Nebraska Food for Health Center Full Announcement
University Communication
Entire event video. The Nebraska Food for Health Center, a more than $40 million initiative to improve the lives of people around the world, was launched September 16, 2016 at the University of Nebraska.
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- [00:00:01.270]well good afternoon everyone I'm Hank
- [00:00:04.609]bounds president of the University of
- [00:00:05.960]Nebraska and today certainly an exciting
- [00:00:07.730]day for all of us at the University
- [00:00:10.220]whether it's faculty staff students are
- [00:00:12.429]all Nebraskans we're going to make a
- [00:00:15.500]really tremendous announcement here in a
- [00:00:17.270]few minutes today we launched the
- [00:00:20.359]Nebraska food for Health Center a new
- [00:00:23.510]university-wide multidisciplinary effort
- [00:00:26.000]that will transform the way we look at
- [00:00:28.760]human health and then the diseases that
- [00:00:31.130]affect so many of us we're joined by
- [00:00:34.010]many distinguished guests today
- [00:00:35.390]including representatives of the faculty
- [00:00:37.450]university leadership and the
- [00:00:39.260]philanthropic community who have
- [00:00:41.059]partnered to make this new center a
- [00:00:42.770]reality you'll hear from some of them in
- [00:00:45.230]a few minutes also won't introduce
- [00:00:47.020]excuse me several individuals in the
- [00:00:49.789]audience who are really important to our
- [00:00:51.170]University first let me introduce to you
- [00:00:53.870]three of our Regents her with us first
- [00:00:55.520]our chairman chairman Schroeder
- [00:00:58.210]vice-chairman White House and Regent
- [00:01:00.559]Farris thank you for joining us
- [00:01:01.730]gentlemen also have well as Chancellor
- [00:01:08.360]Jeff Gould the Chancellor of the Medical
- [00:01:10.880]Center and you'll understand why why he
- [00:01:12.950]is here in just a moment the Nebraska
- [00:01:15.140]food for health center is an example of
- [00:01:17.390]what is possible when we marry the
- [00:01:20.240]collective strengths of the University
- [00:01:22.490]of Nebraska with a vision and support of
- [00:01:25.490]private partners it represents the
- [00:01:27.860]approach we are taking to solve some of
- [00:01:29.540]the world's most urgent challenges one
- [00:01:32.750]in which we draw on the talents and
- [00:01:34.430]resources of all four campuses where we
- [00:01:37.820]act like one University where we band
- [00:01:40.610]together to answer the big questions
- [00:01:42.530]that would be unanswerable by one
- [00:01:45.200]discipline or one department or one
- [00:01:48.020]campus alone the questions the food for
- [00:01:50.930]health center will tackle our big indeed
- [00:01:52.880]how do we develop crops and foods that
- [00:01:55.460]will treat help treat conditions like
- [00:01:57.409]heart disease diabetes obesity cancer
- [00:02:00.310]inflammatory bowel disease and mental
- [00:02:03.409]disorders how can we leverage the
- [00:02:05.509]combined power of agricole
- [00:02:07.150]sure and medicine to prevent and treat
- [00:02:09.669]diseases that affect quality of life for
- [00:02:12.040]people in Nebraska and around the world
- [00:02:14.440]and how do we go about this work in a
- [00:02:16.930]way that will engage our students and
- [00:02:19.150]prepare them for rapidly changing
- [00:02:20.890]workforce this new center would not be
- [00:02:23.710]possible without our talented faculty or
- [00:02:26.020]the leadership of our Chancellor's
- [00:02:28.090]research officers and chief academic
- [00:02:30.010]officers it also would not be possible
- [00:02:32.710]without our partners at Nebraska EPSCoR
- [00:02:35.190]finally we are grateful to private
- [00:02:37.840]donors who support is helping us launch
- [00:02:40.360]the food for health center I'm honored
- [00:02:42.760]to announce that the rig's foundation of
- [00:02:44.770]Seattle has made a three-million-dollar
- [00:02:47.010]commitment including a 1 million dollar
- [00:02:49.270]challenge grant toward the center The
- [00:02:51.910]Rake's foundation was co-founded by
- [00:02:53.560]Nebraska native jeff raikes and his wife
- [00:02:55.660]Trisha who are wonderful friends to the
