Cardio & Core
Miriam Crinion
Optional Equipment: chair, medicine ball/any ball/mat and a water to stay hydrated!
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- [00:00:05.440]Hey everyone, it's Miriam.
- [00:00:06.840]I'm here with a cardio and core workout.
- [00:00:09.230]For today's workout you'll need a chair,
- [00:00:11.350]you'll need a medicine ball
- [00:00:13.540]or like I have, a soccer ball or volleyball works too,
- [00:00:17.460]and then a yoga mat
- [00:00:19.940]and make sure to have some water so that you stay hydrated,
- [00:00:23.030]you might also want a towel to dry off
- [00:00:26.360]and that should be it.
- [00:00:27.193]All right, well let's get started.
- [00:00:33.970]Okay first off we're gonna do a warmup.
- [00:00:36.320]So let's start marching.
- [00:00:41.260]Four, three, two, let's reach to the side.
- [00:00:46.300]Some Michael Jackson to warm us up today.
- [00:00:49.621](upbeat rock music)
- [00:00:55.023]Four, three, two, over head.
- [00:00:58.630]♪ They told him don't you ever come around here ♪
- [00:01:01.608]♪ Don't want to see your face, you better disappear ♪
- [00:01:04.920]Make sure that heart rate's increasing.
- [00:01:07.300]You should have broken a little bit of a sweat
- [00:01:09.500]by the end of this warmup.
- [00:01:11.610]So make sure you're moving.
- [00:01:12.641]♪ You better run, you better do what you can ♪
- [00:01:15.307]But still going nice and easy.
- [00:01:18.946]♪ You wanna be tough, better do what you can ♪
- [00:01:22.790]Four, three, two, hamstring curl.
- [00:01:26.067]♪ Beat it, beat it no one want to be ♪
- [00:01:30.447]So this is gonna kind of a fun workout
- [00:01:33.150]using some things that you can find in your house.
- [00:01:36.790]We'll do three core tracks,
- [00:01:40.220]we'll do two cardio and then a strength track as well.
- [00:01:44.403]Should be lots of fun
- [00:01:45.236]and we should be working hard too.
- [00:01:48.250]Couple more here.
- [00:01:50.069]♪ Don't wanna be a boy, you wanna be a man ♪
- [00:01:53.555]♪ You wanna stay alive, better do what you can so beat it ♪
- [00:01:57.410]Four, three, two, let's go to knee pulls.
- [00:02:00.926]♪ You have to show them that you're really not scared ♪
- [00:02:03.760]Again as always, if you wanna add a little cardio,
- [00:02:06.950]can do a hop.
- [00:02:09.490]Whatever works for you.
- [00:02:12.326]♪ But you wanna be bad just ♪
- [00:02:14.610]And like always I'll be
- [00:02:16.480]adding modifications throughout the workout,
- [00:02:18.650]so you pick whatever level works best for you.
- [00:02:23.162]♪ Strong is your fight, it doesn't matter ♪
- [00:02:26.510]All right let's go to squat, so down,
- [00:02:30.290]down, like you're sitting back in a chair.
- [00:02:35.236]♪ Showin' how funky and strong is your fight ♪
- [00:02:39.060]I mentioned this in my last workout,
- [00:02:41.260]but sometimes it's nice to have a TV screen in front of you
- [00:02:44.110]so you can see your reflection or a mirror.
- [00:02:47.500]So you can go to the side
- [00:02:48.540]and see that your back has a neutral side,
- [00:02:52.330]you know you're sitting back,
- [00:02:54.040]those knees are behind your toes.
- [00:02:56.670]Couple more here.
- [00:02:59.000]Three, two, let's go to some jumping jacks.
- [00:03:08.430]Again this is totally fine too
- [00:03:11.410]as long as you're getting those arms moving
- [00:03:14.480]and those legs moving.
- [00:03:20.440]Four, three, two,
- [00:03:22.630]we're gonna stretch out the hamstrings.
- [00:03:25.190]So you're gonna sit back,
- [00:03:27.320]again other side, sit back.
- [00:03:30.188]Move that arm, sit back.
- [00:03:39.060]It's actually easier to go opposite arm
- [00:03:42.780]with the opposite leg.
- [00:03:44.060]So right with left leg,
- [00:03:48.980]couple more.
- [00:03:52.520]Two, all right
- [00:03:55.430]we're gonna go one side.
- [00:03:58.890]So back and forth.
- [00:04:01.699]♪ It doesn't matter who's wrong or right ♪
- [00:04:05.061]You should be breathing a little heavier now.
- [00:04:08.400]Feeling that warm up, feeling that stretch.
- [00:04:11.965]♪ Showin' how funky and strong is your fight ♪
- [00:04:15.940]Four, three, two, back to those knee pulls.
- [00:04:20.817]♪ Beat it, beat it ♪
- [00:04:22.490]Again add that cardio if you wish.
- [00:04:25.946]♪ Showin' how funky, strong is your fight ♪
- [00:04:29.300]Keep going on that warmup,
- [00:04:30.330]we're not quite there yet.
- [00:04:33.369](upbeat music)
- [00:04:38.840]Nice job everyone.
- [00:04:42.140]Four, three, two, we're going to arm circle
- [00:04:46.910]and do a march, keep those feet moving.
- [00:04:55.830]All right let's go backwards.
- [00:04:59.880]Just little circles, not a big movement.
- [00:05:16.186]Four, three, two,
- [00:05:19.213]we're gonna do across.
- [00:05:21.950]So it's like the knee pull,
- [00:05:23.067]but you're crossing working those abs.
- [00:05:27.890]Again, add that cardio if you wish.
- [00:05:33.750]We're staying here.
