Chair Yoga
Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga that can be done sitting on a chair or standing on the ground while using the chair for support.
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- [00:00:00.000](calm music)
- [00:00:08.243](upbeat music)
- [00:00:20.170]Hello everyone, welcome to chair yoga class.
- [00:00:23.983]Today's class will be three part chair yoga class,
- [00:00:27.570]and the first part that we are going to do today,
- [00:00:30.067]we will be focusing on the upper body.
- [00:00:33.440]Then the second class will be the lower body
- [00:00:36.830]and the third part of the class will be
- [00:00:39.230]standing postures behind the chair.
- [00:00:41.770]So you're welcome to do just the today's class
- [00:00:45.010]or you can continue with the second and the third
- [00:00:48.030]to make it longer class.
- [00:00:50.310]For this class we will need a chair of course
- [00:00:52.870]because it's chair yoga
- [00:00:56.616]and it's nice to have the chair
- [00:00:58.610]that has the form, flat surface
- [00:01:01.700]but if you don't have it you can just modify,
- [00:01:04.776]kind of, bring in couple blankets,
- [00:01:08.320]Mexican blanket or any firm blankets that you have
- [00:01:11.490]to put them on the chair
- [00:01:14.140]so you have this firm surface there.
- [00:01:18.090]And then notice if you're touching
- [00:01:20.180]the ground with your feet.
- [00:01:21.430]If you don't touch the ground with your feet
- [00:01:23.360]you might need to slide the blocks
- [00:01:27.180]for each foot one block,
- [00:01:31.210]or you can also use books instead of the blocks
- [00:01:34.760]so it look like this if you're using the blocks
- [00:01:37.230]for each foot, one block.
- [00:01:41.010]And just notice,
- [00:01:45.183]how do you feel here when you're sitting in this chair?
- [00:01:47.510]It should feel comfy but not like you are relaxing
- [00:01:51.210]in a reclining chair, so you're sitting nice and tall.
- [00:01:54.330]I recommend usually to sit somewhere
- [00:01:56.340]in the middle of the chair
- [00:01:58.960]so you are also doing this strengthening,
- [00:02:03.270]you are focusing on the strengthening of your spine,
- [00:02:06.380]the muscles around your spine.
- [00:02:11.830]And also we want to have our, in this position,
- [00:02:16.020]we want to have our knees over the ankle.
- [00:02:19.490]So notice if you have your feet behind your knees,
- [00:02:22.650]so slide them forward, knees and ankles aligned
- [00:02:26.160]and the knees and your hips aligned.
- [00:02:28.760]Then you have your feet about hips distance apart
- [00:02:31.700]or you can also have them a little wider,
- [00:02:34.520]especially for some postures,
- [00:02:36.060]we will need them a little wider.
- [00:02:37.670]And I will tell you when.
- [00:02:40.490]So the feet are parallel to each other
- [00:02:43.327]and they are hips distance apart.
- [00:02:46.490]So this pose is tadasana, mountain pose
- [00:02:50.610]in regular classes so, let's find tadasana
- [00:02:55.230]and then, when you've found this position,
- [00:02:59.370]we will do some breathing practice.
- [00:03:02.360]So for this practice you might want to leave your hands
- [00:03:07.960]on your laps, palms facing down for grounding.
- [00:03:13.300]And maybe you want to have the palms facing up
- [00:03:16.050]for receiving some energy.
- [00:03:19.860]Perhaps it's morning, you want to be energized,
- [00:03:23.500]you have your palms up.
- [00:03:25.080]Or perhaps it's nighttime, you want to just cool down,
- [00:03:28.380]calm down, have your palms down, okay.
- [00:03:32.760]Then gently close your eyes if you feel comfortable.
- [00:03:37.490]This puts in practice, will keep your gaze soft
- [00:03:42.830]when you have your eyes open.
- [00:03:47.393]Now let's just do a little breathing practice here,
- [00:03:50.060]a little mindfulness, a little connection to ourselves.
- [00:03:55.881]In this present moment so, just notice sensations
- [00:04:00.270]in your body when you're staying here,
- [00:04:02.110]when you're sitting here
- [00:04:03.140]in this posture on your chair.
- [00:04:08.100]Maybe notice that the surface of the floor
- [00:04:13.430]or the blocks or the books that you have
- [00:04:18.649]underneath of your feet.
