Teaching Applicaitons of Food Science - Intro
Andreia Bianchini Huebner
Teaching Applicaitons of Food Science
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- [00:00:00.349](upbeat music)
- [00:00:22.480]Hello, welcome to Teaching Applications of Food Science. `
- [00:00:26.250]I'm Andreia Bianchini
- [00:00:27.670]and I'm gonna be the instructor of this course.
- [00:00:30.720]In this very first video lecture,
- [00:00:33.060]we're gonna cover all the topics
- [00:00:34.840]that we're gonna be learning and discussing
- [00:00:36.760]in this summer session,
- [00:00:38.810]as well as some of the tools that we're gonna be using
- [00:00:42.560]to engage you in the scores
- [00:00:45.530]and also to communicate and to learn.
- [00:00:48.410]So what we have on our plate today
- [00:00:51.400]is we're gonna do some introductions.
- [00:00:53.950]I'm gonna introduce myself a little more to you,
- [00:00:56.650]and I'm gonna ask you to introduce yourself
- [00:00:59.830]to me and others participating in the course.
- [00:01:02.730]We're gonna learn how
- [00:01:03.563]to use a pooling platform called Slido.
- [00:01:07.950]We're gonna also review our syllabus
- [00:01:10.900]and we're gonna cover all the different things
- [00:01:14.720]that are expected of the students
- [00:01:17.160]and all the things that the students should expect
- [00:01:19.480]of me as an instructor of this course.
- [00:01:22.330]We're gonna talk about
- [00:01:23.650]how to navigate Canvas.
- [00:01:25.080]If you have never had opportunity to work with Canvas,
- [00:01:28.360]we're gonna learn in this lecture as well.
- [00:01:31.300]Become familiar with it, where things are,
- [00:01:33.510]where you can find information there.
- [00:01:35.230]And then we're gonna have an overview of our semester
- [00:01:38.480]in all the topics that we're gonna be covering
- [00:01:40.420]and how they relate to food science.
- [00:01:43.150]So to get ourselves a started,
- [00:01:45.780]I'm gonna, just to give you a little bit
- [00:01:47.840]more information about myself.
- [00:01:49.360]So like I said, I'm Andreia Bianchini,
- [00:01:51.360]I'm a professor here at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
- [00:01:54.500]I'm in the Department of Food Science and Technology.
- [00:01:57.260]I have been teaching at the university
- [00:01:59.150]for the last 10 years,
- [00:02:00.690]but I've been here a little longer
- [00:02:02.410]because I am graduate from UNL.
- [00:02:06.961]I received my PhD here and I have also worked
- [00:02:11.330]in other positions, staff positions
- [00:02:13.760]before I was hired as a professor.
- [00:02:16.590]So I've been with the university for a little over 16 years.
- [00:02:22.320]I have a bachelor degree in Food Engineering
- [00:02:25.940]and a masters degree
- [00:02:27.360]in Agricultural and Environmental Microbiology.
- [00:02:31.560]And I have a PhD in Food Science.
- [00:02:34.040]So I like bringing all of those different things together,
- [00:02:38.168]and what I do and in what I teach.
- [00:02:40.050]So I love using processes and tools
- [00:02:45.270]that we have in the food industry to improve the quality
- [00:02:48.420]and safety of the products that we offer to our consumers.
- [00:02:52.250]So that's what I do for research
- [00:02:54.970]and part of what I teach here at the university.
- [00:02:58.520]So that's about myself.
- [00:03:00.020]And a personal strengths that I have it's lots of energy
- [00:03:04.800]and I hope to bring that to this class.
- [00:03:07.250]And I hope that you're gonna pick up some
- [00:03:09.420]of that through the videos
- [00:03:10.770]and I hope to use that to engage you,
- [00:03:14.440]try and keep everybody engaged in the course
- [00:03:16.800]and keep everybody moving while participating
- [00:03:20.440]in discussions and discussion boards
- [00:03:22.310]and all sorts of engagements that we may have in this class.
- [00:03:26.640]So now I invite you to either now pause this video
- [00:03:29.750]or later go to Canvas to our discussion board on Canvas
- [00:03:34.230]and tell us about yourself.
- [00:03:36.520]What is your name and your occupation,
- [00:03:39.370]what do you like to learn about this class
- [00:03:41.290]or how do you intend to use this class
- [00:03:43.880]and also what is your personal strength
- [00:03:46.480]that you bring to this class
- [00:03:48.050]that it's gonna benefit you and perhaps others
- [00:03:51.310]that are participating in the course as well.
- [00:03:54.090]So let me know about yourself.
- [00:03:57.500]And now we're gonna try and for the first time
- [00:04:01.000]using our polling platforms.
- [00:04:03.610]So we're gonna be using Slido quite a bit
- [00:04:05.860]throughout the course to engage your participation
- [00:04:09.800]so I can hear feedback from you
- [00:04:11.580]so I know what you're thinking
- [00:04:13.100]if you're understanding the concepts or not.
- [00:04:16.160]So even though you're gonna be watching the videos
- [00:04:18.180]on your own at your own time,
- [00:04:20.860]I'm gonna be later looking
- [00:04:25.050]at the results of the polls
- [00:04:28.120]and perhaps sharing some of that
- [00:04:29.930]with you back on the discussion board.
- [00:04:32.270]So you know how we're fairing.
- [00:04:33.940]But the first question here is about how you're feeling
- [00:04:37.230]about your first week of class,
- [00:04:38.670]a lot of energy, maybe not, starting as low.
- [00:04:42.220]So we'll see.
- [00:04:43.610]How do we go about participating in the poll?
- [00:04:45.930]So the first thing to do is go to slido.com
- [00:04:49.800]and you can use your phone
- [00:04:51.010]or you can use a computer or laptop
- [00:04:53.320]and then we're gonna enter a code.
- [00:04:54.810]The code for this specific question
- [00:04:56.790]is #Science_of_Food1.
- [00:05:02.770]And you're gonna notice that for each question
- [00:05:04.970]that we're gonna go through
- [00:05:06.600]along the course that number is gonna change.
- [00:05:10.460]So this is first question food one
- [00:05:13.530]and then we're gonna go to food two, three, and four.