- [00:02:58.060]University and to our students they are
- [00:03:00.520]here today and you'll hear from Jeff in
- [00:03:02.320]a few moments in addition the Bill and
- [00:03:05.170]Melinda Gates Foundation has made a
- [00:03:07.209]two-million-dollar gift in support of
- [00:03:09.310]the food / health center the gift is
- [00:03:11.470]made in recognition of jeff raikes his
- [00:03:13.480]past service as chief executive officer
- [00:03:16.180]of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- [00:03:17.940]please join me in expressing our
- [00:03:20.380]gratitude to Jeff and Trisha and the
- [00:03:22.720]bill and melinda gates foundation for
- [00:03:25.420]their tremendous philanthropic
- [00:03:26.590]investment thank you Joe
- [00:03:35.760]millgate sends his regards to Jeff on
- [00:03:38.230]today's announcement he has asked us to
- [00:03:39.819]share a statement with you today it
- [00:03:41.620]reads not quote Jeff's leadership made a
- [00:03:44.409]tremendous impact on our work at the
- [00:03:46.209]Gates Foundation Melinda and I are
- [00:03:48.670]pleased to honor his contribution and
- [00:03:50.860]personal commitment to making a
- [00:03:52.989]significant impact in his home state and
- [00:03:55.680]here to tell you more about the center
- [00:03:58.329]is our Chancellor at the University of
- [00:04:01.329]nebraska-lincoln Lincoln Ronnie Green
- [00:04:03.459]right thank you very much present
- [00:04:12.700]balance it's a real pleasure to be here
- [00:04:15.129]today and to be at this point of being
- [00:04:17.560]able to announce this new initiative and
- [00:04:19.930]broadened initiative that we've been
- [00:04:22.780]building over the last several years and
- [00:04:25.419]it's wonderful gift from Jeff and tricia
- [00:04:28.000]from The Rake's foundation and the Gates
- [00:04:30.430]Foundation some of you will know that we
- [00:04:33.760]began a number of years ago probably
- [00:04:36.370]about seven making investments in an
- [00:04:39.669]area or search called the gut microbiome
- [00:04:42.960]using new technologies and metagenomics
- [00:04:46.450]and sequencing technology that was
- [00:04:48.910]coming available out of the human genome
- [00:04:50.500]effort in order to look at ecosystems
- [00:04:53.860]like the gut microbiome and about that
- [00:04:57.130]biology system that is very complex as
- [00:05:00.400]we know and that group which eventually
- [00:05:03.910]came to be known as the elaborate term
- [00:05:06.520]the gut function initiative Jeff in fact
- [00:05:09.910]is joked with us a lot over the last
- [00:05:11.530]several years about that name has
- [00:05:14.260]established quite an international
- [00:05:16.240]reputation in that area of science is
- [00:05:19.150]part of our Department of Food Science
- [00:05:20.530]and Technology here at UNL in the last
- [00:05:25.270]18 months we have been envisioning a
- [00:05:28.780]larger effort around food for health
- [00:05:32.130]both elevated by the University of
- [00:05:35.110]Nebraska system and a system-wide
- [00:05:37.120]initiative and investments that are
- [00:05:39.400]being made across the system in that
- [00:05:41.620]area as well as how we put a greater
- [00:05:45.870]pipeline if you
- [00:05:47.360]will around the gut microbiome effort so
- [00:05:50.840]this new center not only engages that
- [00:05:53.780]group here at UNL and an expanded more
- [00:05:57.919]faculty in that group that we're adding
- [00:06:00.349]it also ties plant phenotyping and
- [00:06:03.889]inputs of plant systems into product
- [00:06:08.180]development in food for health here at
- [00:06:11.389]UNL along with no de biotic mouse work
- [00:06:15.229]in the the mouse model if you will in
- [00:06:18.650]that area that it's also here and will
- [00:06:21.529]be expanded to primate work with our
- [00:06:25.279]colleagues at the University of Nebraska
- [00:06:27.650]Omaha and to clinical work with our
- [00:06:31.340]colleagues at the University of Nebraska
- [00:06:33.319]Medical Center and you heard the
- [00:06:34.879]introduction of our Chancellor Jeff
- [00:06:36.800]Gould here a moment ago so this is a
- [00:06:40.000]full spectrum effort if you will that
- [00:06:42.800]we're on the front now of building and