- [00:04:21.233]Notice (mumbles),
- [00:04:24.120]maybe it's feeling cool against your skin
- [00:04:26.860]or the skin of your feet, maybe it's feeling warm, soft,
- [00:04:32.240]firm, so anything, any sensations there.
- [00:04:37.530]Then maybe notice the surface of your clothes
- [00:04:41.710]against the palms of your hands or the backs of the hands.
- [00:04:47.214]And then bring your awareness to your hips
- [00:04:49.050]notice sensations in your hips.
- [00:04:53.410]The surface of the chair that you are sitting on.
- [00:05:00.483]Even notice sensations on your skin
- [00:05:04.560]so if you have the AC running, maybe you feel the cool air
- [00:05:09.200]or if you have still heater on, maybe you feel the warm air.
- [00:05:16.050]Just notice and then bring your awareness
- [00:05:19.620]inside of your body.
- [00:05:20.760]So connect to yourself from inside
- [00:05:23.610]and notice sensations there.
- [00:05:26.630]Maybe you will notice some
- [00:05:28.737]if you have some chronic pain,
- [00:05:31.070]so maybe you notice this pain in some part of your body,
- [00:05:36.700]perhaps you notice in your knees are bothering you.
- [00:05:43.810]Maybe you feel kind of tightness,
- [00:05:51.260]and heaviness in the chest region.
- [00:05:54.870]Maybe you're noticing some tightness in your shoulders.
- [00:05:58.810]So just notice.
- [00:06:03.120]And then next we'll practice yoga breaths.
- [00:06:07.490]When we're breathing in through the nose
- [00:06:09.650]and breathing out through the nose.
- [00:06:11.310]So breathing in through the nose, deep breaths,
- [00:06:14.940]expanding your lungs, feeling the belly rise.
- [00:06:19.570]And on breaths out hug your belly toward the spine,
- [00:06:22.994]exhale through the nose.
- [00:06:25.363]Here for this practice, if you like,
- [00:06:27.349]you can rest one hand on chest, another on your abdomen.
- [00:06:32.671]So you can feel your breaths
- [00:06:36.823]and movement of your body against the hands.
- [00:06:43.697]Breathing in through the nose,
- [00:06:45.215]feeling the hand over your belly rise.
- [00:06:50.548]Also feeling the hand over your chest moves little bit.
- [00:06:55.266]And then breath out hugging belly toward the spine.
- [00:07:00.334]Exhale through the nose and let's continue like this
- [00:07:02.911]breathing in through the nose, press to your belly,
- [00:07:07.288]extending your belly, and then breath out,
- [00:07:11.906]hugging your abdomen toward the spine.
- [00:07:16.914]Exhale through the nose.
- [00:07:19.510]In case if you have sinus infection
- [00:07:21.930]or if you have your maybe
- [00:07:26.950]seasonal allergies,
- [00:07:28.920]you're welcome to breathe through your mouth.
- [00:07:31.010]Or if you're pregnant you're also welcome
- [00:07:32.790]to breathe in through your nose
- [00:07:34.443]and breath out through the mouth, through lips.
- [00:07:38.540]So let's do another few breaths here.
- [00:07:42.160]Maybe notice if you can do your breaths a little longer,
- [00:07:45.220]maybe on a count of one, or two longer,
- [00:07:48.670]so feel like you can count first
- [00:07:50.640]like you usually breathe in,
- [00:07:51.870]and then you will count again with your deep breaths, okay?
- [00:07:58.689](mumbles) will be count of five, six, or seven.
- [00:08:01.810]So deep yoga breaths.
- [00:08:07.550]Also notice your shoulders staying away from ears,
- [00:08:10.240]so don't lift your shoulders with your breaths.
- [00:08:14.150]The movement is basically in your abdomen,
- [00:08:18.306]in your ribs, and in your chest.
- [00:08:25.650]Notice you are sitting tall, don't slouch.
- [00:08:30.130]One more breath.
- [00:08:35.843]Good, and then blink your eyes open with your gaze down,
- [00:08:38.810]rest your arms on the side of your hips
- [00:08:41.110]and on next breath reach with your arms to the sides
- [00:08:45.151]and over your head.
