always want you to think that the
- [01:18:58.870]somebody else is me if somebody else
- [01:19:01.540]does me I want to be the person who
- [01:19:03.520]actively advocates who who directly
- [01:19:06.040]intervenes in the situation because it's
- [01:19:09.219]always someone who's waiting for someone
- [01:19:10.630]else let's be that person and know that
- [01:19:13.210]we can always make a difference and
- [01:19:15.550]harassment and violence can take many
- [01:19:17.830]forms of new different forms and I'm
- [01:19:20.949]sure that many of us know this Nursery
- [01:19:22.600]Rhyme where the sticks and stones may
- [01:19:25.030]break my bones words when they never
- [01:19:26.650]hurt um that's a falsehood words do hurt
- [01:19:29.920]it's not harmless even if they're just
- [01:19:32.560]words words have paranoid they have
- [01:19:34.480]meaning and it finally this is not a
- [01:19:36.400]cultural thing
- [01:19:37.120]some forms of harassment such as
- [01:19:40.510]catcalls this is not just quote-unquote
- [01:19:43.060]men being mean men being men or other
- [01:19:45.489]sexual harassment we want to make sure
- [01:19:47.260]that we're not normalizing such harmful
- [01:19:48.969]behavior for them just consider it to be
- [01:19:52.090]a part of the culture ultimately our
- [01:19:54.580]goal is to know that we all can do
- [01:19:56.380]something and that we're not to
- [01:19:58.179]normalize a harassment biasness we're
- [01:20:01.239]not generalize hate we want to make sure
- [01:20:02.949]that is not a cultural thing this is
- [01:20:04.989]more so for us all to advocate and
- [01:20:07.000]service allies in many different ways
- [01:20:09.160]and hopefully if you're using one of the
- [01:20:10.660]five DS as we think through those and
- [01:20:13.920]then finally next slide
- [01:20:17.770]did receive quite a few questions from
- [01:20:19.420]you all I'll read some of those that we
- [01:20:21.040]read that we received prior to our
- [01:20:23.670]webinar we received over 20 different
- [01:20:26.650]questions but thankfully many of these
- [01:20:29.020]were trends that we saw which means that
- [01:20:32.920]if you had some of the same questions
- [01:20:34.500]one of the first questions we receive
- [01:20:36.880]surrounded age and essentially possible
- [01:20:41.590]I'd only moved out of new deficiency
- [01:20:44.230]when it comes to coronavirus or these
- [01:20:47.800]different ways in which of course we may
- [01:20:49.540]be more vulnerable to the corona virus
- [01:20:51.070]as we're thinking about social
- [01:20:53.080]distancing but as we come back in the
- [01:20:54.850]fall etc so one person noted while they
- [01:20:58.060]may be very diligent in social
- [01:20:59.620]distancing and meticulous and regulating
- [01:21:02.140]their exposure to germs there is a large
- [01:21:05.590]presence especially on the University
- [01:21:07.240]campus of young people and many times
- [01:21:09.790]young people they have an understanding
- [01:21:12.400]they have more relaxed attitudes of
- [01:21:14.050]young and health healthy people and this
- [01:21:16.300]person wants to know essentially how can
- [01:21:19.570]this seemingly small problem which is
- [01:21:21.490]how do you let people know that many of
- [01:21:23.800]us may have invisible types of course of
- [01:21:27.510]illnesses are ailments or compromises
- [01:21:30.760]their immune system which makes it
- [01:21:33.900]social distancing probably more so of a
- [01:21:37.030]necessity and miss can end sometimes and
- [01:21:39.640]vicious assault insults harassment
- [01:21:41.680]within building and how do we deal with
- [01:21:44.350]that and I and this was the question
- [01:21:48.190]essentially how do we actually addressed
- [01:21:49.930]older people or older students who may
- [01:21:53.110]have a disability and younger people who
- [01:21:55.180]may have more relaxed attitudes and one
- [01:21:57.640]of the things I want to note is the need
- [01:21:59.920]to know your response your extra
- [01:22:01.390]resources and to use them I'm the great
- [01:22:03.730]thing about the university and that
- [01:22:05.050]we're developing at this point our
- [01:22:06.660]community responses to the more relaxed
- [01:22:10.090]social distancing fades and how do we
- [01:22:12.490]report this information so that
- [01:22:13.950]individuals do not have to always
- [01:22:15.730]disclose but more some feel like this is
- [01:22:18.190]a community effort the one thing that we
- [01:22:20.200]are doing and we're working on our
- [01:22:21.520]office but also leadership is working on
- [01:22:23.260]is to make sure that the community
- [01:22:24.580]responds understood their measures being
- [01:22:26.710]put in place so that we are making sure
- [01:22:29.830]that all these measures especially
- [01:22:31.570]the component under being mindful of
- [01:22:34.030]those who may have a horse more
