Student College Presentation
CASNR Dean's Office
This presentation welcomes new students to CASNR with an overview of important contacts and tips for success.
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- [00:00:08.340]Hi, we'd like to welcome you
- [00:00:09.850]to the College of Agricultural Sciences
- [00:00:12.509]and Natural Resources college session.
- [00:00:16.500]We are so glad that you are able to join us.
- [00:00:25.560]As we navigate this time of uncertainty,
- [00:00:27.570]we wanna make sure that you are keeping up-to-date
- [00:00:30.440]with the most accurate information
- [00:00:32.340]regarding our current situation,
- [00:00:35.280]and what that might mean for the fall semester.
- [00:00:38.170]Please visit this COVID website for the latest information.
- [00:00:49.270]First we wanna introduce you to some of our key people
- [00:00:52.418]within the College of Agricultural Sciences
- [00:00:55.790]and Natural Resources.
- [00:00:57.530]First, Tiffany Heng-Moss is our dean.
- [00:01:00.520]Nicole Frerichs is the assistant dean for student success,
- [00:01:04.000]and she will work with student success, transition,
- [00:01:06.956]and will be one of the teachers for the CASNR Start Smart,
- [00:01:11.860]which you'll learn about here in a little bit.
- [00:01:19.520]Next we have Karen Jackson who is the coordinator
- [00:01:22.540]of advising and academic program enhancement.
- [00:01:25.870]Karen has likely emailed you or you have seen her name
- [00:01:29.930]on some of our new student enrollment material,
- [00:01:32.950]because she is our new student enrollment coordinator.
- [00:01:35.830]She will review your transfer credit should you have some
- [00:01:40.010]coming in, or if you're looking to take a course
- [00:01:43.940]over future summers and wanna make sure
- [00:01:46.483]that that counts for your degree requirement,
- [00:01:49.460]Karen's your go-to person for that.
- [00:01:51.680]And she also coordinates our campus advising
- [00:01:55.470]so if you don't have an academic advisor assigned to you,
- [00:01:59.237]once school starts, you'll reach out to Karen.
- [00:02:03.430]Megan Schaefer's name will become very familiar.
- [00:02:06.530]She's our student development coordinator.
- [00:02:08.830]She will be sending weekly emails to you
- [00:02:11.160]once school begins in August,
- [00:02:13.970]called Megan's Insider Connection,
- [00:02:16.056]that will have all of the information of things going on
- [00:02:19.660]on campus, as well as scholarships,
- [00:02:22.550]and just different things that you'll wanna be aware of.
- [00:02:26.140]Megan also coordinates our CASNR Cares Program
- [00:02:30.300]and will also be teaching the CASNR Start Smart.
- [00:02:39.900]We are lucky to have two amazing people help our students
- [00:02:44.330]with career services.
- [00:02:46.320]So July Bray-Obermeyer is our career development
- [00:02:49.520]and corporate relations director.
- [00:02:51.900]Marybeth Helmink is a split position, so part of her time
- [00:02:55.820]she's here with us working as a career coach
- [00:02:59.250]and then the other other time she also advising.
- [00:03:03.310]So both of these ladies would be able to help you
- [00:03:05.660]with career services, anything that relates to that.
- [00:03:09.360]So thinking about your resume, cover letters,
- [00:03:12.590]applying for on-campus jobs, internships,
- [00:03:16.620]anything in that realm, these two would love
- [00:03:19.970]to help you out.
- [00:03:27.430]So next we have Ramona Miller
- [00:03:29.160]who is going to be the first point of contact
- [00:03:31.786]when you come into the dean's office
- [00:03:34.580]or when you call into the dean's office.
- [00:03:36.828]Most of you should be hearing from Ramona this summer,
- [00:03:40.911]as she will be calling each of our students
- [00:03:43.510]to welcome you to the CASNR community and answer
- [00:03:47.470]any questions that you have.