- [00:08:46.440]Maybe look up here, maybe lift just your eyeballs,
- [00:08:49.180]maybe lift your chin up, stretch your arms,
- [00:08:51.770]stretch your spine,
- [00:08:52.850]and breath out bring your arms back down.
- [00:08:55.980]Maybe drop your head down, chin down to the chest.
- [00:08:58.930]Let the (mumbles) of this movement.
- [00:09:01.530]Breathing in, arms over your head (inhales).
- [00:09:05.700]And breathing out arms back down to the sides.
- [00:09:11.160]One more breathe in,
- [00:09:16.260]and breathe out (exhales).
- [00:09:20.750]Good, next we will do twists.
- [00:09:23.520]And here, if you'd like, and if you have blocks,
- [00:09:27.790]yoga blocks, you can slide one block in between your thighs.
- [00:09:31.770]So even you working on your upper body,
- [00:09:34.700]you can by incorporating the block in between your thighs
- [00:09:40.380]in this practice you can also work
- [00:09:43.700]on the inner thighs muscles here.
- [00:09:46.990]And you can use the block any size,
- [00:09:50.210]for some people it's better to use this side,
- [00:09:53.080]for some people it's better to use the narrow side.
- [00:09:55.990]You can use the block or the book instead of the block also,
- [00:09:59.230]and if you don't like it, you can remove it any time.
- [00:10:02.540]So no worries here, the block is just a little extra.
- [00:10:08.090]And then notice again,
- [00:10:09.900]if you during the (mumbles) practice
- [00:10:11.850]you slide back into your chair,
- [00:10:13.760]make sure that you're sitting in the middle of the chair.
- [00:10:18.280]Okay, tadasana pose and then on breaths in
- [00:10:22.270]reach with your arms over your head,
- [00:10:24.240]on breaths out turn to the right,
- [00:10:27.100]let's do to the right, and in a twist,
- [00:10:30.330]and rest your left hand on outside of your right knee,
- [00:10:33.390]and hold the chair with your right hand,
- [00:10:36.573]hold the chair behind of you with your right hand.
- [00:10:39.290]It's gentle twist
- [00:10:40.560]because especially if you're doing this practice
- [00:10:42.660]in the morning we don't want you over twists.
- [00:10:46.480]It's better to do gentle twist, gentle stretch than
- [00:10:50.690]to do big twists and then harm yourself.
- [00:10:54.190]Keep your shoulders down,
- [00:10:55.420]maybe look behind your back shoulder.
- [00:10:58.050]And in (mumbles) twisting in your neck,
- [00:11:00.040]in your cervical spine,
- [00:11:01.510]and on breaths in and twist,
- [00:11:03.360]reach with your arms over your head, turn forward,
- [00:11:06.180]exhale twist to another side.
- [00:11:11.210]Maybe look behind the back shoulder again.
- [00:11:14.760]Good, breath in, reach with your arms over your head.
- [00:11:18.520]Now we'll do one more with one breath,
- [00:11:20.020]maybe with exhale squeeze the block
- [00:11:22.684]and exhale twist.
- [00:11:26.150]Breath in and twist,
- [00:11:28.570]squeeze the block, twist to another side.
- [00:11:32.730]And let's continue twice to each side.
- [00:11:34.337]Arms over your head, breath out twist.
- [00:11:38.926]Breath in, arms over your head, squeeze the block, twist.
- [00:11:45.080]Breath in, arms over your head,
- [00:11:47.440]and this time release your arms down,
- [00:11:50.140]breathe in, lift your shoulders up, send them back,
- [00:11:53.763]relax them down and another couple times,
- [00:11:56.480]inhale (inhales), and exhale (exhales).
- [00:12:00.780]And one more, and exhale, awesome.
- [00:12:05.980]Let's extend our arms in front of us
- [00:12:07.760]with the palms facing up,
- [00:12:09.900]like imagine that you are holding the plate
- [00:12:12.390]with fruits on your hands.
- [00:12:15.182]And on next breath, bring your hands towards the chest
- [00:12:19.400]and keep your elbows hugging the rib cage,
- [00:12:22.840]like narrowing the ribs,
- [00:12:25.950]and then send the elbows behind your back
- [00:12:29.770]and hands toward the heart.
- [00:12:31.710]Breathing in extend your arms, keep your back flat now.
- [00:12:35.540]Breath out, hands toward the heart.