- [00:06:46.189]as fate would have it or perhaps a
- [00:06:49.310]little planning involved there also is a
- [00:06:52.250]national microbiome initiative that has
- [00:06:55.099]just been launched by the US government
- [00:06:57.819]earlier this spring of an investment of
- [00:07:01.190]120 million dollars in research into
- [00:07:04.009]that area of research for human health
- [00:07:07.089]principally that this of course fits
- [00:07:09.680]directly within so we're extremely
- [00:07:12.830]excited about it Jeff and Tricia thank
- [00:07:14.870]you so much for your generosity in
- [00:07:17.029]bringing us to this point I would like
- [00:07:19.789]to introduce to you the initial director
- [00:07:23.479]of this institute dr. Andy Benson who is
- [00:07:27.620]a faculty professor here in our
- [00:07:29.900]department of food science and
- [00:07:31.219]technology he along with Bob hudkins in
- [00:07:34.009]recent years formed that gut function
- [00:07:36.370]initiative and I would like Tim to tell
- [00:07:39.949]you about the effort that they're
- [00:07:42.529]building Andy serves as the Marshall
- [00:07:44.629]distinguished chair in food science and
- [00:07:47.240]technology here at UNL not handy go
- [00:07:50.569]ahead and tell a little bit and then
- [00:07:51.860]Jeff welcome Thank You Chancellor green
- [00:07:56.479]I just have to say quickly you know this
- [00:07:58.490]is a very memorable day for me
- [00:08:01.009]my family but but more importantly this
- [00:08:03.529]is a memorable day for the University of
- [00:08:05.300]Nebraska and the entire state as you've
- [00:08:08.300]heard the gracious gifts from from Jeff
- [00:08:10.759]and Tricia rakes foundation from the
- [00:08:12.409]Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's
- [00:08:15.219]they've challenged us and Jeff thank you
- [00:08:18.889]for that challenge to do something
- [00:08:21.740]larger to do something bigger than
- [00:08:23.300]ourselves I'm you've heard from our
- [00:08:25.430]president and now the UNL Chancellor
- [00:08:27.379]that the UN system and individual
- [00:08:29.930]campuses have come together you'll hear
- [00:08:33.769]pretty soon that our foundation is
- [00:08:35.899]making a commitment to help fund raising
- [00:08:38.448]on this part I have to say in my 20
- [00:08:41.240]years at this institution I've never
- [00:08:43.010]seen an institution come together the
- [00:08:45.709]way the units have here to make this
- [00:08:48.139]happen and so this is really a memorable
- [00:08:50.240]day I think for us here in Nebraska
- [00:08:52.449]indeed there is no place like Nebraska
- [00:08:55.990]so what is this Nebraska food for health
- [00:08:58.699]center going to do well there's this
- [00:09:01.069]incredible group of faculty that will be
- [00:09:03.410]introduced to you in just a little bit
- [00:09:06.130]that has come together and they've
- [00:09:09.079]developed the shared vision and it's
- [00:09:11.899]driven exclusively by the science and I
- [00:09:15.199]think the great thing about the group of
- [00:09:16.910]faculty that amassed around this is that
- [00:09:19.100]each and every one of them is a
- [00:09:21.199]successful rock star in their own regard
- [00:09:23.680]they didn't need to do this but they
- [00:09:27.019]came together to do it because they
- [00:09:28.550]believed in the idea they believed in
- [00:09:30.980]the concept and they've united together
- [00:09:33.380]to develop and grow a science like none
- [00:09:36.769]other the vision centers on the
- [00:09:39.760]microbiome as you've heard there's
- [00:09:42.260]hundreds of trillions of organisms that
- [00:09:44.000]inhabit our bodies these organisms are
- [00:09:46.579]not just along for the ride they're
- [00:09:48.470]actively doing things their innately
- [00:09:50.870]involved in the very fabric of our body
- [00:09:53.959]functions our immune systems our
- [00:09:56.649]metabolism our digestion and not
- [00:10:00.050]surprisingly when things go awry the gut
- [00:10:03.050]microbiome gets into a state of despair
- [00:10:05.560]now because the food that we eat feeds
- [00:10:09.139]these organisms it's also not surprising
- [00:10:11.779]the diet is one of the biggest factors
- [00:10:14.630]that influences this gut microbiome this