- [00:05:41.900]Nice job.
- [00:05:46.060]Four, three, two, back to jumping jacks.
- [00:06:00.882]Four, three, two, high knees.
- [00:06:05.410]Again just like this is fine,
- [00:06:09.649]and also should be really working hard now.
- [00:06:15.954]Keep going.
- [00:06:21.448]Keep going.
- [00:06:27.520]Switch to butt kicks.
- [00:06:29.992]I know, I tricked you there.
- [00:06:32.060]Thought you were getting off easy.
- [00:06:38.363]We're almost there, keep it up.
- [00:06:41.530]Again, this is fine, what ever works.
- [00:06:49.250]All right, we're gonna end our warmup here.
- [00:06:53.630]Four, three, two, nice job.
- [00:06:57.190]You should be feeling nice and warm,
- [00:06:58.760]that heart rate should be up,
- [00:07:01.293]you should be a little sweaty and ready to go.
- [00:07:09.230]All right, ready for round one.
- [00:07:10.660]This is the core track.
- [00:07:13.170]So switching up a little bit,
- [00:07:14.860]we usually start with cardio.
- [00:07:16.517]But you're gonna start standing up
- [00:07:18.472]and then you're gonna go down to the mat.
- [00:07:20.523]So the first move is a standing side crunch.
- [00:07:25.908]So you're just
- [00:07:28.131]pulling that knee up.
- [00:07:32.237]But it's different than just a march right.
- [00:07:33.970]Your legs are wide,
- [00:07:36.540]feet pointed out, nice job.
- [00:07:39.295]♪ when you come out on the floor ♪
- [00:07:41.027]♪ You got that left, right, left, ♪
- [00:07:43.240]♪ leave 'em coming back for more ♪
- [00:07:45.016]♪ You got that step-by-step when you come out on the floor ♪
- [00:07:49.883]Four, three, two,
- [00:07:52.770]we're going to the floor.
- [00:07:55.970]Next move from high and low.
- [00:08:01.730]If you need to take a break,
- [00:08:04.300]you can put your feet down.
- [00:08:06.583]That is totally fine as well.
- [00:08:09.525]If you want that challenge,
- [00:08:12.230]keep those legs off the ground the whole time.
- [00:08:17.008]♪ You got that step-by-step when you come out on the floor ♪
- [00:08:21.822]Four, three, two,
- [00:08:24.200]we're going to our side.
- [00:08:26.740]So stay on your side.
- [00:08:29.460]We're going up to a plank,
- [00:08:31.300]going up to a plank but my knees are on the ground.
- [00:08:33.430]We're just going down and up,
- [00:08:35.723]down and up, down and up, down and up.
- [00:08:41.110]If you wanna add a challenge,
- [00:08:43.380]feel free, I hope I'm strong enough to do this.
- [00:08:48.277]So definitely a challenge.
- [00:08:54.010]Four, three, two, switch sides here we go.
- [00:09:00.330]Again you can be on your knees.
- [00:09:04.858]♪ She's keeping you on your toes ♪
- [00:09:06.856]Lift those hips.
- [00:09:08.958]♪ Lost in the moment ♪
- [00:09:10.237]♪ Ooh, na, na, na, na, na ♪
- [00:09:11.383]♪ You got that ooh, na, na, na, na, na ♪
- [00:09:13.360]Again if you want that challenge,
- [00:09:17.286]try it yeah.
- [00:09:18.364]Just dipping that hip down.
- [00:09:21.083]♪ Just take it step by step when you come out on the floor ♪
- [00:09:25.784]Four, three, two, nice job.
- [00:09:29.722]We're going onto our back again,
- [00:09:32.343]we're doing a jack knife.
- [00:09:34.570]So opposite arm to opposite leg.
- [00:09:41.409]♪ You got that ooh, na, na, na, na, na ♪
- [00:09:44.841]Again if you want that challenge,
- [00:09:49.394]I am not able to do that.
- [00:09:51.537]But try your best.
- [00:09:53.520]♪ In a world that's colorblind ♪
- [00:09:56.513](Calm upbeat music)
- [00:09:57.860]Again crossing.
- [00:10:01.104]♪ There's a treasure buried in the sand ♪
- [00:10:04.591]Four, three, two,
- [00:10:08.902]next move we're sitting down
- [00:10:11.658]and just gonna sit on our back.
- [00:10:13.780]We're just doing upside down sit ups.
- [00:10:15.130]So just regular sit ups again.
- [00:10:19.585]This is fine, this is more comfortable.
- [00:10:22.668]♪ 'Cause even if we die young ♪
- [00:10:27.064]Can already feel my abs burning.
- [00:10:30.909]♪ Even if we die young ♪
- [00:10:35.506]Almost there, four, three, two,
- [00:10:39.407]go to your stomach.
- [00:10:42.262]This is our last move in our sequence,
- [00:10:44.780]doing Superman, go up and down,
- [00:10:48.596]up and down, barely lifting off the floor.
- [00:10:55.943]Nice job, keep it up.
- [00:10:59.123]♪ Remember dancing through the streets of Japan ♪
- [00:11:02.640]♪ Falling in love wasn't part of the plan ♪
- [00:11:06.093]Here we go eight, seven, six,
- [00:11:09.690]five, four, three, two,
- [00:11:13.560]slowly come up.
- [00:11:15.822]I don't want anyone getting dizzy.
- [00:11:18.640]And to that side crunch standing up.
- [00:11:24.840]Try and get those legs as high as you can.
- [00:11:29.300]You should start feeling it in that side.
- [00:11:32.678]♪ They will remember us even if we ♪
- [00:11:37.928]Keep it up, good job everyone.