- [00:05:15.990]So just remember to change that number
- [00:05:17.810]so you get the most updated question
- [00:05:20.350]and the question that we wanna hear from you.
- [00:05:23.100]So go on and let me know how you're feeling
- [00:05:26.230]about your first week of class.
- [00:05:30.750]So now we're gonna start with our syllabus review.
- [00:05:33.240]So the syllabus is what I call our contract.
- [00:05:36.960]So in the syllabus, they're gonna find all the rules
- [00:05:39.650]about the class, all the expectations
- [00:05:41.900]that I have for students
- [00:05:43.400]and also you're gonna learn how to contact me
- [00:05:46.470]while the expectations from me
- [00:05:48.810]in terms of feedback, response time
- [00:05:52.109]and help and support.
- [00:05:55.000]So all of that you can find on the syllabus
- [00:05:57.290]so your syllabus should be your goal
- [00:05:59.580]to document for answering your first line of questions.
- [00:06:03.400]And then of course, if there's something
- [00:06:04.820]that you wanna know that you don't find there,
- [00:06:06.980]do contact us.
- [00:06:08.560]You're gonna find information on the syllabus
- [00:06:10.440]about myself and about Makenna,
- [00:06:12.630]Makenna is our course assistant.
- [00:06:14.600]She is gonna help us with all the logistics
- [00:06:17.400]and coordination and she's gonna help me
- [00:06:19.840]with answering grades and deadlines and all sorts of things.
- [00:06:23.533]So we can keep everybody moving at a timely manner.
- [00:06:27.470]So she's a great help to the course,
- [00:06:30.280]always copy myself and her on any email communication
- [00:06:33.550]because then you have the best chance
- [00:06:35.270]of getting a response real fast.
- [00:06:37.280]You find me busy with something she can plug in,
- [00:06:40.220]if she is busy with something I can answer to you
- [00:06:42.800]so always copy us both.
- [00:06:45.410]Now let's touch up here
- [00:06:47.002]on a few highlight points of the syllabus.
- [00:06:49.640]I'm not gonna cover the whole document
- [00:06:51.310]so because I'm going over here, don't feel like everything
- [00:06:55.310]about it, please go there and read it
- [00:06:57.500]and become familiar with that document.
- [00:06:59.300]But I'm gonna highlight a few points here
- [00:07:00.960]that I think are extremely important.
- [00:07:02.460]So our course objectives is one,
- [00:07:04.430]one of the very important parts of our syllabus.
- [00:07:07.310]I hope that during this course,
- [00:07:10.150]during the session together,
- [00:07:11.710]I'm gonna be able to provide you with information
- [00:07:14.080]that you can apply.
- [00:07:15.530]Basic principles of physics, chemistry, and biology
- [00:07:18.770]to food science while learning how food properties
- [00:07:22.090]may determine the quality and safety
- [00:07:23.690]of that particular food.
- [00:07:26.650]Understand the various components of food
- [00:07:29.330]and how they may affect the nutritional value of that food
- [00:07:32.490]so we're gonna touch upon that
- [00:07:34.254]and I hope that by the end of the session,
- [00:07:37.590]you will appreciate the scientific basis of food processes
- [00:07:41.260]that are applied to food to improve their shelf life
- [00:07:44.550]and ensure consumer safety.
- [00:07:47.730]In addition to that,
- [00:07:49.084]I would love for you to apply the concepts
- [00:07:53.300]that you learn throughout this whole journey together
- [00:07:56.990]into the developing educational materials
- [00:07:59.740]that can be used
- [00:08:01.470]to teach K-12 science education.
- [00:08:06.310]So I would love to see the concepts
- [00:08:08.420]that we cover in this class apply to
- [00:08:10.420]a lesson plan that you may choose to use in the future.
- [00:08:15.140]So that would be the ultimate goal of the class.
- [00:08:19.570]In the syllabus, you're gonna find information
- [00:08:21.260]about the technical resources that are gonna need
- [00:08:23.810]to be successful in the course and the textbook
- [00:08:26.680]that it's gonna support our lectures
- [00:08:29.150]and it's gonna be part of your reading assignment.
- [00:08:31.240]So make sure that you purchase the E-Book
- [00:08:34.820]and there's information on Canvas on how to access
- [00:08:38.790]and purchase the codes and register the codes
- [00:08:41.440]and all that it's involved with an E-Book
- [00:08:44.380]by the publisher Hayden McNeil.
- [00:08:46.060]So make sure that you find information
- [00:08:48.100]about it and you follow the steps.
- [00:08:51.120]So now let's talk about assignments.
- [00:08:52.830]This is another part of the syllabus that's very important
- [00:08:55.730]because it explains how our course is gonna work
- [00:08:59.010]and how it's structured and what I expect of you
- [00:09:02.040]in terms of assignments.
- [00:09:05.860]Before we get to the assignments,
- [00:09:07.210]I wanna give a little bit of an overview
- [00:09:09.100]of how your week may look like during the session.
- [00:09:11.900]So you will be expected to watch a video lecture
- [00:09:16.820]similar to this one, a video on your computer
- [00:09:19.840]that you're gonna watch every day,
- [00:09:21.710]after you watch that lecture,
- [00:09:23.950]you're gonna be going through a series
- [00:09:26.800]of questions, review questions.
- [00:09:29.500]So those review questions are gonna help you gauge
- [00:09:33.330]if you're understanding the content
- [00:09:35.230]because if you get them all right,
- [00:09:36.713]it's because you are understanding,
- [00:09:38.927]if you don't quite, what are the points
- [00:09:41.540]that you may need to go back,
- [00:09:42.950]review the lecture, ask additional questions,
- [00:09:45.860]use the discussion board, contact me
- [00:09:48.490]and I can provide you more information
- [00:09:50.270]or explain something better.
- [00:09:51.970]So that's gonna be your gauge.
- [00:09:53.400]But another point that it's very important
- [00:09:56.230]about those review questions
- [00:09:57.960]is that they're worth a lot of points for each task unit,
- [00:10:02.130]they're worth just as much as a test.
- [00:10:05.229]And here the goal that I have with those review questions
- [00:10:09.790]is for you to reinforce learning.
- [00:10:13.060]So I will let you take the review questions
- [00:10:17.620]are gonna be open on Canvas for you
- [00:10:19.080]to take time and time again
- [00:10:21.520]within a timeframe like a time period.