- [01:22:35.980]susceptible our immune system if they
- [01:22:39.190]feel supported and that they were
- [01:22:40.540]exercising these are about always having
- [01:22:42.280]to disclose so the first thing is that
- [01:22:45.010]we are in a different era right now what
- [01:22:47.679]many of us have been have been social
- [01:22:49.300]distancing for those who are privileged
- [01:22:50.800]not to do so it's important to know that
- [01:22:52.780]the community is working on initiatives
- [01:22:55.480]and strategies to make sure that as
- [01:22:57.219]we're thinking of coming back but this
- [01:22:59.020]is something that as a as a community
- [01:23:00.909]the response will be a lot bigger and
- [01:23:02.560]these would be sort certain ways are
- [01:23:04.510]supporting the community throughout but
- [01:23:07.060]as you see this especially as advocates
- [01:23:10.210]who this may not be something where it
- [01:23:11.920]impacts you directly that we're just
- [01:23:14.500]being mindful especially as we've seen
- [01:23:16.630]increases in individuals that may be
- [01:23:18.639]coughing on produce are using this a
- [01:23:20.739]moment for light-hearted fare that we're
- [01:23:23.349]standing up for those who may not feel
- [01:23:25.000]comfortable that we're perhaps even
- [01:23:27.790]calling it out ourselves because this is
- [01:23:30.520]where we want to be a little bit more
- [01:23:31.719]direct with these incidents but we are
- [01:23:34.090]as advocates also using the five DS that
- [01:23:36.280]we learned a little bit earlier today
- [01:23:37.210]for this situation another question how
- [01:23:41.560]can we address sorry people talk about
- [01:23:44.110]the four main trauma responses fight
- [01:23:46.810]flight freeze on how does one intervene
- [01:23:51.130]and an aggressive situation depending on
- [01:23:54.340]which response they might be going
- [01:23:56.590]through in the moment which are usually
- [01:23:58.590]unpredictable and other persons control
- [01:24:01.000]and hopefully at this point one thing we
- [01:24:05.980]did note is the importance of not always
- [01:24:08.560]being direct but maybe more so on
- [01:24:10.750]delegation which is you employing
- [01:24:13.150]additional help third parties also
- [01:24:16.510]delaying the intervention itself you're
- [01:24:18.969]looking directly to support those who
- [01:24:20.380]may have been impacted and at this point
- [01:24:23.650]hopefully even you can use the misdirect
- [01:24:25.659]which is more subtle
- [01:24:27.130]so leaning into the oven 3ds will be
- [01:24:30.250]important at this point especially we
- [01:24:31.960]don't feel as though we need to be
- [01:24:33.940]direct in our approach
- [01:24:38.820]another question that we receive you've
- [01:24:40.320]now read this one in its entirety we can
- [01:24:44.460]find it with others who are making
- [01:24:46.110]assumptions about Coby at 19 but clearly
- [01:24:49.590]have received inaccurate information how
- [01:24:52.320]do you respectfully inform them or
- [01:24:54.449]encourage them to seek information from
- [01:24:57.170]reliable sources this is a great
- [01:24:59.820]question one because we want to make
- [01:25:02.280]sure that people are getting the best
- [01:25:03.949]the most accurate in fact based
- [01:25:06.539]resources possible especially when it
- [01:25:08.760]concerns Coby 19 but in this particular
- [01:25:11.639]one and when you're confronting those
- [01:25:13.139]who may be making assumptions but based
- [01:25:14.909]off of unreliable sources is that you
- [01:25:18.809]don't want to directly engage to say
- [01:25:21.150]that that information is false but more
- [01:25:23.130]so to say I heard that perhaps even
- [01:25:25.739]making mention a second oh I saw this
- [01:25:27.780]again you're not dismissing that
- [01:25:29.039]information but then say that's not that
- [01:25:31.260]- I personally have found information
- [01:25:34.230]received from the Center for Disease
- [01:25:36.090]Control or World Health Organization's
- [01:25:39.539]extremely reliable or just pointing it
- [01:25:41.940]towards another area they can receive
- [01:25:44.280]information again you're not saying that
- [01:25:46.619]the information they've received is not
- [01:25:47.969]you're not paying much attention to what
- [01:25:49.440]they're saying there you're Marcel
- [01:25:51.030]focusing on providing them with some
- [01:25:52.710]more information so I would say deflect
- [01:25:54.900]diffused that and just provide them with
- [01:25:58.409]another source of information without
- [01:26:00.869]dismissing but they may never seen
- [01:26:02.460]receive previously in Kinji on that
- [01:26:05.880]particular question I think it would be
- [01:26:07.500]good also to offer the information or
- [01:26:11.159]sources that you have to the person you
- [01:26:13.170]might say something like you know what