- [00:11:43.100]Four, three, two, we're back on the mat
- [00:11:46.898]doing those high lows.
- [00:11:51.067]A little high low.
- [00:11:53.640]Make sure you're breathing.
- [00:11:57.105]Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale
- [00:12:00.716]inhale, exhale.
- [00:12:05.315]Nice job, almost there I promise.
- [00:12:10.764]Eight, seven, six, five,
- [00:12:14.662]four, three, two, side hand sit up, up.
- [00:12:24.399]I'm gonna have to stick with the knees.
- [00:12:28.277]Holding here a little longer.
- [00:12:30.906]Four, three, two, other side.
- [00:12:36.726]♪ They will remember us ♪
- [00:12:40.075]So again you're just dipping that hip down
- [00:12:42.944]and really make sure that its your hip that's working
- [00:12:46.231]and not your arm.
- [00:12:48.746]♪ Even if we die young ♪
- [00:12:51.088]Eight, seven, six, five,
- [00:12:54.657]four, three, two, nice job.
- [00:12:57.878]We're doing upside down sit ups.
- [00:13:03.237]We're almost there, I can feel it.
- [00:13:05.199]♪ Even if we die young ♪
- [00:13:09.522]Keep it up.
- [00:13:10.792](calm music)
- [00:13:15.067]Eight, seven, six, five,
- [00:13:18.871]four, three, two, nice job.
- [00:13:24.980]We are done with that round, good job everyone.
- [00:13:31.568]All right we made it to round two.
- [00:13:35.160]So this is the cardio round,
- [00:13:36.720]you just need yourself, no extra equipment.
- [00:13:40.240]For each move will be 30 seconds on
- [00:13:42.430]and we'll just rotate though the sequence
- [00:13:44.690]as many times as we can for two songs.
- [00:13:47.560]Okay, you ready?
- [00:13:49.536]Start my watch.
- [00:13:50.599](upbeat workout music)
- [00:13:52.573]There we go.
- [00:13:54.680]All right, first move is squat jumps.
- [00:13:57.566]So you have a couple of different options.
- [00:13:59.460]You can just do regular squats.
- [00:14:01.934]I'd like to challenge you and at least try and do this,
- [00:14:06.582]and then the next level up
- [00:14:09.744]is we're doing this.
- [00:14:14.704]All right first round, here we go.
- [00:14:17.541]Keep it up.
- [00:14:22.045]You're all ready 10 seconds through, 20 more.
- [00:14:28.135]Remember halfway through.
- [00:14:36.150]Five seconds.
- [00:14:39.000]Four, three, two, nice job.
- [00:14:43.017]Next move is plyo knees.
- [00:14:46.720]All ready starting.
- [00:14:50.672]So moving those arms and legs.
- [00:14:53.510]Nice job, your halfway through this leg.
- [00:15:00.290]Five, four, three, two,
- [00:15:03.325]other side here we go.
- [00:15:05.578]Nice job everyone.
- [00:15:07.592]♪ Shine a light through an open door ♪
- [00:15:11.115]♪ Love and life I will divide ♪
- [00:15:13.928]Working that heart,
- [00:15:15.608]working those leg and your arms.
- [00:15:18.297]Make sure you have a neutral spine.
- [00:15:22.007]15 seconds, here we go.
- [00:15:24.870]Keep it up.
- [00:15:26.129]♪ Feeling I just can't deny ♪
- [00:15:32.415]Four, three, two, next move
- [00:15:36.830]scissor jumps, first level
- [00:15:39.757]you're just going out and in.
- [00:15:44.253]And then the next level
- [00:15:47.173]is scissor jumps, you're going back and forth.
- [00:15:52.317]All right here we go, 30 seconds we got this.
- [00:15:57.620]♪ Yellow diamonds in the light ♪
- [00:15:59.880]Keep it up.
- [00:16:00.943]♪ And we're standing side by side ♪
- [00:16:04.111]20 seconds, that's all we have left.
- [00:16:08.373]Remember this is totally fine.
- [00:16:12.958]Try and keep that heart rate going.
- [00:16:15.358]Don't want to let it go down too low.
- [00:16:18.445]But don't want it to go too high either.
- [00:16:21.855]Four, three, two, next we have the box jumps.
- [00:16:27.669]So we're doing a little box.
- [00:16:31.578]If you wanna step it up, you can go.
- [00:16:34.817]So jumping around in a box.
- [00:16:39.413]Here we go, 15 seconds left.
- [00:16:46.851]Eight, seven, six, five,
- [00:16:50.332]four, three, two, we're going to power jack.
- [00:16:55.290]So regular jacks, whatever that looks like,
- [00:17:00.256]regular jacks.
- [00:17:02.178]You wanna go up a notch, like this.
- [00:17:09.011]Not taking too much rest in between each.
- [00:17:12.982]Whoa, here we go.
- [00:17:17.592]Want you to really push yourself.
- [00:17:19.831]Try the power jack, try two power jacks.
- [00:17:23.628]Almost there, three, two.
- [00:17:28.092]Last move, butt kicks
- [00:17:30.336]and hamstring curls, perfectly fine.
- [00:17:34.811]Try to stick those yourself.
- [00:17:37.959]keep going, we have one more song.
- [00:17:39.606]Let's see if we can make it through
- [00:17:41.435]at least one more time.
- [00:17:43.771]10 more seconds here.
- [00:17:45.765](fast upbeat music)
- [00:17:49.428]Four, three, two, back to squat jumps.
- [00:17:57.753]Make sure that form is intact
- [00:17:59.999]at all times.
- [00:18:02.103]If it's breaking down,
- [00:18:04.387]again do a little push up
- [00:18:08.206]with those squats.
- [00:18:10.823]We're working hard, keep it up guys.