- [00:10:26.630]And during that time period,
- [00:10:28.210]you can take as many times as needed
- [00:10:30.640]to get all the questions correctly.
- [00:10:33.730]So my goal is that through that process of attempting
- [00:10:37.660]to get the questions all correct,
- [00:10:39.670]you'll be learning and reinforcing some of that knowledge.
- [00:10:43.500]So the bottom line is that we have, right
- [00:10:48.310]from the Getgo here,
- [00:10:49.757]300 points that are basically yours
- [00:10:54.290]as long as you are diligent in doing those review questions,
- [00:10:58.790]watching the video lecture, answering the questions
- [00:11:01.520]within their timeframe and before their deadline.
- [00:11:04.770]So every day you'll have a lecture to watch
- [00:11:07.710]and a set of questions to answer.
- [00:11:09.990]And if you follow that and you keep up with the deadlines,
- [00:11:13.250]all those points are already yours, very important.
- [00:11:19.191]Then another thing
- [00:11:20.320]that you're gonna notice is that
- [00:11:23.130]you're gonna be watching those lectures, right, every day.
- [00:11:25.790]And those lectures are taped,
- [00:11:28.600]are videotaped in a lecture hall.
- [00:11:30.560]So the reason why is because we have used
- [00:11:37.110]an opportunity where we have the students gather
- [00:11:40.820]for a class that covers
- [00:11:44.790]the same content that we're gonna be covering here
- [00:11:47.213]and in that class I offer demonstrations,
- [00:11:50.670]I offer opportunities for students
- [00:11:52.380]to engage with the content and ask questions.
- [00:11:55.030]So we're gonna be using some of the material
- [00:11:57.410]to present the technical content to you here.
- [00:12:00.390]So you have an opportunity to kind of watch
- [00:12:02.740]and see how students react to some of those demonstrations
- [00:12:06.230]and it might be something that you might wanna use
- [00:12:09.420]for teaching purposes later.
- [00:12:10.950]Like if you see a demonstration that could fit
- [00:12:13.020]in your classroom and you see how it's done
- [00:12:16.150]and how students reacted to that,
- [00:12:18.057]you're gonna have a thorough explanation
- [00:12:21.462]on the scientific basis of that demonstration.
- [00:12:24.690]So it's gonna serve as an example.
- [00:12:26.570]So because of that, we're gonna use that material
- [00:12:30.290]for you to be watching and reviewing
- [00:12:33.720]and learning the concepts of food science.
- [00:12:36.420]So don't be surprised to see myself in a lecture hall
- [00:12:41.260]for the lectures that are gonna be coming ahead here.
- [00:12:44.634]So I just wanted to let you know the purpose
- [00:12:47.540]and the goal of doing or in structuring this course
- [00:12:50.350]around those lectures.
- [00:12:52.340]And we also gonna cover the scientific method
- [00:12:57.020]in this food science course here.
- [00:13:00.430]So how you can apply the scientific method
- [00:13:03.500]to teach food science.
- [00:13:05.320]So we're gonna have a lecture
- [00:13:06.560]on the concept of scientific method
- [00:13:08.440]in several weeks samples of how
- [00:13:10.270]we can apply those concepts into food situations.
- [00:13:14.590]So you're gonna have an opportunity to look at
- [00:13:16.960]at least three different assignments
- [00:13:20.030]that are gonna be covering scientific methods,
- [00:13:26.610]concepts and how they're applied in food science.
- [00:13:29.680]So by going through those
- [00:13:32.085]and completing them as an assignment,
- [00:13:34.700]you're gonna be learning through the process
- [00:13:36.290]and you can again use those as potentially future examples
- [00:13:40.460]for teaching food science in your classroom.
- [00:13:44.560]So hopefully those will be useful in that way.
- [00:13:47.780]And then we have the MyPlate assignment, which again,
- [00:13:52.550]it's another great example of how
- [00:13:55.270]we can bring together science, food science into very,
- [00:14:01.870]very much like a daily application.
- [00:14:04.150]So in this activity, you're gonna have an opportunity
- [00:14:06.830]to review your own diet habits
- [00:14:09.810]and your own eating habits
- [00:14:11.420]and how they may be closely related
- [00:14:16.390]or perhaps not to what it's expected of a healthy lifestyle.
- [00:14:21.402]So again, another great assignment
- [00:14:25.000]that you're gonna be completing yourself
- [00:14:27.310]but also may serve as if not an example
- [00:14:31.320]at least an inspiration for you to apply some
- [00:14:34.070]of this food science concepts in your own classroom
- [00:14:37.380]if you are teaching food science.
- [00:14:40.200]Then we're gonna have tasks that are gonna help us gauge
- [00:14:43.700]and review and evaluate and assess your understanding
- [00:14:47.130]of the content associated with food science
- [00:14:49.450]because we expect you to understand really well
- [00:14:51.730]so you can teach them as well.
- [00:14:53.460]And then, like I said, my main goal for this class
- [00:14:57.200]is to have you come up with lesson plan
- [00:14:59.990]that you can choose to use that in the future or not,
- [00:15:02.350]it could be just an exercise here for this purpose
- [00:15:06.957]or it could be something useful
- [00:15:08.980]that you can actually put in practice.
- [00:15:11.230]So you have the whole session to work on it
- [00:15:14.650]and there will be more information about it
- [00:15:18.080]but basically I would encourage you to pick a topic
- [00:15:22.810]that you are more inclined or more familiar
- [00:15:26.980]or you like more or you have more interest.
- [00:15:30.770]And then try to use that topic for a lesson plan.
- [00:15:34.735]And we'll have more information in the detailed instructions
- [00:15:39.830]about what it's required there
- [00:15:42.270]and what are the expectations.
- [00:15:43.740]But again, you can start working on that at any time
- [00:15:47.760]and if we come across with concepts in the classroom
- [00:15:51.640]that you're like, oh, I want to do my lesson plan
- [00:15:53.570]about that, get started.
- [00:15:55.170]Don't wait until the very end
- [00:15:57.250]because you know better than I
- [00:15:58.751]how long it may take to come up
- [00:16:01.460]with a good solid lesson plan.