- [00:03:49.270]So Mo will be your person to go to if you need to update
- [00:03:52.750]your degree program, add a minor, declare a concentration,
- [00:03:57.212]or we hear that she also has candy up at the front desk too.
- [00:04:03.130]So if you just need to get your little chocolate fix
- [00:04:05.980]or candy fix, she'll be able to help you out.
- [00:04:08.860]And lastly John Kerrigan
- [00:04:11.540]is our global engagement coordinator,
- [00:04:13.579]so he can really help you explore
- [00:04:16.140]what are your options with education abroad,
- [00:04:18.610]how to make it fit into your degree program,
- [00:04:21.600]and some opportunities to fund those experiences.
- [00:04:32.360]Our CASNR motto is that CASNR is a community
- [00:04:35.870]where everyone challenges themselves, is inclusive,
- [00:04:40.500]asks bold questions, co-creates, and is optimistic
- [00:04:44.806]about the future.
- [00:04:46.500]Through our collective work we positively change the lives
- [00:04:50.450]of our learners, Nebraskans, and our global society.
- [00:04:55.390]You can come in and meet us in 103 Agricultural Hall.
- [00:05:05.420]Next we're gonna move on to tips for college success.
- [00:05:09.830]Academic Advising: the new student enrollment advisor
- [00:05:13.970]that you met with over the summer might be different
- [00:05:17.000]than your permanent advisor.
- [00:05:19.060]All advisors will be assigned by August 24th
- [00:05:22.270]or when school starts.
- [00:05:24.420]You can find out the information on your MyRED account.
- [00:05:28.150]Many advisors will schedule meetings
- [00:05:30.770]with students through MyPlan.
- [00:05:33.200]It's best to communicate with your advisor
- [00:05:35.440]to see what they prefer.
- [00:05:37.590]So what should you be meeting with your advisor about?
- [00:05:40.980]The obvious one is class scheduling.
- [00:05:43.300]They can help you with academic or graduation plans.
- [00:05:46.500]They can discuss career goals
- [00:05:48.800]and how your courses would fit with those career goals.
- [00:05:52.240]And because you'll be meeting with them often,
- [00:05:54.371]they will know you inside of the classroom
- [00:05:56.810]and outside of the classroom,
- [00:05:58.410]so they could always be good references
- [00:06:01.060]for a future job or even internship.
- [00:06:04.720]Lastly they will also help you keep track with graduation.
- [00:06:14.810]The next tip for success is to get organized.
- [00:06:19.370]We would encourage every student to have a planner
- [00:06:22.330]of some sort.
- [00:06:23.390]So that might be a paper, electronic,
- [00:06:26.370]or an app on your phone.
- [00:06:27.950]Whatever works best for you, we'd encourage you
- [00:06:31.150]to write down all of the dates from your syllabus
- [00:06:34.103]and the dates from the academic calendar
- [00:06:37.100]so you know when to register for the next semester
- [00:06:41.530]or when the last day to withdraw from a course is.
- [00:06:46.270]Every student at UNL has been given
- [00:06:49.250]a email.
- [00:06:53.260]The instructions to create your Huskers account
- [00:06:55.990]will come from NSE after your scheduled NSE date.
- [00:07:00.710]This email account is very important
- [00:07:02.960]as all university communication
- [00:07:05.910]will be to your Huskers account.
- [00:07:08.480]Professors and your Canvas notifications
- [00:07:11.240]will also be sent to this email.
- [00:07:13.680]Make sure you check your junk folder
- [00:07:15.440]for any missing information.
- [00:07:23.470]It might seem obvious that we want you to attend classes,
- [00:07:26.733]but what we really want to hit home here
- [00:07:29.910]is to be an active member of your classes.
- [00:07:34.450]Yes, we want you to show up,
- [00:07:35.980]but furthermore we want you to be prepared.
- [00:07:38.350]Have the content read in advance.
- [00:07:41.040]Have questions prepared.