- [00:12:38.500]Reach with your elbows behind of you,
- [00:12:40.280]squeeze your shoulder blades, breathing in extend.
- [00:12:45.840]Breathing in what you need,
- [00:12:49.810]letting go of what you don't.
- [00:12:52.300]So you can even create the image
- [00:12:53.970]what you need in your life right now.
- [00:12:57.542]Perhaps health, to feel calm,
- [00:13:01.030]and letting go maybe some situations which you don't need,
- [00:13:04.180]maybe some news,
- [00:13:07.970]or even some people,
- [00:13:10.680]so somebody who is holding you,
- [00:13:12.930]so let's just create the image
- [00:13:14.890]of something that you don't need in your life.
- [00:13:17.300]Breathing in, bringing in what you need,
- [00:13:19.860]and letting go that you don't,
- [00:13:22.310]and this time on breath in,
- [00:13:24.110]bring your hands toward the heart.
- [00:13:25.960]But this time, press your belly, chest forward, look up.
- [00:13:29.600]Now you're doing some little cat-cows in your back,
- [00:13:32.870]and breaths out, round your shoulders, round your back,
- [00:13:35.450]extend your arms, do little cat pose,
- [00:13:38.237]breathing in to the cow,
- [00:13:42.690]and then extending your arms to the cat.
- [00:13:46.225]Let's do one more (inhales).
- [00:13:50.820]And exhale release, I mean extend.
- [00:13:54.370]And then release, good.
- [00:13:56.560]This time place your fingertips on your shoulders,
- [00:13:59.650]imagine that you have an orange or a lemon in your palms,
- [00:14:04.274]and you touching the shoulders
- [00:14:07.750]just with your fingertips, okay?
- [00:14:09.790]And then next when you ready just roll your shoulders.
- [00:14:15.170]The movement can be as big as you like
- [00:14:19.930]and also it can be as fast as you like.
- [00:14:22.510]So just go with your pace,
- [00:14:24.080]whatever feels good in your shoulders.
- [00:14:25.840]I know for elderly people,
- [00:14:28.710]they might want to do this movement
- [00:14:31.410]a little slower and for people who had injuries in the past,
- [00:14:36.430]shoulders injuries in the past,
- [00:14:37.940]they also really protective of their shoulders (mumbles),
- [00:14:41.550]makes a lot of sense.
- [00:14:43.290]Just listen to your body, then reverse.
- [00:14:46.740]Remember about the blocks
- [00:14:47.910]that you have in between your thighs,
- [00:14:49.580]so you just squeezing it.
- [00:14:51.830]Because sometimes you forgot about the block or book
- [00:14:55.510]and just sliding down.
- [00:14:58.642]But remember you can release this block to the side anytime.
- [00:15:02.210]Let's do one more shoulder roll.
- [00:15:05.520]And then release your arms
- [00:15:06.890]and shake, shake, shake, shake off.
- [00:15:10.229]One more time, place your fingertips on your shoulders.
- [00:15:15.690]Stick your elbows to the side,
- [00:15:17.510]keeping your upper arms parallel to the floor,
- [00:15:20.920]and then on breath out
- [00:15:23.930]bring your elbows together,
- [00:15:25.790]maybe touch them, maybe not,
- [00:15:28.336]it just depends on the day
- [00:15:30.130]and availability for you today
- [00:15:33.070]and then open your arms to the side,
- [00:15:35.240]squeeze your shoulder blades.
- [00:15:36.755]Breath out elbows together,
- [00:15:40.070]and then breath in arms to the side
- [00:15:43.303]and breath out elbows together.
- [00:15:46.500]And to the side, the last one.
- [00:15:53.330]Good, let's shake off, shake, shake, shake.
- [00:15:59.000]Okay, fingertips on your shoulders.
- [00:16:02.110]Elbows to the side.
- [00:16:04.660]And this time we actually going to twist,
- [00:16:08.638](mumbles) twisting to one side then to another side.
- [00:16:13.004]Inhale turn forward, exhale to the side.
- [00:16:19.730]Shoulders probably getting tired.
- [00:16:22.170]Working really hard.
- [00:16:23.780]Let's do one more time to each side.
- [00:16:28.870]Okay let's shake off, shake, shake, shake.
- [00:16:30.860]Shake, shake, shake.