- [01:26:15.809]you talked about the information you
- [01:26:17.190]have you know there are several sources
- [01:26:18.869]that I have that I might send you if you
- [01:26:21.239]would like and you know typically have a
- [01:26:24.090]person you want to say no and then you
- [01:26:27.059]can you know get that person some
- [01:26:29.190]additional information so they see the
- [01:26:31.139]sources that are more reputable sources
- [01:26:34.340]absolutely another question given many
- [01:26:39.480]of our interactions currently or through
- [01:26:41.130]zoom are there any unique considerations
- [01:26:44.309]or recommendations where I'm being an
- [01:26:45.659]effective virtual bystander yes there
- [01:26:48.480]are we actually included that that will
- [01:26:50.820]be included in
- [01:26:52.130]the information resent to everyone we
- [01:26:54.470]have a few sources on ways that you can
- [01:26:56.090]be a virtual bystander its ways to be
- [01:26:58.760]more inclusive in our zonal meetings
- [01:27:00.170]what happens when hate maybe spread
- [01:27:02.630]online what is the active way that you
- [01:27:04.550]can engage and how do you use inside
- [01:27:06.680]these and we do have that as part of our
- [01:27:09.920]research that we will share out with
- [01:27:11.720]everyone following this presentation and
- [01:27:15.910]then another question how do you defuse
- [01:27:18.890]a situation where the aggressor is not
- [01:27:21.290]opening to listening and they did
- [01:27:26.210]provide some information on they
- [01:27:27.860]witnesses in the past and they tried to
- [01:27:29.780]walk away there's there another heart
- [01:27:32.660]another helpful way to engage a colony
- [01:27:35.360]and how do I do it the situation but the
- [01:27:37.730]aggressor does not feel like they are
- [01:27:39.470]winning in the end a certain situations
- [01:27:41.960]I would always say that there are many
- [01:27:44.180]times are you're in a situation where
- [01:27:45.290]there is no opportunity to engage a
- [01:27:47.180]person I always get going back to the
- [01:27:49.910]assessing of that situation making sure
- [01:27:51.710]you're safe but then also thinking back
- [01:27:54.500]as to why do you want to engage a person
- [01:27:56.360]who may not be opening to listening
- [01:27:57.880]because our goal is to make sure that
- [01:27:59.840]there is no harm to other people there's
- [01:28:02.360]no harm to our personal sales if that's
- [01:28:04.520]the case there may be some times you can
- [01:28:05.780]always engage people at the time in
- [01:28:08.090]which these situations are unfolding
- [01:28:09.440]perhaps even waiting later to engage
- [01:28:11.690]them in a different time where the
- [01:28:13.640]situation has diffused to address it
- [01:28:16.400]afterwards to bring it back up and then
- [01:28:19.130]offer some tips at that point or perhaps
- [01:28:21.290]that time in which it's happening may
- [01:28:23.270]not be the best the best scenario to use
- [01:28:26.180]these five DS or just walk away and
- [01:28:29.030]maybe wait for a later time to actually
- [01:28:30.200]engage the person after that situation
- [01:28:31.820]has had an opportunity to use a little
- [01:28:34.040]bit I'd be a place where you could use a
- [01:28:37.520]third party to where you can maybe go to
- [01:28:42.140]someone that you trust and explain the
- [01:28:44.060]situation and that person can in a very
- [01:28:46.880]casual way not in a directed way you
- [01:28:50.780]know maybe have the opportunity to bring
- [01:28:52.400]that subject up to the person and give
- [01:28:55.070]them a different perspective I've seen
- [01:28:57.380]that work really well where you you
- [01:29:00.530]solicit some help from someone else they
- [01:29:03.080]help with that particular situation
- [01:29:05.090]because in the initial craze you may be
- [01:29:07.580]able to walk away from it but it may be
- [01:29:10.880]a question or a problem that is really
- [01:29:13.460]egregious and continues to persist so
- [01:29:17.980]loop back to someone else and have that
- [01:29:21.290]person then be an ally for you in that
- [01:29:24.290]situation and a great question that
- [01:29:29.210]we've received in the past how do we
- [01:29:30.679]intervene when power dynamics exist
- [01:29:33.500]because that is absolutely a situation
- [01:29:37.670]in which we have to be mindful Oh
- [01:29:38.929]sometimes you're not in a position where
- [01:29:41.449]we feel comfortable because of those
- [01:29:42.980]dynamics it could be someone force in a
- [01:29:45.920]role where they have some type of power
- [01:29:48.050]influence over our own and when it belt
- [01:29:50.989]situations doing her back becomes noted
- [01:29:53.840]earlier going to a third party perhaps
- [01:29:56.179]to advocate for you is a huge your best
- [01:29:59.840]option there depending on the situation