- [00:10:17.300]huge mass of organisms and therein lies
- [00:10:21.320]the opportunity to unite agriculture and
- [00:10:24.560]medicine you see we can use food to
- [00:10:27.740]manipulate this system we have to learn
- [00:10:30.590]how to do this so pardon me if I move to
- [00:10:34.370]a football analogy we are on the eve of
- [00:10:36.950]a big football game but the situation is
- [00:10:39.800]not unlike facing a team that we've
- [00:10:42.230]never seen before a team we don't really
- [00:10:45.530]know much about there isn't much game
- [00:10:48.110]film on this microbiome team we're still
- [00:10:51.050]learning who the players are what
- [00:10:53.090]positions they play how they act so we
- [00:10:56.390]have to make game time adjustments a
- [00:10:58.820]game plans got to be game time it's
- [00:11:01.610]going to be developed in real time as we
- [00:11:03.230]go now a lot of other institutions are
- [00:11:05.570]making game film they're learning who
- [00:11:07.310]the players are what they do we're going
- [00:11:09.800]to go farther than that we're going to
- [00:11:12.050]learn how to actually perturb that
- [00:11:13.670]system in real time reaching back into
- [00:11:16.400]our crop breeding and genetics programs
- [00:11:18.290]that can create such an amazing array of
- [00:11:21.050]plant diversity that will make your head
- [00:11:22.760]spin well capitalized on that diversity
- [00:11:25.760]to learn just which components of that
- [00:11:28.610]micro of the dietary system will
- [00:11:30.620]actually perturb individual players of
- [00:11:33.170]the microbiome those are the molecular
- [00:11:36.680]plays if you will and we'll try out many
- [00:11:39.200]different types of these plays these
- [00:11:41.210]molecular plays these plant molecules to
- [00:11:43.820]see how the microbiome responds gametime
- [00:11:46.760]decisions will find a few of those plays
- [00:11:49.910]that really worked well the center will
- [00:11:53.420]then scale on these candidate molecular
- [00:11:55.640]plays that we know works and will
- [00:11:57.110]examine them through the animal model
- [00:11:58.820]systems you heard our Chancellor mention
- [00:12:00.530]and eventually into humans you have to
- [00:12:04.250]be sure that these molecular plays won't
- [00:12:06.350]work against all teams we've got to
- [00:12:08.660]figure out which teams they work against
- [00:12:10.550]and which they won't in fact across
- [00:12:13.010]human populations we know these dietary
- [00:12:15.200]molecules will only affect subgroups and
- [00:12:18.170]we've got to learn what that picture
- [00:12:19.730]looks like and we will and then of
- [00:12:22.910]course we want to use those molecular
- [00:12:25.370]plays to deal with human disease
- [00:12:27.580]we use the best plays that we can come
- [00:12:30.320]up with to trying to defeat the altar
- [00:12:34.010]and abnormal microbiomes that we find in
- [00:12:36.050]these human diseases whether partners at
- [00:12:38.660]the Medical Center will fund these new
- [00:12:41.540]skills at molecular play-calling if you
- [00:12:43.700]will to treat disease and ultimately
- [00:12:46.910]will use these playbooks to develop food
- [00:12:49.700]and food ingredients that can be used to
- [00:12:52.760]improve the quality of life of
- [00:12:54.440]individuals with disease once again
- [00:12:56.930]thank you so much to jeff and tricia
- [00:12:59.510]rakes foundation to the bill and melinda
- [00:13:01.100]gates foundation for for helping this to
- [00:13:04.490]happen for pushing us for making us
- [00:13:06.740]think big and helping us to dream thank
- [00:13:09.770]you very much for that and I'd real
- [00:13:11.060]quickly looking to have a round of
- [00:13:12.980]applause here and just very quickly we
- [00:13:21.260]do have a few of the team members here
- [00:13:23.180]and I'd asked him just quickly to stand
- [00:13:25.070]while I introduced them they're sitting
- [00:13:27.230]back here so from the University of
- [00:13:28.730]Nebraska Omaha we have dr. Jeff French
- [00:13:31.210]from the University of Nebraska Medical
- [00:13:33.620]Center dr. Tanner hagel strim University
- [00:13:36.440]of diretta nebraska-lincoln dr. Devin
- [00:13:38.300]rose University of nebraska-lincoln dr.