- [00:18:16.766]Seven seconds left.
- [00:18:19.731]Couple more, turn it on.
- [00:18:22.324]Four, three, two,
- [00:18:26.424]plyo knees here we go.
- [00:18:33.153]Again if arms are too much,
- [00:18:35.602]just use that leg.
- [00:18:39.367]You're gonna get more of a workout
- [00:18:41.694]with your arms.
- [00:18:44.870]10 more seconds then we're switching.
- [00:18:49.891]Four, three, two, switch sides here we go.
- [00:18:58.898]We're over halfway there,
- [00:19:00.781]you can make it.
- [00:19:03.594]20 seconds.
- [00:19:10.004]10 seconds.
- [00:19:17.476]We're doing awesome.
- [00:19:18.597]Four, three, two,
- [00:19:23.425]scissor jumps, here we go.
- [00:19:31.407]You can do some arm movements.
- [00:19:35.746]Keep those arms working.
- [00:19:41.256]Keep going, 10 more seconds.
- [00:19:43.432]Remember this is totally fine.
- [00:19:50.353]Four, three, two, box jump.
- [00:19:54.392]So remember,
- [00:19:57.469]out, out, in.
- [00:19:59.444]Out, out, in.
- [00:20:04.339]Or you can go.
- [00:20:07.211]Try and challenge yourself if you want.
- [00:20:09.571]If you want jump, if you can.
- [00:20:13.161]Or all blocks too.
- [00:20:16.560]Eight more seconds.
- [00:20:19.233]Four, three, two, power jacks.
- [00:20:26.333]Keep it going, I know you're getting tired,
- [00:20:29.922]I am too.
- [00:20:35.960]Think of how good you'll feel after these.
- [00:20:47.000]Five more seconds.
- [00:20:51.277]Butt kicks.
- [00:20:54.923]All right, we are rounding the end of round two.
- [00:21:00.416]But we're gonna keep going until the end.
- [00:21:03.047]I think we have like 20 seconds.
- [00:21:07.361]So let's do it.
- [00:21:12.263]10 more seconds on these butt kickers.
- [00:21:18.140]All right, do as many squats as you can.
- [00:21:22.390]Last bit.
- [00:21:25.020]Four, three, two,
- [00:21:28.750]nice job everyone, we are done with round two.
- [00:21:36.451]All right good job, we made it to round three.
- [00:21:39.120]So you'll need your soccer ball or medicine ball
- [00:21:41.940]and a mat.
- [00:21:43.350]All right, first move is diagonal chops.
- [00:21:45.750]So you're going up and down,
- [00:21:48.969]up and down.
- [00:21:51.834]Reach up to the sky and doing a lunge on the other side.
- [00:21:58.521]Eight, seven, six, five,
- [00:22:01.832]four, three, two, switch sides.
- [00:22:07.137]So going up to the other side.
- [00:22:09.243]Again a nice lunge.
- [00:22:11.350]Try and keep that neutral spine throughout
- [00:22:14.142]so that you're not hunched over at all.
- [00:22:20.381]Eight, seven, six, five,
- [00:22:23.995]four, three, two, all right next move
- [00:22:28.663]we'll do squatting.
- [00:22:30.077]But if you wanna add in something fun,
- [00:22:32.930]we're gonna throw it and clap and catch it.
- [00:22:36.040]It's a good distraction from the squat, right?
- [00:22:40.020]This might be a little trickier is you have a medicine ball.
- [00:22:42.160]But if you have soccer ball, volley ball,
- [00:22:46.310]pretty easy, or just one clap, or just up and down.
- [00:22:50.763](upbeat workout music)
- [00:22:53.900]Four, three, two, one.
- [00:22:58.206]You see, didn't even know you were doing squats.
- [00:23:01.074]All right, next we're gonna go down on the floor.
- [00:23:04.912]We're gonna do Russian twists.
- [00:23:07.010]So keeping this part of your body completely stable,
- [00:23:10.648]and you're moving the soccer ball back and forth.
- [00:23:13.650]Again if you don't have a soccer ball,
- [00:23:15.968]you can totally do it like this.
- [00:23:25.260]Keep going, almost there good job guys.
- [00:23:32.640]Eight, seven, six, five,
- [00:23:36.090]four, three, two, nice job.
- [00:23:39.887]All right, we're gonna hold it,
- [00:23:41.118]hold a push up position
- [00:23:42.871]and you're gonna throw it up in the air.
- [00:23:46.805]It's a nice distraction,
- [00:23:48.258]you don't even realize that you're pulling your abs in.
- [00:23:51.580]Squeeze those abs though.
- [00:23:53.979]Nice and strong.
- [00:23:57.493]Almost there.
- [00:24:01.029]Four, three, two, one.
- [00:24:04.317]Okay sharp, all right next move
- [00:24:07.350]we're just holding the ball and doing head lifts.
- [00:24:11.264]So you can lie completely down.
- [00:24:13.980]Try to keep those legs as straight as possible.
- [00:24:16.880]You guys are doing a fantastic job.
- [00:24:24.787]Keep going.
- [00:24:30.077](mumbles)
- [00:24:35.539]Four, three, two
- [00:24:39.561]one nice job.
- [00:24:41.439]All right next move
- [00:24:44.052]is a little tricky, but we're gonna try our best.
- [00:24:48.701]Make sure you guys can see me.
- [00:24:50.647]So we're gonna carry the ball up to your legs
- [00:24:54.839]and then down.
- [00:24:56.662]And then you're gonna carry it and down.
- [00:25:03.871]And down.
- [00:25:06.647]Couple more here, oh these are tricky.
- [00:25:13.081]I'm struggling with this just as much as you are.