- [00:16:06.127]So you can start it as soon as today.
- [00:16:12.210]So now another points of the syllabus
- [00:16:14.960]that I would like to touch up.
- [00:16:16.670]The exams, I already mentioned,
- [00:16:17.960]we're gonna have one per unit,
- [00:16:20.211]they're noncumulative
- [00:16:21.890]so each test unit is gonna have one particular task
- [00:16:25.870]and the final one it's not gonna accumulate
- [00:16:29.370]from the previous is just the one set of lectures
- [00:16:32.010]that it's gonna be covered in the syllabus
- [00:16:34.080]tells you which lectures are covered in each test.
- [00:16:39.350]We're gonna give extra credits
- [00:16:40.700]for attendance and participation and in the syllabus
- [00:16:43.610]we can find a little bit more information
- [00:16:45.500]about what that means and how you can participate
- [00:16:48.520]to get those points.
- [00:16:49.860]But in brief, I just wanted to let you know
- [00:16:52.460]that if you watch your lectures,
- [00:16:54.180]if you review your questions,
- [00:16:56.660]post questions on the discussion board,
- [00:16:58.910]participate in answer things on the discussion board
- [00:17:01.450]when somebody makes a comment,
- [00:17:04.070]participate in your Slido polls,
- [00:17:06.570]we're accounting all that.
- [00:17:08.470]The Canvas it's a great tool
- [00:17:11.360]for gathering information
- [00:17:14.620]about students use of the site.
- [00:17:17.200]So the system itself knows how much you're clicking
- [00:17:20.700]on things, how much you're participating,
- [00:17:22.740]how much you're engaging in.
- [00:17:24.200]We have a way of scoring all that behind the scenes.
- [00:17:27.140]So that's how your participation
- [00:17:29.180]is gonna be pulled together.
- [00:17:32.400]Communication, very important
- [00:17:34.940]because of university policies,
- [00:17:36.800]I can only communicate with you using
- [00:17:38.810]a university account email.
- [00:17:40.600]So you have to use your Canvas email,
- [00:17:43.190]the one that is associated with Canvas
- [00:17:44.660]to communicate with myself and Makenna.
- [00:17:47.250]So the easiest way to play by rules
- [00:17:49.580]is by using the email application inside Canvas.
- [00:17:53.050]So if you go to your Canvas page,
- [00:17:55.000]there's gonna be like a link to email
- [00:17:59.817]and then you can choose myself and Makenna
- [00:18:02.780]as your, the destination of that email
- [00:18:05.430]or the person, the receiver of that email.
- [00:18:07.290]And then we're gonna be all following the rules in
- [00:18:11.830]and playing by the book.
- [00:18:12.730]So please use that application to send email to us.
- [00:18:16.980]If you send from a Gmail account, I can't reply to that.
- [00:18:20.350]So I'm gonna have to take that information
- [00:18:22.430]and reroute through Canvas, and we do that.
- [00:18:24.830]But the only concern I have is if you're waiting
- [00:18:27.260]for a reply on that Gmail account, it's never gonna come.
- [00:18:30.400]The reply is gonna be on your Canvas account.
- [00:18:33.360]So make sure that you pay attention and you monitor that.
- [00:18:36.750]I'm gonna be sending emails on a regular basis every week
- [00:18:40.520]or sometimes more than once a week.
- [00:18:42.750]So please pay attention to those email communications.
- [00:18:46.490]Important information is gonna be dispersed that way.
- [00:18:50.670]Other important policies and resources
- [00:18:53.410]that we expect of you or we offer to you,
- [00:18:56.700]you will find on the syllabus.
- [00:18:58.220]So please review those,
- [00:18:59.660]any special needs, extra help, extra time for exams,
- [00:19:03.050]there're policies in there and how you can obtain those.
- [00:19:07.550]So please let me know
- [00:19:10.060]if you need anything and we will work with you
- [00:19:12.270]to meet your needs.
- [00:19:16.320]So now I'm gonna invite you to navigate Canvas
- [00:19:19.390]with me for a little bit just to make sure
- [00:19:21.800]that we're all on the same page
- [00:19:23.180]and we know where contents are and where the material is.
- [00:19:26.320]So you can feel very comfortable navigating
- [00:19:28.660]and finding things on your own.
- [00:19:31.240]So let's go, jump with me here.
- [00:19:34.410]Okay, so here is the page that you would see
- [00:19:37.560]if you were to go to your dashboard on Canvas
- [00:19:41.260]and look for teaching applications of food science.
- [00:19:45.626]It's a little abbreviated, the title of the course
- [00:19:48.220]because it's long but I'm sure you'll be able to find there.
- [00:19:51.150]Just look for our logo and colors and you'll find it.
- [00:19:54.700]So from that dashboard, you're gonna be clicking
- [00:19:57.740]on that link and coming to this page.
- [00:20:00.940]Before we start exploring this page,
- [00:20:02.900]I also wanna point out the link to the inbox.
- [00:20:06.090]So that's the email that we will have
- [00:20:08.570]to use in this class for communication.
- [00:20:10.570]So if you wanna reach out to me or Makenna,
- [00:20:13.349]please use that inbox, that email application
- [00:20:17.498]and that's also where you're gonna find all the emails
- [00:20:21.810]that we are sending out with the reminders
- [00:20:25.140]and important dates and important information
- [00:20:27.420]about the course.
- [00:20:28.253]So make sure that you check that inbox
- [00:20:30.330]on a very regular basis.
- [00:20:33.530]So then here on our page, this is our homepage
- [00:20:36.930]and I invite you to review this page in detail later,
- [00:20:41.830]make sure that you have everything is needed to get started
- [00:20:45.010]and here's a brief overview what to expect in each lesson.
- [00:20:49.340]Once you're familiar with that,
- [00:20:50.910]you can go to,
- [00:20:54.550]I invite you to reveal the syllabus.
- [00:20:57.580]So that's where you're gonna find the syllabus
- [00:21:00.240]for our course and you can download a PDF of it
- [00:21:05.070]as we start populating the Canvas page with assignments
- [00:21:09.500]and dates and lectures and all that,
- [00:21:12.320]you're gonna start seeing those here as well.