- [00:07:42.970]Be ready to take the information that you're learning
- [00:07:48.060]in your lectures and go deeper with that.
- [00:07:53.390]Your instructors will all have office hours
- [00:07:56.560]or student hours that are just for you.
- [00:08:00.040]So what that means is they might
- [00:08:02.280]have two or three hours a week in their office
- [00:08:06.880]just waiting for you to stop by and say hello,
- [00:08:10.340]get to know them more.
- [00:08:12.200]Share your ideas or what you're feeling
- [00:08:14.360]about their class.
- [00:08:15.920]Ask them questions, study for a test.
- [00:08:18.947]Anything like that.
- [00:08:20.597]Professors really appreciate when you can come
- [00:08:24.310]into their office or if it's on campus,
- [00:08:27.790]and just talk about who you are and what your degree
- [00:08:32.640]program is, and get to know them a little bit better.
- [00:08:37.360]As a reminder academic dishonesty and plagiarism
- [00:08:40.780]are not tolerated at the university.
- [00:08:44.470]Next, getting involved.
- [00:08:46.140]The university has
- [00:08:47.477]a ton of recognized student organizations, or RSOs,
- [00:08:53.440]as we like to call them.
- [00:08:55.360]CASNR alone has more than 50 organizations
- [00:08:59.710]for you to join, so really think about if it's something
- [00:09:03.620]you're passionate about or something
- [00:09:06.045]that is major-specific and get involved.
- [00:09:10.390]We want you to be mindful of not get too involved.
- [00:09:14.700]We usually suggest one or two clubs
- [00:09:17.550]your first semester, and then as you're finding yourself
- [00:09:21.950]and being able to navigate that balance,
- [00:09:25.010]maybe add on one more.
- [00:09:27.510]We also have many opportunities for study abroad
- [00:09:31.380]that can be anywhere from a week long
- [00:09:34.470]to a few weeks long, to a semester or a year program too.
- [00:09:45.140]Here are some upcoming events.
- [00:09:48.110]Specifically our CASNR Launch is our college's opportunity
- [00:09:52.850]to welcome you to campus.
- [00:09:55.340]You'll be receiving more information from Megan
- [00:09:58.150]on what this look like and if you are not able
- [00:10:01.600]to be on campus, how to participate virtually.
- [00:10:05.140]Another East Campus event
- [00:10:07.130]is our East Campus Welcome,
- [00:10:09.170]and that will take place on August 27th
- [00:10:12.230]in the afternoon at the Nebraska East Union.
- [00:10:15.980]As always for more information and more events
- [00:10:19.237]you can go and visit the website.
- [00:10:30.450]We'd love for you to connect via social media.
- [00:10:33.230]You can see our Facebook, Instagram,
- [00:10:35.380]and Twitter accounts here.
- [00:10:37.140]And then also please refer to your CASNR Start Smart course
- [00:10:41.160]or our welcome email for the invitation link
- [00:10:44.260]to our CASNR Undergraduate Slack Channel.
- [00:10:48.350]Also stay tuned for Megan's Insider Connections.
- [00:10:51.990]You will get those automatically every single Monday morning
- [00:10:55.190]once classes begin.
- [00:11:05.040]Your My.UNL account is also known as your Canvas account.
- [00:11:09.870]So this is the account where all of your classes will be.
- [00:11:15.020]Some of them are not going to load
- [00:11:17.080]or be published until a few days before classes.
- [00:11:21.310]So if you log in right now and you're not seeing
- [00:11:23.500]anything, that's okay.
- [00:11:25.440]You'll claim this through your TrueYou account,
- [00:11:28.181]and the instructions to set this account up
- [00:11:31.590]will come from new student enrollment
- [00:11:33.780]after your scheduled NSE date.
- [00:11:37.520]Your MyRED is very important.
- [00:11:39.530]Please be sure that you update all of your contact
- [00:11:42.060]information, your phone, and your email.