- [00:25:16.050]♪ I'm capable of anything ♪
- [00:25:18.267]Four, three, two nice job.
- [00:25:21.257]All right back to the start, here we go.
- [00:25:24.040]Diagonal chops, so up, down.
- [00:25:29.108]♪ Don't make me your enemy ♪
- [00:25:32.729]Four, three, two, other side.
- [00:25:36.982]♪ So you wanna play with magic ♪
- [00:25:40.700]♪ Boy, you should know whatcha falling for ♪
- [00:25:43.365]Nice job, nice and easy.
- [00:25:47.547]Four, three, two, there.
- [00:25:51.263]Squats and throwing up.
- [00:25:53.708]That sounds back, throwing the ball up.
- [00:25:56.195]Hopefully you're not vomiting.
- [00:25:59.670]♪ 'Cause once you're mine, once you're mine ♪
- [00:26:03.727]I have low ceilings in my basement.
- [00:26:08.719]Gonna do quick claps.
- [00:26:13.030]Eight, seven, six, five,
- [00:26:16.440]four, three, two, nice work.
- [00:26:19.640]Down to the floor,
- [00:26:22.790]we're doing those Russian twists.
- [00:26:24.808]Whenever you're ready, here we go.
- [00:26:28.630]Remember to keep that core stabilized.
- [00:26:31.644]We don't want part moving,
- [00:26:33.080]just your arms.
- [00:26:34.749]♪ Just be sure before you give it all to me ♪
- [00:26:38.480]Four, three, two, again we're throwing,
- [00:26:42.830]we throw it in the air.
- [00:26:44.993]You can just hold it like this if that works.
- [00:26:49.489]Better for you.
- [00:26:50.542]♪ Do you dare to do this ♪
- [00:26:53.531]♪ 'Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse ♪
- [00:26:57.940]Almost there.
- [00:27:01.526]♪ A perfect storm, perfect storm ♪
- [00:27:04.002]Eight, seven, six, five,
- [00:27:07.207]four, three, two, nice job.
- [00:27:10.379]We're doing hip lifts.
- [00:27:12.762]So again.
- [00:27:15.207]♪ She eat your heart out like Jeffrey Dahmer ♪
- [00:27:18.805]♪ Be careful, try not to lead her on ♪
- [00:27:21.703]♪ Shawty's heart was on steroids ♪
- [00:27:23.425]♪ 'Cause her love ♪
- [00:27:24.258]Keep it up.
- [00:27:27.246]♪ If you get the chance you better keep her ♪
- [00:27:29.042]♪ She swears by it but if you break her heart ♪
- [00:27:30.614]♪ She turn cold as a freezer ♪
- [00:27:32.731]Eight, seven, six, five,
- [00:27:36.298]four, three, two, nice work.
- [00:27:40.725]All right, our hardest move here.
- [00:27:45.011]♪ Turn the bedroom into a fair ♪
- [00:27:47.037]♪ Her love is like a drug ♪
- [00:27:48.726]♪ I was tryna hit it and quit it ♪
- [00:27:50.711]It's okay if you mess up.
- [00:27:55.339]♪ So you wanna play ♪
- [00:27:56.768]Try your best, it's a tricky move.
- [00:28:00.365]Do it nice and slow.
- [00:28:02.629]♪ Baby do you dare to do this ♪
- [00:28:07.323]A couple more here.
- [00:28:10.379]♪ Are you ready for, ready for ♪
- [00:28:14.856]Totally two in there.
- [00:28:17.919]♪ 'Cause once you're mine, once you're mine ♪
- [00:28:20.343]Four, three, two, nice job.
- [00:28:25.260]We are done, that was a tough one.
- [00:28:27.190]So good job.
- [00:28:34.040]All right, we are officially half way through.
- [00:28:36.329]So we can do it, next round is cardio.
- [00:28:40.010]So you'll just need a soccer ball,
- [00:28:41.340]but we won't need it until the very last move.
- [00:28:45.000]So you might wanna put out on the floor
- [00:28:47.588]'cause our first move is grape vine.
- [00:28:49.260]So and pull.
- [00:28:52.058](bouncy upbeat music)
- [00:29:05.470]All right we are halfway though, so great job.
- [00:29:09.280]Next round is cardio, you will need a soccer ball.
- [00:29:12.140]Have it here, but just keep it out in front
- [00:29:14.150]because we won't need it 'til the last move.
- [00:29:15.720]All right, grapevine.
- [00:29:18.543]♪ Shake you're body, baby suck on it ♪
- [00:29:21.463]And pull.
- [00:29:29.630]Next move is skiers.
- [00:29:32.373]Again this is totally fine.
- [00:29:35.840]Try and keep those hands above the head.
- [00:29:39.070]Makes it a little harder.
- [00:29:41.450]But it's okay if you can't do that.
- [00:29:45.505]Keep it up.
- [00:29:52.998]Here we go eight, seven, six,
- [00:29:56.087]five, four, three, two,
- [00:29:59.413]nice job next move, one, two, three, four,
- [00:30:02.810]jumping jack, high knee, jumping,
- [00:30:07.360]jack two more.
- [00:30:10.334]Jumping jack, one more.
- [00:30:14.390]We're going to heisman.
- [00:30:17.737]So you got a couple of options with this one.
- [00:30:19.287]This is cutting the middle of the road,
- [00:30:22.470]you can also do a hamstring curl.
- [00:30:26.370]And then hardest level is double time.
- [00:30:30.629]♪ Do what I want, it don't matter what you say ♪
- [00:30:35.437]Nice job, keep it up guys.
- [00:30:37.890]Eight, seven, six, five,
- [00:30:41.380]four, three, two,
- [00:30:43.510]next move were going jump squat and jump shot.