- [00:21:14.810]So you can come to the syllabus to find dates for the task,
- [00:21:19.030]you're gonna find that right now on this PDF,
- [00:21:21.750]there's already the dates there
- [00:21:23.500]but you're also gonna find them
- [00:21:25.160]once you start populating the Canvas,
- [00:21:27.390]you're gonna also find them listed here.
- [00:21:29.750]So two places for you to look for upcoming tasks.
- [00:21:35.232]The assignment dates are not listed on the syllabus
- [00:21:37.970]but they will be listed under your Assignments.
- [00:21:42.190]So you can always click on Assignments
- [00:21:44.740]to know when the assignments are due.
- [00:21:47.410]Right now, we don't have anything
- [00:21:49.060]but comes the first day of class
- [00:21:52.280]this is gonna start being populated.
- [00:21:54.030]So by the time that you explore the Canvas yourself,
- [00:21:57.470]there might be some assignments already sitting there
- [00:21:59.910]and waiting for you.
- [00:22:01.810]So on a regular basis, the place
- [00:22:04.920]where you're gonna come to, it's the modules.
- [00:22:07.350]So that's where you're gonna spend most
- [00:22:08.980]of your time in this class.
- [00:22:10.570]So the Modules it's where you're gonna find your lectures,
- [00:22:14.360]you're gonna find your review questions
- [00:22:18.272]and assignments may be there
- [00:22:19.850]or maybe posted on their assignments.
- [00:22:21.670]So just make sure that you check both places
- [00:22:24.100]to make sure that you're not missing on anything
- [00:22:26.560]that it's due or anything that's coming up.
- [00:22:29.060]I would highly recommend checking both places.
- [00:22:33.661]On the Modules right now, we don't have any lecture posted.
- [00:22:38.370]Once again, we're populating this
- [00:22:40.560]and I'm prerecording this video lecture.
- [00:22:42.930]So we're gonna have here the first lecture
- [00:22:46.420]which it will include this one and others
- [00:22:48.950]as you come to this page on the first day of class.
- [00:22:53.580]And you will find the lecture, the review questions
- [00:22:56.437]and other things that you need to complete
- [00:22:59.420]every day of the week.
- [00:23:01.730]Right now, what I have, it's things
- [00:23:03.820]that I would like you to do before you click on that first,
- [00:23:08.290]our second lecture and start moving on with the content.
- [00:23:11.990]I would like you to review the items here
- [00:23:16.000]and make sure that you are familiar with myself with Makenna
- [00:23:20.390]and with some policies we have
- [00:23:23.580]and our E-Book and other things.
- [00:23:25.910]As you can see, as you complete those,
- [00:23:28.070]they're gonna show as a check mark for completion
- [00:23:33.300]and I don't have all of them completed yet.
- [00:23:36.290]I just completed the first one
- [00:23:38.320]and why are reviewing the content
- [00:23:40.800]before recording this lecture.
- [00:23:44.400]But I am gonna jump here to the course of schedule
- [00:23:47.290]because I wanna highlight a few things.
- [00:23:48.830]So on this link, you're gonna find a course of schedule
- [00:23:53.360]that you can actually see on the screen with all the dates,
- [00:23:56.710]with the tasks, with the assignments, everything.
- [00:23:59.420]This is a summary of your session.
- [00:24:03.370]You can download that, save in your computer,
- [00:24:05.560]you have a PDF down here
- [00:24:07.260]or you can always visit this page.
- [00:24:09.310]If we make any changes for any reason at all,
- [00:24:12.370]we will communicate with you and we'll be very clear
- [00:24:15.660]in sending out information if changes need to be made
- [00:24:18.880]but this is what we're planning on using
- [00:24:21.560]for the whole session.
- [00:24:23.750]And then I'm gonna go to the next item here
- [00:24:26.290]which is my respondents LockDown browser.
- [00:24:29.980]And I wanna discuss with you, what this is about
- [00:24:33.840]and why is it important.
- [00:24:35.450]So for our tasks in this class,
- [00:24:38.340]we're not gonna use a regular browser like Firefox
- [00:24:41.840]or Internet Explorer
- [00:24:43.220]we're instead gonna use responders LockDown.
- [00:24:46.420]So this browser you're gonna have to download
- [00:24:49.630]and install in the machine that you intend
- [00:24:52.610]to take your tasks on.
- [00:24:56.120]So on this page here,
- [00:24:57.350]you're gonna have very detailed information
- [00:24:59.580]about how to download and install
- [00:25:02.860]this program in your computer.
- [00:25:04.930]If you encounter any issue in any of the steps or get stuck,
- [00:25:08.980]don't hesitate to send myself and Makenna an email
- [00:25:12.480]and we will help you through.
- [00:25:14.320]This system or this application is compatible
- [00:25:18.688]with PCs, Macs and all variations
- [00:25:24.630]and types of PCs and Macs.
- [00:25:26.180]The only thing that we are aware of issues
- [00:25:29.330]is with Chrome book.
- [00:25:30.640]So if Chrome book is the only machine
- [00:25:33.440]that you have available for taking your tasks,
- [00:25:36.670]then please communicate with Makenna and I
- [00:25:38.970]and we work around it
- [00:25:40.400]but otherwise you should be able to install
- [00:25:43.093]and use the LockDown browser for the tests.
- [00:25:47.010]The main goal in using this browser,
- [00:25:49.460]this special browser, it's because as the name suggests,
- [00:25:52.720]you're gonna be locked down inside of that test,
- [00:25:55.380]the browser is not gonna allow you to navigate the internet
- [00:25:58.610]or get out of there and do other things in your computer.
- [00:26:01.150]And we're doing that mostly to keep you focused.
- [00:26:03.670]We want you to focus on the task,
- [00:26:05.470]we don't want you to be distracted by other things
- [00:26:07.810]so we want you to make sure
- [00:26:09.970]that you are in a safe focused environment to do your tests.
- [00:26:14.070]So please make sure that you download
- [00:26:17.590]and install this application in your computer.
- [00:26:22.610]Closer to task one,
- [00:26:24.270]we will give you an opportunity to test your system
- [00:26:27.390]and make sure that you have downloaded
- [00:26:29.230]and installed this browser properly.