- [01:30:02.840]is unfolding is it something again where
- [01:30:04.580]it's based in biasness
- [01:30:07.219]paid etc we want to make sure that we're
- [01:30:09.170]also using our compliance tools as well
- [01:30:12.290]because we do have anonymous reporting
- [01:30:14.710]systems that we have at UNL such tips
- [01:30:17.510]those situations occur I would always
- [01:30:20.119]advocate for those but if you're in a
- [01:30:22.310]situation where it's more so maybe not
- [01:30:23.840]unsafe but it's just more so intervening
- [01:30:26.179]the situation most power dynamic are
- [01:30:28.040]those differences and perhaps your best
- [01:30:30.020]method at that point is to think about
- [01:30:32.000]these five keys which could be the
- [01:30:34.489]distract method again depending on the
- [01:30:36.469]situation or even the delegation were
- [01:30:39.199]you involved in someone else or you
- [01:30:40.699]don't want to be the person that has to
- [01:30:42.469]advocate our dynamics to you another
- [01:30:45.080]person or even consider again delay
- [01:30:49.639]which means that it may not happen in
- [01:30:51.349]that exact moment it's a situation but
- [01:30:54.199]addressing it at a later time and you
- [01:30:57.320]could hardly even think about the
- [01:30:58.580]documentation piece only if it may need
- [01:31:00.770]to involve another party or an outside
- [01:31:04.070]influence that would just depend solely
- [01:31:06.710]on the situation and not having as much
- [01:31:08.540]context so just want to think through
- [01:31:10.489]that depending on the situation
- [01:31:12.139]it's definitely related to something
- [01:31:13.760]when it's biased it's related to harass
- [01:31:16.699]and etc then you may want to look at
- [01:31:18.980]your compliance option make sure that's
- [01:31:22.790]being followed as well the documentation
- [01:31:25.820]piece will be very very important if
- [01:31:27.440]it's a harassing situation that is
- [01:31:29.900]involving a power dynamic because to to
- [01:31:34.160]be able to recant or recount to
- [01:31:37.190]individuals what is happening in that
- [01:31:39.230]situation particularly if it invokes
- [01:31:42.650]there's several mounting motion on the
- [01:31:44.420]part of the person who's the target it's
- [01:31:46.370]really really good to to sit down and
- [01:31:48.830]melee after and document exactly what
- [01:31:51.110]happened it helps you to know as you are
- [01:31:53.900]talking to other people perhaps to to
- [01:31:56.840]get a resolution we are actually at a
- [01:32:00.560]time thank you all so much last slide
- [01:32:03.140]here we want you to be on the lookout
- [01:32:05.690]for a very short survey that you all
- [01:32:08.300]will receive surrounding this particular
- [01:32:10.160]webinar please take it only takes two to
- [01:32:12.500]five minutes to finish that survey we've
- [01:32:14.930]also now posted it at the in the chat
- [01:32:17.000]box you want to access a survey that
- [01:32:20.030]helps us with feedback but also to
- [01:32:22.160]develop more material that may be
- [01:32:23.300]helpful for our campus in our community
- [01:32:25.940]at a later date we also encourage you to
- [01:32:28.160]sign up for our listserv re-creating
- [01:32:30.920]this list serve as a way of staying
- [01:32:32.210]upstate on events initiatives and events
- [01:32:35.180]at the office the office of diversity
- [01:32:36.650]and inclusion
- [01:32:37.430]its diversity at UNL about edu slash
- [01:32:40.820]office
- [01:32:41.540]- diversity - and - inclusion - listserv
- [01:32:45.530]so please sign up for that if you have
- [01:32:47.840]questions surrounding this webinar or
- [01:32:49.370]any of the content we discussed today
- [01:32:50.860]you can find us at diversity at UNL by
- [01:32:53.480]eating you directly and again this this
- [01:32:56.750]presentation will be released in its
- [01:32:58.520]entirety including the recording and the
- [01:33:00.470]slides by tomorrow or asking you to
- [01:33:03.710]please complete this short survey you
- [01:33:05.480]can as soon as you can and we thank you
- [01:33:09.230]again for joining us please use your
- [01:33:11.720]resources I encourage you to go to our
- [01:33:13.730]website for additional information for
- [01:33:16.550]additional information surround this
- [01:33:17.930]webinar but also future webinars we
- [01:33:20.330]thank you again and hope that you use
- [01:33:22.970]all the information you receive today
- [01:33:24.680]hopefully it was helpful and again
- [01:33:26.600]sustain as invested in
- [01:33:29.630]the principal's introspects possible and
- [01:33:31.610]as you're thinking about fitness we also
- [01:33:33.020]want you to stay with during this period
- [01:33:34.580]so thank you again and have a great day
- [01:33:37.760]and we'll really supporting you all for
- [01:33:40.370]participating
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