- [00:13:41.240]Jacques hard one of the newest members
- [00:13:43.070]some of our team you guys sit down so I
- [00:13:46.100]can give a faint you on the far left
- [00:13:50.270]here we have dr. James novel from the
- [00:13:52.370]plant sciences group at UNL in the back
- [00:13:55.490]row dr. Amanda reamer taped on the food
- [00:13:58.190]science department dr. Jennifer Clark
- [00:14:01.010]from the department of statistics and
- [00:14:02.840]food science and then also dr. Robert
- [00:14:05.000]Hawkins thank you so much to this team
- [00:14:07.040]also
- [00:14:14.720]and we wanted to save the last word for
- [00:14:17.790]our donors today it's a real pleasure
- [00:14:21.150]for me to introduce a huge supporter for
- [00:14:24.240]us here in Nebraska Jeff and Tricia as
- [00:14:27.270]you know have been very generous to the
- [00:14:30.120]University in the past not only in the
- [00:14:32.760]rate school that is now a gym here at
- [00:14:36.420]the University of Nebraska also
- [00:14:38.490]instrumental jeff has been in the water
- [00:14:40.800]for food Institute serves on the board
- [00:14:43.320]of directors for that Institute of our
- [00:14:45.630]system since its formation please join
- [00:14:48.240]me in welcoming jeff raikes well thanks
- [00:14:58.470]everyone it's a it's great to see you're
- [00:15:00.180]all here today because we think this is
- [00:15:02.010]special and I'm going to do my best job
- [00:15:04.320]to try and articulate that to you before
- [00:15:08.070]I get started though I want to
- [00:15:10.170]acknowledge a few people on my team
- [00:15:13.760]first and foremost my wife Trisha my
- [00:15:16.710]soul mate my partner and all our
- [00:15:18.210]philanthropic work thank you for all
- [00:15:25.300]I see my niece Abby rakes back here i'm
- [00:15:30.130]not sure Helen was going to try and be
- [00:15:32.440]here but I want to acknowledge both
- [00:15:34.600]Helen and Abby they are important family
- [00:15:38.589]members but also important members of
- [00:15:40.420]the university of nebraska family and if
- [00:15:44.529]there's any bit of sadness i have today
- [00:15:46.750]it's that ron is not here because my
- [00:15:51.220]brother Ron would think this was
- [00:15:52.870]terrific and gosh I wish he could see it
- [00:15:57.160]i hope you seeing it from from up above
- [00:15:59.320]but I they keep really appreciate what
- [00:16:02.740]we're doing my daughter Mikayla is in
- [00:16:06.010]from Seattle my nephew nathan is in from
- [00:16:09.570]Seattle so it's it's great to have a
- [00:16:11.769]number of family here now I'm going to
- [00:16:14.440]touch on three themes and one has to do
- [00:16:18.310]with gratitude I one has to do with the
- [00:16:21.880]positioning or my vision or view of the
- [00:16:24.610]positioning of this university in the
- [00:16:26.470]21st century and the last will be my
- [00:16:30.399]thoughts in that context of this
- [00:16:33.459]universe in the 21st century as to how
- [00:16:36.579]the food for Health Research Center fits
- [00:16:38.950]in I noticed there's some journalists
- [00:16:40.329]here I'm thankful for that I hope I tell
- [00:16:42.610]this story well because I think this is
- [00:16:44.680]a very powerful story and I hope that
- [00:16:46.480]that I do it well enough that you can
- [00:16:48.670]use your communications channels to tell
- [00:16:50.680]this story because it'll make this
- [00:16:51.940]university even better first I want to
- [00:16:56.110]start with gratitude my father ralph was
- [00:16:59.500]a graduate of this university in
- [00:17:01.300]chemical engineering 1930 the depression
- [00:17:06.730]changed the trajectory of his life he
- [00:17:08.559]literally and figuratively saved our
- [00:17:11.470]farm near ashland nebraska but the
- [00:17:14.559]reason he was able to save our farm had
- [00:17:18.669]a lot to do with leveraging the research
- [00:17:21.520]and educational outreach of this
- [00:17:24.400]university he took advantage of what
- [00:17:27.520]this university to produces to not only
- [00:17:30.309]survive but to flourish for 40-some