- [00:30:47.760]Let's try again.
- [00:30:50.050]Down and jump shot.
- [00:30:52.690]Squat and jump shot.
- [00:30:55.986]Get down low,
- [00:30:58.600]jump shot, here we go.
- [00:31:00.680]Again you can just do like that.
- [00:31:03.953]Down, up and jump shot.
- [00:31:07.440]Down and jump shot.
- [00:31:10.303]One more.
- [00:31:13.050]Jump shot, all right bring that soccer ball.
- [00:31:15.840]We're doing toe taps.
- [00:31:19.055]You can go round in a circle.
- [00:31:21.702]Makes it a little bit more interesting.
- [00:31:25.170]So just barely touching that ball
- [00:31:26.640]or not touching it at all.
- [00:31:37.020]Eight, seven, six, five,
- [00:31:40.480]four, three, two, hopefully you're not too dizzy.
- [00:31:45.130]Back to grapevine.
- [00:31:47.100]Pull, pull,
- [00:31:50.891]and pull, pull.
- [00:31:55.232]Four, three, two, skiers.
- [00:32:02.510]Keep it up, we're almost there.
- [00:32:05.950]Last cardio round.
- [00:32:09.500]Just one more song.
- [00:32:18.840]Eight, seven, six, five,
- [00:32:22.190]four, three, two, high knees, jumping jacks.
- [00:32:26.190]One, two, three, four, jumping jacks.
- [00:32:32.890]Two more, high knees.
- [00:32:34.780]Here we go jumping.
- [00:32:36.590]One more, give me one more.
- [00:32:40.180]Next heisman.
- [00:32:47.660]Double time, here we go.
- [00:32:52.250]Four, three, two, squat with jump shot.
- [00:32:55.320]Going down and jump.
- [00:32:59.164]Down, jump, next squat here we go.
- [00:33:05.000]Jump, one more.
- [00:33:08.950]Bring that soccer ball, toe taps.
- [00:33:11.606]Whoa, two rounds.
- [00:33:14.220]We're doing awesome.
- [00:33:21.650]Four, three, two, back to grapevine.
- [00:33:29.350]Let's try and finish round three.
- [00:33:36.235]Four, three, two, skier.
- [00:33:46.780]Make sure your hands are on top.
- [00:33:51.029]Four, three, two, high knee.
- [00:33:56.210]Jumping jack.
- [00:34:01.360]Two more, you got it.
- [00:34:05.290]One more, let's see your best jumping jacks.
- [00:34:09.710]Heisman.
- [00:34:17.310]Eight, seven, six, five,
- [00:34:20.658]four, three, two, squat down, jump.
- [00:34:27.899]Down, jump, here we go down, jump,
- [00:34:35.245]here we go down, jump.
- [00:34:37.560]Let's do four more.
- [00:34:39.820]I know, I'm pushing you.
- [00:34:41.884]Giving you a little surprise.
- [00:34:45.102]Only two more, here we go.
- [00:34:49.510]One more, make it your best.
- [00:34:52.470]Toe taps, here we go.
- [00:34:59.043]Nice job, keep it up guys.
- [00:35:06.170]Four, three, two,
- [00:35:09.410]nice work, good job.
- [00:35:15.180]All right, nice job everyone.
- [00:35:16.580]Made it through four rounds, only have two more.
- [00:35:19.177]All you need for this round is a chair.
- [00:35:21.880]So hopefully everyone has that.
- [00:35:24.260]Again we're gonna be doing 30 seconds for each round.
- [00:35:27.413]So let's start that in a minute.
- [00:35:31.218]So go ahead, sit on your chair.
- [00:35:34.162]First move is chair dip.
- [00:35:36.140]So go slightly off and we're going down and up,
- [00:35:40.442]down and up, down and up,
- [00:35:44.063]down and up, down and up,
- [00:35:48.220]you should feel this in your triceps.
- [00:35:50.130]Four, three, two, all right next move
- [00:35:53.630]is sit on the edge of the chair,
- [00:35:56.240]and we're just gonna pull our legs up towards our chest.
- [00:36:01.160]You can sit a little bit back
- [00:36:02.707]to try and keep that spine neutral.
- [00:36:06.795]They're kind of like mini crunches.
- [00:36:09.440]Couple more here, two, one.
- [00:36:13.803]All right, next move you have a couple of options.
- [00:36:18.085]You can either do a plank,
- [00:36:20.015]again keep that back straight
- [00:36:22.127]and you'll just hold it.
- [00:36:23.757]Or if you're really ambitious,
- [00:36:25.846]you can do push ups.
- [00:36:28.281]You don't have to go down super far at all.
- [00:36:31.009]They're pretty narrow.
- [00:36:33.644]Three, two, one.
- [00:36:38.575]All right next move is were gonna do
- [00:36:44.354]step ups, excuse me.
- [00:36:46.268]So if you want, you have a couple of options.
- [00:36:49.543]You can just do up,
- [00:36:51.400]bring your knees to the chest.
- [00:36:53.857]If you want a little bit more of a challenge,
- [00:36:56.395]bring it up.
- [00:36:57.977]Make sure your chair is stable
- [00:36:59.870]on the ground that you're on.
- [00:37:01.338]You don't want anyone falling.
- [00:37:04.250]So just alternating between those two.
- [00:37:10.199]Four, three, two, all right next move
- [00:37:14.590]is called booty half moon.
- [00:37:20.330]You're gonna go down on your knees,
- [00:37:22.672]I'm gonna start with our leg
- [00:37:24.350]on the opposite side of the chair
- [00:37:25.930]and then we're gonna bring it across the chair.
- [00:37:30.180]So nice big, wide half circle.