- [00:16:33.340]One more, here.
- [00:16:35.710]So again you have your elbows to the side,
- [00:16:38.835]and then just bring your elbows towards the chest
- [00:16:40.970]and lift them as high as you like,
- [00:16:45.550]as you can.
- [00:16:48.908](mumbles) different movements for our shoulder joints.
- [00:16:54.510]And again, you can go as fast as you like,
- [00:16:57.210]just remember to breathe here.
- [00:17:00.090]And remember to sit tall.
- [00:17:04.010]One more.
- [00:17:06.020]Good, shake, shake, shake. Shake off.
- [00:17:09.030]Okay let's do few neck stretches.
- [00:17:11.450]If you tired of this block, remove the block.
- [00:17:14.230]I will put it down on the side, so join me if you like.
- [00:17:20.150]For neck stretches we have our shoulders down,
- [00:17:23.130]we have our arms on the side of the chair.
- [00:17:25.623]You can also hold the sides of the chair here.
- [00:17:29.002]And then, again, sitting tall here.
- [00:17:30.820]Bring your ear to the shoulder, doesn't matter which one,
- [00:17:34.412]and then slide your chin down to the chest,
- [00:17:37.490]another ear to the shoulder, maybe look up here,
- [00:17:40.890]and continue moving your head side to side
- [00:17:43.850]for gentle neck stretches.
- [00:17:49.180]You are welcome to close your eyes here.
- [00:17:51.580]So you're really bringing awareness to your neck region
- [00:17:55.410]and noticing how your neck is doing.
- [00:17:59.620]And perhaps you feel some tightness
- [00:18:01.410]in some muscles of your neck,
- [00:18:03.750]you're welcome to stay there for longer time for stretch.
- [00:18:06.750]And then when you satisfied with this stretch,
- [00:18:09.751]you can move your head side to side again.
- [00:18:14.929]One more to each side.
- [00:18:21.167]And then bring your chin down to the chest,
- [00:18:23.440]lift your head up,
- [00:18:25.210]and then actually look up
- [00:18:26.960]and drop your head back 40 degree angle,
- [00:18:29.530]chin down to the chest.
- [00:18:32.730]And back up.
- [00:18:35.280]And another five times.
- [00:18:40.390]Don't hold your breath.
- [00:18:42.810]Warming up the muscles of the back of your neck.
- [00:18:51.860]And the last one.
- [00:18:54.750]And then bring your head and neck back to neutral,
- [00:18:58.750]and this time look side to side,
- [00:19:00.540]so for gentle twist in your cervical spine.
- [00:19:03.019]Looking in the same direction with your shoulder.
- [00:19:07.000]Don't move your shoulders sometime,
- [00:19:08.710]I notice people start moving the shoulders
- [00:19:11.300]when you moving your head side to side,
- [00:19:13.683]so it's twist in your neck
- [00:19:16.080]and we don't move the shoulders here.
- [00:19:18.930]One more, to each side.
- [00:19:24.190]And then bring your head neck back to neutral.
- [00:19:27.970]Maybe shake off your arms if you need,
- [00:19:30.919]and we will do another (mumbles) stretches here
- [00:19:32.640]and warmups.
- [00:19:35.440]Reach with your arms over your head.
- [00:19:38.270]You kind of don't see my hands here
- [00:19:40.240]but we have the fingers like a starfish, wide,
- [00:19:43.610]and by doing this you just activate your palms,
- [00:19:48.140]you already feel like some energy in your palms here
- [00:19:52.680]when you're doing it.
- [00:19:53.730]You have your palms facing forward,
- [00:19:56.097]and on exhale do double-V with your arms.
- [00:19:59.080]Elbows to the sides of your ribs
- [00:20:01.950]and breath in back reach with your arms
- [00:20:03.850]over your head to the V-shape.
- [00:20:06.280]Breaths out double-V.
- [00:20:08.670]Breath in back to the V-shape.
- [00:20:11.660]And let's just continue (inhales).
- [00:20:18.820]Squeeze your shoulders, shoulder blades.
- [00:20:22.470]And two more.
- [00:20:25.230]It feels so good in the chest as well.
- [00:20:28.889]Last one, and this time keep your arms over your head,
- [00:20:32.030]bring your thumbs inside, cover them with four fingers,
- [00:20:35.660]and roll your wrists.