- [00:17:35.919]years growing our farm and then taken
- [00:17:38.350]over by my
- [00:17:39.020]brother Ron who continued to take
- [00:17:41.600]advantage of what's here at the
- [00:17:42.800]University to to have our farm flourish
- [00:17:46.430]so that's part of the gratitude is that
- [00:17:49.670]we really believe in this university and
- [00:17:52.250]what it does for people but it's not
- [00:17:55.310]just the rakes family I spent a lot of
- [00:17:57.770]time working on African agriculture and
- [00:17:59.930]part of what I do is study what happened
- [00:18:01.820]in the last 120 years here in the
- [00:18:03.890]Midwest because the agricultural
- [00:18:06.410]transformation that took place here in
- [00:18:08.480]the Midwest transform the lives of
- [00:18:11.810]millions of people my father used to say
- [00:18:15.560]that it was Midwest agriculture Nebraska
- [00:18:18.080]agriculture that could be central to
- [00:18:19.700]feeding the world and while I don't
- [00:18:22.160]fully agree with that since I want
- [00:18:24.200]Africa to be able to also feed the world
- [00:18:27.980]I think it's a very very important point
- [00:18:30.080]and I think that that I am a product of
- [00:18:33.220]that agricultural transformation the
- [00:18:36.140]opportunities that I and my family
- [00:18:38.330]members have are due to what this
- [00:18:43.580]university could do for my parents it
- [00:18:46.370]changed literally change the shape of
- [00:18:49.130]the trajectory of the opportunities that
- [00:18:50.930]our family members have and I just think
- [00:18:53.510]that's really important and so this gift
- [00:18:55.250]in part is our gratitude to the
- [00:18:59.150]University and that you saw earlier bill
- [00:19:01.640]a Melendez gift I'm very appreciative of
- [00:19:04.250]in some respects gratitude for what what
- [00:19:07.160]I was able to do at the Gates Foundation
- [00:19:08.950]but part of what I'm doing today is also
- [00:19:12.070]returning that gratitude to them back to
- [00:19:15.440]them because this is a platform that
- [00:19:17.660]will help the Gates Foundation and
- [00:19:20.360]others who really care about the issues
- [00:19:23.030]of global health so that's my first
- [00:19:24.650]theme gratitude I want to move to my
- [00:19:28.040]second theme which really has to do with
- [00:19:29.810]the context for this Center and it's the
- [00:19:33.920]positioning of the University of
- [00:19:35.690]Nebraska in the 21st century I have an
- [00:19:38.770]observation an observation about the
- [00:19:41.000]20th century I think this university
- [00:19:44.860]developed its leadership through the
- [00:19:48.590]creation of agricultural production
- [00:19:51.350]technologies that could
- [00:19:52.820]lead to that transformation things like
- [00:19:55.009]better inputs in agriculture better
- [00:19:56.840]seeds advances in animal science
- [00:20:01.210]engineering like irrigation solutions
- [00:20:04.539]Agricultural Economics and agribusiness
- [00:20:06.860]so that these farms were better managed
- [00:20:09.880]those were the things that really led
- [00:20:13.399]this university in this state in the
- [00:20:15.860]20th century egg production technologies
- [00:20:19.360]but times have changed if we're going to
- [00:20:22.009]continue to be leaders in the 21st
- [00:20:25.460]century we're going to have to move to a
- [00:20:27.169]new level and in my view that level and
- [00:20:30.049]this is represented here today is the
- [00:20:33.049]nexus of Agriculture Food Science health
- [00:20:37.940]outcomes and it has to be underpinned by
- [00:20:40.610]great intellectual property that is a
- [00:20:44.509]key medium in the 21st century we have
- [00:20:47.649]Sally Mackenzie here today Mike from
- [00:20:50.629]they are representing a great example
- [00:20:53.149]the advances in epigenetics technology
- [00:20:56.360]as a tool a platform for improved
- [00:20:59.600]breeding of crops that is fantastic
- [00:21:02.779]intellectual property that will be an
- [00:21:04.759]example of what shapes the opportunity