- [00:26:31.470]We're gonna send out a quiz,
- [00:26:33.830]we're gonna announce a quiz that is non-graded
- [00:26:36.600]but it's gonna be required to be completed
- [00:26:39.060]and that's gonna provide you
- [00:26:40.530]with an opportunity to make sure
- [00:26:42.470]that your system is working properly
- [00:26:44.310]and you're being able to submit your answers
- [00:26:46.840]and you're being able to navigate the test
- [00:26:49.344]is gonna be just a very, very short quiz
- [00:26:51.990]with a few questions that are gonna provide
- [00:26:55.320]you an opportunity to be familiar with this browser.
- [00:26:59.010]And it's also gonna ensure us
- [00:27:00.880]that your system is functioning in a way
- [00:27:02.670]that it's some meaning the questions to us
- [00:27:04.570]that we can receive your test answers
- [00:27:07.080]and we are all ready for you to participate
- [00:27:11.400]in the tasks of the class.
- [00:27:13.040]So it's very, very important,
- [00:27:14.830]make sure that you follow those instructions
- [00:27:17.074]as soon as possible and install this
- [00:27:19.750]and be ready for those tests.
- [00:27:23.980]if you are interested in knowing how you're performing
- [00:27:26.290]in the class, you can come here and click on grades
- [00:27:29.090]and you'll find the grades that you've been receiving
- [00:27:31.450]for each assignment, tasks, quiz, and everything else.
- [00:27:35.500]And another point that it's important here on the Canvas
- [00:27:39.180]that I wanna show you, it's your discussion board.
- [00:27:42.240]So like I mentioned in this lecture,
- [00:27:45.030]I would love to learn more about you
- [00:27:47.200]and so please come here and introduce yourself
- [00:27:51.013]to me, Makenna and everybody else taking this course.
- [00:27:56.490]Right now there's nothing posted
- [00:27:58.040]but come the first day of class,
- [00:27:59.660]there's gonna be an introduction for myself
- [00:28:01.467]and Makenna waiting for you there.
- [00:28:03.350]So feel free to follow up and always answer
- [00:28:07.720]that as a response or a reply to that discussion board
- [00:28:13.320]so we can keep everything organized.
- [00:28:15.730]If you have any questions related to the course in general
- [00:28:18.610]that you, if you want,
- [00:28:20.970]you can send a direct email to Makenna and I
- [00:28:23.510]but if you feel like posting on the discussion board,
- [00:28:25.890]that's fine too.
- [00:28:26.740]If you feel that it would be useful to others
- [00:28:30.350]then post it there and we're gonna answer to everybody.
- [00:28:32.770]So those are gonna be on the top for now.
- [00:28:36.130]And then we're also gonna be posting
- [00:28:38.720]every week discussion boards that are specific
- [00:28:42.200]to each lecture that you are working on.
- [00:28:46.840]And I would ask you to post to here in each of this
- [00:28:50.810]any questions, follow up,
- [00:28:53.410]anything that you want to learn more about that topic
- [00:28:56.350]or if something wasn't clear
- [00:28:58.210]and even if you don't wanna post anything, check it out,
- [00:29:00.760]see if somebody posted a question
- [00:29:02.850]because I'll be answering and then maybe you can learn
- [00:29:05.570]from that as well.
- [00:29:06.630]So we're gonna use this as our Q&A for each
- [00:29:10.390]of the lectures that we're gonna go through.
- [00:29:12.440]I just ask that everybody posts the questions
- [00:29:15.490]that are associated with the respect of lecture
- [00:29:17.890]so we can keep everything organized.
- [00:29:20.720]So with that,
- [00:29:22.350]I pretty much finished the tour.
- [00:29:25.320]I would like to give it on Canvas to you
- [00:29:28.270]so you become familiar with all the different parts
- [00:29:30.790]and tools and areas of the Canvas page
- [00:29:33.910]that we're gonna be using the most.
- [00:29:35.740]So with that, let's go back to our PowerPoint presentation
- [00:29:40.280]and look at the other topics that we have for this lecture.
- [00:29:44.070]So now we have our second poll of the day.
- [00:29:47.240]So again, get your phone or use your laptop
- [00:29:51.210]or your computer, go to slido.com.
- [00:29:53.810]Remember to change that hashtag to number two now at the end
- [00:29:57.880]and answer the question.
- [00:29:59.290]What is one word that come to mind
- [00:30:01.360]when you think of food science?
- [00:30:03.100]So here, the goal is to create a word Cloud
- [00:30:06.846]and I'll share that word Cloud with you
- [00:30:09.360]on the discussion board.
- [00:30:11.180]Usually what I'm excited to see is that
- [00:30:15.290]the words that come to mind to students
- [00:30:18.280]when they think of food science are those
- [00:30:20.130]that we're gonna cover in class.
- [00:30:21.620]So I'm looking forward to see your word Cloud,
- [00:30:25.260]to see if there's gonna be a lot of,
- [00:30:28.680]overlaps between what you think of food science
- [00:30:30.907]and what I intend to teach
- [00:30:32.950]and if not, maybe I can throw in some discussions
- [00:30:35.750]or some activities that can match that
- [00:30:39.650]or perhaps discuss points that I didn't think of
- [00:30:43.150]that were interesting and you want to know about it.
- [00:30:45.740]So let me know what you think when you think of food science
- [00:30:50.040]and hopefully we'll have a good alignment with the course
- [00:30:53.970]and if there's anything there that I see popping up
- [00:30:56.380]that it's of your interest and I'm not covering,
- [00:30:58.596]we'll find a way to cater to that.
- [00:31:06.810]So now I'm gonna take a little bit of time
- [00:31:08.924]to talk about food science and technology as a whole
- [00:31:12.570]because that's gonna kind of set the tone
- [00:31:15.260]or the pedometers for us to define the topics
- [00:31:18.090]that we're gonna be covering this class
- [00:31:19.720]which is the last little bit of this presentation.
- [00:31:22.690]So food science and technology
- [00:31:24.650]is a profession that the find by our
- [00:31:28.850]most important professional association
- [00:31:32.130]which is the Institute of Food Technologists.
- [00:31:34.430]So that association defines food science and technology
- [00:31:38.570]as the discipline in which the engineering, biological
- [00:31:42.140]and physical sciences are used to study the nature of foods,
- [00:31:46.480]the causes of deterioration,
- [00:31:48.650]principles on the line food processing
- [00:31:50.820]and the improvement of foods for the consuming public.