- [00:11:44.670]Your Huskers email will automatically populate
- [00:11:47.251]into your MyRED account, but familiarize yourself
- [00:11:52.079]with MyRED as it's used for future course registration,
- [00:11:56.570]it's where your bill be, scholarships,
- [00:11:59.030]degree audits, and your degree planner.
- [00:12:08.150]Every incoming student will be enrolled
- [00:12:11.090]in the AGRI 42 CASNR Start Smart course.
- [00:12:15.430]This course is aligned with the framework
- [00:12:18.110]of the university's POWER module.
- [00:12:21.440]So thinking about your purpose, ownership,
- [00:12:24.990]wellbeing, engagement, and relationships.
- [00:12:34.640]For some course details, you will actually see
- [00:12:38.090]the course listed
- [00:12:47.340]That is your CASNR Start Smart course.
- [00:12:50.780]It is required for all of our incoming students,
- [00:12:53.542]and we would like you to have this completed
- [00:12:56.650]by August 23rd at 11:59 p.m.
- [00:13:00.180]We will open it on July 17th and then again
- [00:13:03.760]it will run until the evening before classes begin.
- [00:13:08.770]This is a zero credit, pass/no pass course.
- [00:13:12.710]You will be able to learn about UNL and CASNR resources,
- [00:13:16.380]and important first-year topics.
- [00:13:19.130]And then you will be complete a quiz within each module
- [00:13:23.230]that is two questions.
- [00:13:25.090]You can take it as many times as you need it
- [00:13:27.440]to earn both of those two points
- [00:13:31.080]under each of the modules, and then we also have
- [00:13:34.290]an opportunity for you to engage in a discussion board
- [00:13:37.542]and to help practice uploading a document
- [00:13:41.660]so you're ready for your fall classes.
- [00:13:44.330]If you have any questions or concerns,
- [00:13:46.800]or need help, please contact Nicole Frerichs
- [00:13:50.170]or Megan Schaefer.
- [00:13:58.570]The move in dates for housing
- [00:14:01.310]is August 19th through the 20th from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- [00:14:06.500]Please, again, check
- [00:14:10.170]for additional information.
- [00:14:12.400]We would always encourage you to leave your door open,
- [00:14:15.910]get to know your resident assistant,
- [00:14:18.300]and also have the opportunity to meet new people
- [00:14:21.880]on your floor or within your building.
- [00:14:29.730]Your dining options vary across campus.
- [00:14:33.430]You have many great opportunities on East Campus
- [00:14:37.328]and on City Campus, as well as sack lunches
- [00:14:41.760]or if you need things on the go,
- [00:14:44.330]we have a few different places
- [00:14:46.250]that you could grab and go
- [00:14:47.890]while you're on your way to class.
- [00:14:56.700]Here is some information about how to purchase
- [00:14:59.100]a parking permit, parking resources,
- [00:15:01.725]and how to navigate the bus system
- [00:15:05.221]between Innovation Campus, City Campus, and East Campus.
- [00:15:10.670]We'd encourage you to visit
- [00:15:14.450]for more information.
- [00:15:22.120]Thank you for hanging with us as we navigate
- [00:15:25.647]all of this important information and resources
- [00:15:31.249]available to you.
- [00:15:33.010]Please know that you can come back and revisit
- [00:15:35.858]this PowerPoint, or download it if that is helpful for you
- [00:15:40.174]to save information.
- [00:15:42.680]Above all, we just want to welcome you to CASNR
- [00:15:46.430]and we just want you to know how excited we are to have you
- [00:15:50.740]as a part of our CASNR community.
- [00:15:53.690]If you need anything, if you have questions, concerns,
- [00:15:57.662]just wanna talk to someone about your experience
- [00:16:01.816]coming up this fall, please don't hesitate
- [00:16:05.420]to reach out to any of us.
- [00:16:07.420]We look forward to seeing you soon
- [00:16:10.630]and meeting you face-to-face.
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