- [00:21:07.490]for this university to lead in the 21st
- [00:21:10.279]century on second observation about the
- [00:21:16.970]positioning of this university you know
- [00:21:19.669]the for good reason through the
- [00:21:21.769]centuries academia has developed silos
- [00:21:25.210]deep expertise knowledge development
- [00:21:28.340]within specific domains and that was
- [00:21:31.039]important I have an appreciation for
- [00:21:33.409]that deep expertise but today's global
- [00:21:38.110]challenges are complex and they require
- [00:21:44.379]interdisciplinary approaches now if you
- [00:21:47.929]well in fact you know Ronnie and Hank
- [00:21:50.600]mention it my connection to the
- [00:21:52.100]University if you think about what I'm
- [00:21:54.379]drawn to its interdisciplinary work its
- [00:21:57.769]intellectual property the rake school
- [00:22:00.440]was specifically designed to be
- [00:22:04.010]interdisciplinary to bring together
- [00:22:05.720]compute
- [00:22:06.640]science of business management and
- [00:22:08.440]leadership because it was our experience
- [00:22:10.810]at Microsoft Bill Gates and I that we
- [00:22:13.480]needed to have more talent that had that
- [00:22:16.390]interdisciplinary education the design
- [00:22:19.960]studio of the rake school where it takes
- [00:22:23.380]the translate it it's the translational
- [00:22:27.130]vehicle of that talent to real-world
- [00:22:29.560]problems so we we need interdisciplinary
- [00:22:33.370]we need that translation to real-world
- [00:22:35.890]problems the water for food Institute
- [00:22:39.060]establishing this University's ability
- [00:22:41.650]to have a global impact on agriculture
- [00:22:45.340]and interdisciplinary more crop per drop
- [00:22:49.470]better engineering of solutions managing
- [00:22:53.170]water better policy for resource
- [00:22:55.300]management I see some of my colleagues
- [00:22:57.010]from the water for food Institute here
- [00:23:00.130]today so it's in that context that Trish
- [00:23:03.880]and I decided to make this gift to
- [00:23:05.770]encourage Bill and Melinda to join us in
- [00:23:07.810]this gift and frankly to challenge the
- [00:23:10.720]university to do more than just the gut
- [00:23:13.090]function initiative a name I didn't
- [00:23:16.690]necessarily love
- [00:23:20.420]what Andy and this team he introduced
- [00:23:24.180]today is doing is they are creating an
- [00:23:28.730]interdisciplinary education and research
- [00:23:33.710]value chain that's my description of
- [00:23:37.440]what's happening it is a platform it is
- [00:23:40.710]a value chain egg production leads to
- [00:23:46.230]early-stage food processing taking
- [00:23:49.080]advantage of the excellence that we have
- [00:23:50.910]in food science as well as AG reduction
- [00:23:53.400]which leads to microbiome studies which
- [00:23:57.960]leads to health outcomes which leads to
- [00:24:02.040]understanding then how to leverage the
- [00:24:04.860]processing to do food production that is
- [00:24:08.190]what i mean by an integrated education
- [00:24:12.210]inner interdisciplinary education and
- [00:24:15.030]research value chain that is a platform
- [00:24:18.000]and by the way we talk about it today in
- [00:24:20.220]terms of human health but Tricia and I
- [00:24:24.540]are also cattle feeders on the side this
- [00:24:27.870]is important for livestock as well
- [00:24:31.559]because AG production leads to feed
- [00:24:34.830]production which leads to microbiome
- [00:24:36.870]studies that improve livestock health
- [00:24:39.360]and performance so the centerpiece of
- [00:24:43.410]this is the microbiome work and I'm
- [00:24:46.290]greatly appreciative of Andy and his his
- [00:24:48.960]his leadership because that's a key part
- [00:24:51.809]of why we were able to get here today
- [00:24:54.690]but the thing that really gets me
- [00:24:56.490]excited is that we're working at the
- [00:24:58.410]Nexus it's interdisciplinary it's
- [00:25:00.540]building intellectual property that can
- [00:25:03.179]really help solve some of the most