- [00:37:33.312]♪ Hurt me with the word good-bye ♪
- [00:37:35.523]♪ So it took some time to survive you ♪
- [00:37:40.789]Four, three, two, other legs.
- [00:37:46.729]This is our last move here.
- [00:37:48.315]♪ I'm not where you left me at all ♪
- [00:37:51.130]Try and keep your body straight.
- [00:37:56.838]Four, three, two, nice job.
- [00:38:01.550]All right, let's start back at the start.
- [00:38:05.950]Chair dips, here we go.
- [00:38:08.190]Down and up, down, up.
- [00:38:14.780]Try and keep that body straight.
- [00:38:16.660]You're just moving those elbows.
- [00:38:19.963]Four, three, two, whoa.
- [00:38:23.994]Up, up, nice job.
- [00:38:35.023]Four, three, two,
- [00:38:39.060]plank or push up.
- [00:38:42.140]So again you can hold it,
- [00:38:42.973]make sure that
- [00:38:46.070]back is straight.
- [00:38:47.836]Oh my hands are sweaty.
- [00:38:48.993]So it's hard to grip onto this chair.
- [00:38:50.838]You can also be down on the ground too
- [00:38:52.492]if that's easier.
- [00:38:54.063]♪ Don't show up, don't come out ♪
- [00:38:56.947]Keep it up.
- [00:38:57.823]♪ Don't start caring about me now ♪
- [00:39:01.435]♪ Walk away ♪
- [00:39:02.560]Eight, seven, six, five,
- [00:39:05.971]four, three, two, all right
- [00:39:09.246]we're going to those step ups.
- [00:39:12.299]Remember please be careful.
- [00:39:14.499]I don't want anyone falling.
- [00:39:23.483]Keep it up, one more time.
- [00:39:25.514](calm music)
- [00:39:29.415]♪ Falling for another, I don't even bother ♪
- [00:39:32.290]♪ I could do it all my life ♪
- [00:39:34.921]Keep it up, couple more.
- [00:39:38.023]♪ 'Cause I got this feeling ♪
- [00:39:39.746]♪ I wanna hear you say it ♪
- [00:39:41.644]♪ 'Cause I can't believe it ♪
- [00:39:44.950]Eight, seven, six, five,
- [00:39:48.865]four, three, two, we're going to that booty half moon.
- [00:39:55.825]Over the chair.
- [00:39:59.520]You should really feel it in the outer leg, oops.
- [00:40:08.163]Oh my gosh, there we go.
- [00:40:11.893](mumbles)
- [00:40:15.738]♪ You know that I can't get you out of the system ♪
- [00:40:18.987]There we go, four, three, two,
- [00:40:24.097]other leg.
- [00:40:27.426]You would see a workout with some mistakes, right?
- [00:40:32.143]Thank for being so forgiving guys.
- [00:40:36.005]Four, three, two, nice job.
- [00:40:41.085]Let's see how many more
- [00:40:43.410]we can get done.
- [00:40:45.460]So chair dips, here we go, down, up,
- [00:40:49.867]down, up, down, up.
- [00:40:55.120]Keep it up.
- [00:40:58.961]Almost there.
- [00:41:02.022]Couple more.
- [00:41:04.000]Four, three, two,
- [00:41:09.517]nice job, we're bringing those knees to the chest.
- [00:41:16.221]Nice and controlled.
- [00:41:19.128]Nice work.
- [00:41:23.791]Four, three, two, we're holding that plank slash push up.
- [00:41:33.761]So whatever choice you wanna do.
- [00:41:39.148]Four, three, two, we're doing step ups.
- [00:41:48.958]Nice work, we're almost there.
- [00:41:51.757]Less than a minute to go.
- [00:41:59.162]Four, three, two, nice job we're done.
- [00:42:10.149]All right nice job guys,
- [00:42:10.982]we made it to the very end.
- [00:42:13.406]So this is kind of a fun round,
- [00:42:14.523]it's the shortest round, it's only four minutes long.
- [00:42:18.931]So share my new routine,
- [00:42:21.081]the TikTok video for "Cupid Shuffle".
- [00:42:23.610]So we're gonna be doing that.
- [00:42:25.006]It's putting on our hands.
- [00:42:28.100]You can also do it on your knees too.
- [00:42:32.098]So and it will be your new favorite,
- [00:42:34.567]so don't worry about that.
- [00:42:36.620]So it's gonna start here.
- [00:42:39.200]So basically the premise is you're gonna go
- [00:42:42.320]to the right, to the right, to the right,
- [00:42:45.420]to the right, and then left, left, left.
- [00:42:50.754]Then kick, kick, compound baby kick,
- [00:42:54.350]and then walk it by yourself,
- [00:42:57.520]walk it by yourself.
- [00:43:00.473]Okay I'll be doing the whole movement again.
- [00:43:04.395]Inner like in between,
- [00:43:06.954]we're just gonna rock our body back in forward plank.
- [00:43:10.450]Again you can do this all on your knees.
- [00:43:14.170]All right, so let's get started.
- [00:43:17.550]It might be a hot mess, but it might work too.
- [00:43:19.820]So let's try it.
- [00:43:21.590]Just stay in that plank,
- [00:43:23.810]four, three, two, to the right here we go.
- [00:43:28.367]To the right, to the right,
- [00:43:30.266]to the left, to the left,
- [00:43:32.228]left to the left, now kick, kick,
- [00:43:36.580]kick, walk it, one more.
- [00:43:41.613]Rock back and forth.
- [00:43:43.607]Whoa, you made it.
- [00:43:44.849]Good job, that wasn't so bad.
- [00:43:46.892](upbeat workout music)
- [00:43:53.428]Here we go.