- [00:31:54.420]So that's the description of what a food scientist does.
- [00:31:58.720]Not all of us work in every single part of that
- [00:32:01.620]because as you can see,
- [00:32:02.780]it's quite long and involves a lot of different areas
- [00:32:07.310]so some of us tend to concentrate our efforts,
- [00:32:11.042]our expertise in some of those areas.
- [00:32:15.620]So you may find food scientists working specifically
- [00:32:19.520]in the validating new food product.
- [00:32:21.350]So those are the very creative folks
- [00:32:23.440]that are gonna come up with a brand new products,
- [00:32:26.330]brand new flavors and flavor combinations
- [00:32:28.610]that we see almost every day on the shelves
- [00:32:31.250]of the grocery store.
- [00:32:32.430]So it's almost like an art, right,
- [00:32:36.040]because they're gonna have to be very creative,
- [00:32:38.680]they need to sometimes think outside the box
- [00:32:41.040]and come up with products that will call our attention
- [00:32:44.610]are good, healthy, and all that.
- [00:32:47.697]So that's development of new products.
- [00:32:50.610]Then we have those individuals
- [00:32:52.920]that are responsible for bringing that to your home
- [00:32:57.790]or bringing that to the grocery store.
- [00:32:59.820]So those are the professionals that are gonna design
- [00:33:02.270]the processes to make those new foods.
- [00:33:04.740]So somebody in a laboratory
- [00:33:07.860]or in up pilot plant, it's gonna come up with a new idea
- [00:33:11.870]and they're gonna make a prototype
- [00:33:13.310]but then somebody needs to take that prototype
- [00:33:15.340]and make it into a series of product, massive production.
- [00:33:19.410]So that's where we have some of us working
- [00:33:22.950]in the processing and that's food engineer
- [00:33:26.830]would have a role in helping
- [00:33:32.290]bring those new concepts into products.
- [00:33:35.970]Then we have those that will work with packaging
- [00:33:38.850]and packaging materials and the validating new packagings.
- [00:33:41.560]And it's amazing if you go to the grocery store
- [00:33:43.720]and look at it, all of them are so easy to open out,
- [00:33:47.080]you hardly even need a can opening,
- [00:33:50.760]a can opener these days anymore.
- [00:33:53.140]There're so many, just push, pull
- [00:33:57.360]and tear types of packages
- [00:34:00.140]and all that came out of those very creative individuals
- [00:34:03.740]that are thinking about our packaging materials.
- [00:34:06.930]And then shelf life studies.
- [00:34:08.640]Some of us dedicate their lives
- [00:34:10.600]to improve the shelf life of products.
- [00:34:13.520]There's a lot of things that we can do to food.
- [00:34:15.800]We don't necessarily need to add chemicals to it
- [00:34:18.450]to improve the shelf life.
- [00:34:19.810]In some cases we do, but that's not a must.
- [00:34:22.470]So some of us dedicate their
- [00:34:25.650]time and efforts in improving the shelf life
- [00:34:28.540]and making foods available longer
- [00:34:32.040]and especially for those potentially geographical locations
- [00:34:36.770]or populations that wouldn't have access
- [00:34:38.750]to a particular product if it wasn't for that extension
- [00:34:42.130]of shelf life.
- [00:34:43.020]And you might be thinking of
- [00:34:45.840]that maybe if you live in the Midwest
- [00:34:48.870]of the United States, that may or may not apply to you,
- [00:34:51.870]I would say apply to us and a lot.
- [00:34:54.610]Being in Nebraska there's just certain commodities
- [00:34:57.860]that we can grow at certain times of the year
- [00:35:00.310]but we would like consuming foods throughout the year.
- [00:35:03.910]So having the ability to preserve those foods
- [00:35:06.301]and consume them at any time
- [00:35:10.730]makes life a lot more enjoyable.
- [00:35:12.750]So kudos to those professionals
- [00:35:15.850]that are ensuring that we have food available
- [00:35:18.450]at any time and take advantage of the harvest, right.
- [00:35:22.440]So food does not go to waste
- [00:35:25.250]but otherwise is preserved so we can be consumed later.
- [00:35:29.640]Sensory evaluation,
- [00:35:32.133]so those are the individuals that are gonna be working
- [00:35:35.030]with the flavors, with the colors of the food,
- [00:35:38.140]making it appealing, making us like it
- [00:35:41.490]so we eat it.
- [00:35:43.100]In some cases that's what we need to do
- [00:35:45.710]with some healthy foods that otherwise
- [00:35:47.890]wouldn't be so appealing.
- [00:35:49.160]So sometimes we can change their texture,
- [00:35:52.180]change something about them that enhances
- [00:35:56.490]their consumption appeal.
- [00:36:00.220]So sensory evaluation, it's a large area.
- [00:36:03.010]Also when you're developing new products,
- [00:36:04.257]you wanna make sure that the people would accept it,
- [00:36:09.130]would consume it time and time again.
- [00:36:11.130]So without that feedback from consumers,
- [00:36:13.560]it's really difficult to launch a product with success.
- [00:36:17.020]So sensory evaluation is an intrinsic part of that process.
- [00:36:21.320]In microbiological and chemical testing
- [00:36:23.820]that's to ensure quality and safety of the product
- [00:36:26.900]all the way from there,
- [00:36:30.210]harvesting time all the way to your plate.
- [00:36:32.370]So we need to do that, we need to use those tools.
- [00:36:35.310]And a lot of what I do fits into that because like I said,
- [00:36:39.240]I have a microbiology background
- [00:36:42.540]that I tried to plug in into the food processing
- [00:36:45.210]to make foods last longer and have better quality.
- [00:36:49.700]And be safe at all times.
- [00:36:53.270]So if we think about food science and technology,
- [00:36:55.510]we're trying to put together here
- [00:36:56.960]a lot of different sciences.
- [00:36:59.050]We're bringing together chemistry,
- [00:37:01.440]technology, quality and safety.
- [00:37:05.500]We have that area as well,
- [00:37:06.950]the area of microbiology,
- [00:37:08.790]the area of engineering and nutrition.