- [00:20:38.150]So you moving your arms to the side,
- [00:20:41.470]they are not in front of you, they are to the side,
- [00:20:45.232](mumbles) to the side and sinking down.
- [00:20:49.210]And then reverse.
- [00:20:51.170]And continue, moving your arms to the side
- [00:20:55.285]and over your head, good.
- [00:20:57.780]And then release your arms down.
- [00:21:01.410]Shake off, shake, shake, shake again here.
- [00:21:04.770]Let's do another few cat-cows.
- [00:21:06.100]We will just make it a little different this time
- [00:21:08.210]keep your hands on your knees, sitting tall,
- [00:21:11.330]breath in, press your belly, chest forward
- [00:21:17.390]and then look up, and then on breath out
- [00:21:20.350]round your shoulders, round your back, to the cat pose.
- [00:21:24.720]Inhale, arching your back, exhale rounding your back.
- [00:21:31.710]And continue like this.
- [00:21:35.880]Taking care of our spines.
- [00:21:41.400]So they will serve us much longer.
- [00:21:47.640]Good, one more.
- [00:21:54.657]Come back to tadasana when you have your spine neutral.
- [00:22:00.060]And let's see, let's do another couple movements here
- [00:22:06.110]before we finish out first part of the class.
- [00:22:09.210]Let's extend the arms to the side, to the T-shape.
- [00:22:13.410]And on next breath reach with your right hand
- [00:22:16.840]to the right side, but keep your arms parallel to the floor.
- [00:22:21.870]You might feel slight stretch here
- [00:22:23.860]and then back to the center,
- [00:22:26.010]and then reach to the other side.
- [00:22:28.983]Keep your hip down.
- [00:22:33.024]Lean to the right side, left hip down,
- [00:22:35.490]and to the left side,
- [00:22:38.610]and just continue with your rhythm breaths here,
- [00:22:42.670]feeling some muscles on the side of your body,
- [00:22:45.280]your obliques probably, and maybe you feel somewhere else,
- [00:22:48.929]you have sensations somewhere else, we are all so different.
- [00:22:53.390]And for somebody feels in one part of the body,
- [00:22:56.410]for somebody feel another part of the body.
- [00:23:00.270]Perhaps you feels in your shoulders.
- [00:23:03.320]Shoulders getting tired.
- [00:23:07.122]Let's do twice to each side.
- [00:23:17.340]Good and let's release, again shake, shake, shake.
- [00:23:22.430]Let's extend the arms in front of us,
- [00:23:25.040]palms not flexed,
- [00:23:32.587]have your palms facing forward, like this.
- [00:23:35.960]And we will do the (mumbles) movements.
- [00:23:47.217]And then bring your hands down.
- [00:23:49.620]And another few (mumbles) movements this way.
- [00:24:01.514]And then again flex your right palm,
- [00:24:04.380]and then press on the four fingers with your left hand.
- [00:24:10.190]Just be easy on yourself,
- [00:24:11.710]don't over stretch the joints and muscles here
- [00:24:17.310]in your wrist.
- [00:24:21.360]It feels good, but don't press a lot, just be easy.
- [00:24:26.215]Let's do another palm, another hand.
- [00:24:32.880]Good, let's release shake off, shake, shake, shake.
- [00:24:38.860]Okay one more time, extend to the T-shape
- [00:24:41.570]we will give ourselves few hugs here
- [00:24:44.380]because hugs feel so good.
- [00:24:46.390]Press out, cross your arms in front of your sternum
- [00:24:50.090]and place your hands on the opposite shoulders.
- [00:24:55.160]Breath in open your arms to the T-shape.
- [00:24:58.090]Don't arch your spine, keep you back flat.
- [00:25:00.130]Press out to the hug.
- [00:25:02.630]Every time have another arm on top.
- [00:25:05.040]So remember to switch the arm.
- [00:25:11.000]And if this feels good for you,
- [00:25:12.810]you are welcome to stay in a hug an just pet your shoulders,
- [00:25:18.000]yeah and then open your arms back,
- [00:25:21.060]switch the arms and again pet your shoulders.
- [00:25:25.854]Awesome, let's do another couple times.
- [00:25:28.890]Remember to switch the arm every time.
- [00:25:32.420]The last one.