- [00:43:55.601]Right, right, left, left, left, left,
- [00:44:00.307]kick, kick, kick, kick, walk it,
- [00:44:08.148]again.
- [00:44:10.411]To the left,
- [00:44:13.695]kick, kick, kick, and walk it.
- [00:44:18.896]One more.
- [00:44:20.804]Keep going.
- [00:44:27.040]Kick, kick,
- [00:44:30.219]♪ Now walking by yourself ♪
- [00:44:31.687]♪ Now walking by yourself ♪
- [00:44:33.420]Oh take a break, whoa.
- [00:44:36.250]Good job guys.
- [00:44:38.260]Take a rest for a second.
- [00:44:39.363]We're like halfway there, so good job.
- [00:44:43.550]Whenever you're ready,
- [00:44:44.887]just rock it back and forth.
- [00:44:52.100]Just rock it out here.
- [00:44:56.053]I'm gonna try it on my knees,
- [00:44:57.773]four, three, two, here we go.
- [00:45:01.791]Right, right, right,
- [00:45:03.878]left, left, left, left
- [00:45:07.306]kick, kick, kick, kick,
- [00:45:10.601]walk it, walk it.
- [00:45:14.240]Here we go.
- [00:45:17.272]Left, left, left, left,
- [00:45:20.840]kick, kick.
- [00:45:24.120]Walk it, walk it.
- [00:45:28.676]Keep going.
- [00:45:33.990]And kick and kick.
- [00:45:36.515]Whoa here we go.
- [00:45:41.557]Nice job, take a break for a second.
- [00:45:45.600]My shoulders are on fire.
- [00:45:47.913]Good job.
- [00:45:51.054]Four, three, two here we go.
- [00:45:54.105]Right, right, right, right,
- [00:45:57.476]left, left,
- [00:46:00.542]and kick.
- [00:46:03.685]And down and down.
- [00:46:07.740]Right, keep it up.
- [00:46:10.843]Left.
- [00:46:14.553]I know, I'm tired too, keep pushing.
- [00:46:20.745]Nice, whoa.
- [00:46:23.750]Oh my gosh, we're done.
- [00:46:27.120]Nice job.
- [00:46:32.450]All right we made it guys to the cool down,
- [00:46:35.020]good job that was a tough workout.
- [00:46:37.410]I am whoa, I'm beat.
- [00:46:39.517](slow music)
- [00:46:40.840]All right let's start on the ground.
- [00:46:43.770]So you're gonna pull one arm over,
- [00:46:46.730]we worked a lot of muscles today.
- [00:46:48.530]So good job everyone,
- [00:46:51.010]you should be sore by tomorrow.
- [00:46:52.770]I know I will be.
- [00:46:55.130]Pull the other arm.
- [00:46:58.296]♪ Not knowing what it was ♪
- [00:47:01.020]So hopefully you met your workout goals for today.
- [00:47:04.460]You know got that heart rate up,
- [00:47:07.550]got some of those muscles worked.
- [00:47:10.570]Sweated a ton.
- [00:47:14.741]It feels good, let's try these tracks again.
- [00:47:16.710]Maybe you got some new moves hopefully,
- [00:47:19.730]I know I did.
- [00:47:20.563]When I was making this up,
- [00:47:21.710]I got lots of new moves.
- [00:47:24.190]All right, stretch out this leg here.
- [00:47:27.615]♪ Dancing in the dark ♪
- [00:47:31.147]♪ With you between my arms ♪
- [00:47:34.400]All right so the question of the day today
- [00:47:37.990]is I want you to think about your favorite animal.
- [00:47:41.610]So I always think that's like an interesting question.
- [00:47:44.257]It can be a zoo animal, it can be a farm animal,
- [00:47:47.070]just like any animal that your favorite
- [00:47:50.110]and think about why that's your favorite animal.
- [00:47:52.620]So mine is a giraffe.
- [00:47:56.800]I don't really know exactly why,
- [00:47:58.400]I just think they're very graceful creatures
- [00:48:00.500]and I just love how long and tall they are.
- [00:48:04.480]So giraffes are my favorite.
- [00:48:05.680]I just think they look very beautiful as well.
- [00:48:08.470]So hopefully you're thinking about your favorite animal.
- [00:48:13.000]So pull that leg here,
- [00:48:14.210]you'll feel it stretch here.
- [00:48:18.610]All right, let's switch legs.
- [00:48:24.590]Feels so good to stretch out.
- [00:48:27.844]♪ To carry children of our own ♪
- [00:48:31.470]All right whenever you're ready,
- [00:48:33.850]we're gonna pull up
- [00:48:35.567]and do a lunge to get that hip flexer.
- [00:48:39.715]Right here.
- [00:48:42.480]Try and keep that strong stance.
- [00:48:48.240]All right, switch legs.
- [00:48:51.753]♪ Be my girl, I'll be your man ♪
- [00:48:55.850]♪ I see my future ♪
- [00:48:58.290]All right, last one here is calves.
- [00:49:02.540]So while we're down on the mat here,
- [00:49:03.803]you can just go into a plank
- [00:49:06.320]and stretch them out like this, just walk those calves out.
- [00:49:10.970]Back and forth, back and forth.
- [00:49:13.920]Can rest one,
- [00:49:16.483]and do the other one a resting leg.
- [00:49:20.390]All right, whenever you're ready stand up.
- [00:49:24.130]We're gonna do three big deep breaths.
- [00:49:27.600]So inhale.
- [00:49:32.054]And exhale.
- [00:49:34.020]Two more, inhale.
- [00:49:39.550]And one more.
- [00:49:45.600]Nice job everyone today.
- [00:49:47.110]Thanks for joining me.
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