- [00:37:11.510]So all of that will work together
- [00:37:19.685]to bring to us this science
- [00:37:21.710]that it's a combination of all those different areas
- [00:37:24.010]which is food science and technology.
- [00:37:27.040]So here we have a overview of our semester.
- [00:37:30.700]So you'll see that all the concepts
- [00:37:33.910]and the expertise that comes along with food science
- [00:37:37.660]is gonna be in some way touched up in the scores.
- [00:37:40.630]We're gonna cover all the different concepts
- [00:37:42.790]in all of the different areas
- [00:37:44.590]that a food science professional
- [00:37:46.363]would also potentially be working on.
- [00:37:49.600]So to start everybody on the same page
- [00:37:53.320]and very what the basics.
- [00:37:55.860]We're gonna have a couple of lectures talking
- [00:37:57.590]about chemistry just so we have all those concepts covered.
- [00:38:01.370]And you're gonna see how also you in the classroom
- [00:38:04.950]can build knowledge from very basic concepts
- [00:38:07.857]and how we take that into food chemistry
- [00:38:10.837]and how from food chemistry in those food components
- [00:38:14.620]we're gonna take it into nutrition.
- [00:38:17.130]So you can understand from the basic components of the food,
- [00:38:22.680]all the way to their functions
- [00:38:24.360]and how they help us with nutrition
- [00:38:27.370]and the nutritional value of the food.
- [00:38:29.310]And because we're talking all about foods, right.
- [00:38:32.110]we started with atoms and molecules,
- [00:38:34.560]but we're gonna end up in food.
- [00:38:36.305]We're gonna then talk about the food quality,
- [00:38:38.770]what are the attributes that we care about foods
- [00:38:42.482]and then we also want to talk about food safety
- [00:38:44.840]but before we get to food safety
- [00:38:46.420]we need some building blocks that we didn't have yet.
- [00:38:49.460]So we're gonna talk about food microbiology.
- [00:38:51.670]So basically we're gonna start
- [00:38:52.950]with some concepts of chemistry and biology
- [00:38:56.460]to then jump into very applicable areas of food science.
- [00:39:01.032]And to ensure that our food is safe,
- [00:39:05.340]the industry thus its due diligence to make sure
- [00:39:08.690]that the products that they're putting in the market
- [00:39:10.630]it's safe for consumers, but nonetheless
- [00:39:12.200]we also have a regulatory branch that helps us
- [00:39:16.440]and supports and set the rules
- [00:39:19.700]and the limits
- [00:39:21.700]and tell us what foods should or should not have
- [00:39:25.640]to be safe and nutritional.
- [00:39:27.630]So there's food laws and regulations
- [00:39:29.950]that we're gonna be covering.
- [00:39:31.150]And I hope to be able to show
- [00:39:34.480]how they come from a scientific standpoint.
- [00:39:41.640]So the laws and regulations that we have now
- [00:39:44.190]to protect consumer safety come from a scientific basis.
- [00:39:49.050]So hopefully we're gonna be able to make those connections
- [00:39:52.250]when we cover that content.
- [00:39:54.270]And then we're gonna talk about food processing.
- [00:39:56.920]So we're gonna end our session
- [00:39:59.370]by bringing all the different concepts together
- [00:40:01.790]in how food processing can helps us improve
- [00:40:04.830]the quality of foods and ensure the safety of products.
- [00:40:08.933]sometimes it helps us add a nutritional value to it
- [00:40:12.763]and it definitely helps us comply
- [00:40:16.180]with certain regulatory expectations.
- [00:40:19.270]So we're gonna bring all that together
- [00:40:21.470]with our food processing module.
- [00:40:23.880]And hopefully by the end of the session,
- [00:40:26.850]you're gonna have a good understanding,
- [00:40:29.050]solid understanding of food science.
- [00:40:31.430]And also you're gonna have a better appreciation
- [00:40:34.600]perhaps for food processing.
- [00:40:36.070]I'm not necessarily advocating
- [00:40:37.670]for excessive food processing
- [00:40:40.749]but definitely there's a level of food processing
- [00:40:43.830]that is required to ensure the safety and provide products
- [00:40:47.830]that have a shelf stability that is acceptable
- [00:40:51.060]to feed our population.
- [00:40:52.860]So hopefully you'll come out with that positive attitude
- [00:40:57.210]towards food science and all that we do
- [00:41:00.160]to make sure that everybody has safe
- [00:41:03.480]and quality food available
- [00:41:06.340]for their consumption.
- [00:41:09.360]So in case if you're wondering
- [00:41:11.043]where food scientists work,
- [00:41:14.010]they work in the food beverage industry as processors,
- [00:41:19.240]as those that are associated with making the food,
- [00:41:22.810]that's 47% of us.
- [00:41:25.170]Some of us like 23% will work
- [00:41:28.360]in ingredient manufacturer.
- [00:41:30.720]So we're gonna supply the ingredients
- [00:41:32.610]for those processing facilities.
- [00:41:34.480]And then we have those of us
- [00:41:36.090]that work in academia like myself
- [00:41:38.240]and then some other areas that are also part
- [00:41:41.570]of this food supply chain to support it
- [00:41:45.400]and make it as a strong and safe as it is.
- [00:41:49.400]So we have some professionals in the area of regulatory,
- [00:41:53.560]some in the area of testing, packaging materials.
- [00:41:56.530]So all of that, that supports this food supply chain.
- [00:42:01.790]So we come to one more poll here.
- [00:42:05.270]I would like to hear from you one more time.
- [00:42:07.420]So take out your phone or use your computer or laptop.
- [00:42:12.240]Make sure that you change that code one more time
- [00:42:14.510]to number three and answer this question to me.
- [00:42:16.940]What is the weirdest food you have ever eaten?
- [00:42:19.240]I am very curious to see, you can enter anything there,
- [00:42:22.410]you can type it up, what might have been.
- [00:42:24.470]And I'm curious to learn from you
- [00:42:27.430]what might being the weirdest food that you've ever eaten.
- [00:42:32.440]With that we come to the end of our first engagement
- [00:42:36.020]our first lecture our plates are clean
- [00:42:38.830]and we are done for today
- [00:42:40.700]and I hope you enjoy this video
- [00:42:43.350]and I will see you next time.
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