- [00:25:35.120]And this time open your arms in a T-shape,
- [00:25:37.600]palms facing forward and do micro pulse in your arms.
- [00:25:45.490]And then have your palms facing back
- [00:25:47.900]and another few micro pulse.
- [00:25:50.770]Just different muscles stretching here,
- [00:25:54.690]and then release.
- [00:25:55.900]And for this one,
- [00:25:56.840]since our shoulders already create some tension,
- [00:25:59.380]and they are probably tight, we will do a little stretch
- [00:26:05.630]that we really like in our chair yoga class.
- [00:26:08.790]Spread your feet a little wider,
- [00:26:11.910]so create some space for your abdomen and your chest,
- [00:26:14.860]and then shake your hands on the side of one foot,
- [00:26:17.596]in between your feet, on another side,
- [00:26:20.411]and then (mumbles) with your arms.
- [00:26:24.550]Let's do one more,
- [00:26:28.044]it's just fun to do.
- [00:26:28.877]And then reverse another couple times.
- [00:26:31.460]If you need some more space for you abdomen and chest
- [00:26:34.630]slight your feet a little even more wider.
- [00:26:38.500]Okay, good, let's release our arms down.
- [00:26:43.580]If you used this blocks
- [00:26:47.499]or books slide them back if you need them.
- [00:26:52.510]Okay, before we finish our practice,
- [00:26:55.220]we will do just one more side stretch
- [00:26:58.651]and then few kinda exercise for our fingers
- [00:27:05.570]and then we'll just wrap our class for today.
- [00:27:08.670]Have your right hand on the side of the chair,
- [00:27:10.840]maybe hold the chair, lift your left arm up,
- [00:27:13.277]and press out, lean to the side for side stretch,
- [00:27:16.150]I almost forgot to do the side stretch here.
- [00:27:19.291]And then release, right arm over your head.
- [00:27:23.250]Lean to the left, and release.
- [00:27:28.365]And one more time on each side.
- [00:27:30.730]If your arm on the side of your head with your ear,
- [00:27:33.410]so you're not shading your face.
- [00:27:35.345]And release, and the last one.
- [00:27:40.300]Press with your right hip down.
- [00:27:42.895]And release.
- [00:27:47.260]The exercise for our fingers:
- [00:27:49.200]so interlace your fingers
- [00:27:51.300]and notice what thumb you have on the top.
- [00:27:55.320]And then we are going to open all our fingers
- [00:27:57.970]and cross the fingers again
- [00:28:00.485]but you have another thumb on top.
- [00:28:02.799]Let's do it another few times,
- [00:28:05.290]it's also good exercise for your brain,
- [00:28:09.640]so you can just do this practice anytime during the day
- [00:28:14.990]when you need some focus.
- [00:28:17.957]Good, let's do another couple times.
- [00:28:21.070]And what I found out for myself
- [00:28:22.730]the faster you do the easier for my brain to do it.
- [00:28:27.120]Okay shake, shake, shake, shake off.
- [00:28:29.480]Okay, let's finish our practice with few breaths
- [00:28:34.318]and then you're welcome to do the second part,
- [00:28:37.978]or you just go to your day (giggles).
- [00:28:44.440]Let's have our hands
- [00:28:48.807]in prayer position
- [00:28:51.088]with your thumbs pressing into your sternum (inhales).
- [00:28:56.600]Gently close your eyes if you like.
- [00:29:00.680]Take few yoga deep breaths.
- [00:29:07.190]Kinda soak in all the benefits
- [00:29:08.910]of the practice that we just did.
- [00:29:13.860]We will also noticing sensations
- [00:29:16.797]and a difference in sensation
- [00:29:18.630]compared to the beginning of the class.
- [00:29:23.960]Maybe you feel some warmth in your body,
- [00:29:27.000]maybe you feel like heart beating is faster,
- [00:29:29.180]maybe you feel the stress in your muscles,
- [00:29:35.380]yeah just notice.
- [00:29:46.721]And then blink your eyes open.
- [00:29:49.964]Thank you very much for joining me
- [00:29:51.730]for this chair yoga class.
- [00:29:54.250]Have a wonderful day, and in the end of the class
- [00:29:56.920]we usually say namaste,
- [00:29:58.450]that means light in me sees light in you.
- [00:30:01.340]Namaste.
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