- [00:25:05.400]important challenges that we face in the
- [00:25:07.950]world so I close by saying thanks to all
- [00:25:11.580]of you here the leaders here at the
- [00:25:13.679]University the leaders within that
- [00:25:15.920]interdisciplinary value chain I hope you
- [00:25:18.690]don't mind me coining that phrase for
- [00:25:21.960]you and just really want to extend my
- [00:25:25.620]thanks and gratitude and frankly out a
- [00:25:28.800]certain curiosity when Andy was getting
- [00:25:31.380]up to speed
- [00:25:32.039]I don't know if he gets nervous it
- [00:25:33.809]really I did want to ask him in that
- [00:25:36.119]situation how does his gut function so
- [00:25:40.669]great thank you very much good afternoon
- [00:25:52.109]I'm Brian Hastings CEO of the University
- [00:25:54.779]of Nebraska foundation I do want to make
- [00:25:56.669]one more introduction I think we missed
- [00:25:58.320]one faculty member involved with the new
- [00:26:01.019]center David heightened from agronomy
- [00:26:02.970]who's here David thank you now I woke up
- [00:26:07.080]this morning in the sand hills and I had
- [00:26:09.149]the benefit in the privilege of a
- [00:26:11.220]four-hour beautiful drive back across
- [00:26:13.889]the state here to Lincoln today and a
- [00:26:15.929]chance to just reflect on the wonderful
- [00:26:18.840]work that we have a chance to do at the
- [00:26:21.210]foundation and certainly at the
- [00:26:22.559]University of Nebraska that ultimately
- [00:26:24.869]changes lives and in the case of the
- [00:26:27.479]Medical Center saves lives and it's a
- [00:26:31.289]responsibility and a privilege that we
- [00:26:32.729]have each and every day when we wake up
- [00:26:34.289]that we take seriously and that we
- [00:26:36.239]appreciate and that we're grateful for
- [00:26:40.190]we are very pleased to be a
- [00:26:42.419]philanthropic partner in this effort as
- [00:26:45.629]is mentioned in the press release that
- [00:26:47.669]will be shared here today and as you
- [00:26:49.799]heard in the comments this lead gift
- [00:26:52.259]from The Rake's Foundation and from the
- [00:26:55.139]Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gets
- [00:26:56.669]us started down the journey of what it
- [00:26:58.289]will be at initially a 20 and a half
- [00:27:00.599]million dollar fundraising effort and we
- [00:27:02.909]at the University Foundation are pleased
- [00:27:04.559]to get started on that right away I want
- [00:27:07.649]to also pause and ask everybody for
- [00:27:10.080]another round of applause to thank Jeff
- [00:27:11.549]and Tricia who are with us today for the
- [00:27:13.289]generosity of the rakes Foundation and
- [00:27:15.359]the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- [00:27:22.660]and to Jeff and Tricia I especially want
- [00:27:26.150]to say thank you not just for your
- [00:27:27.470]philanthropic generosity but for the
- [00:27:30.290]vision and the passion that you bring to
- [00:27:32.240]things you've heard our audience here
- [00:27:34.940]has heard about how you brought that
- [00:27:36.050]vision here in the case of the Nebraska
- [00:27:38.690]food for health center you brought that
- [00:27:40.430]vision for the rake school not just the
- [00:27:42.860]philanthropy to endow it Tricia you
- [00:27:45.500]helped us formulate women investing in
- [00:27:47.930]Nebraska and think and conceive what
- [00:27:49.880]that could look like and in so many
- [00:27:51.920]different ways Jeff is part of your role
- [00:27:53.600]with our campaign for Nebraska executive
- [00:27:55.610]committee thinking about the pillars of
- [00:27:56.960]that campaign and I think that thought
- [00:27:59.420]leadership and that vision to really
- [00:28:01.040]challenge the university to be a leader
- [00:28:02.780]in the 21st century's been wonderful
- [00:28:05.630]it's been very much appreciated we look
- [00:28:08.780]forward to starting to tell the story
- [00:28:10.430]about the University of Nebraska about
- [00:28:12.650]the Nebraska food for health center and
- [00:28:14.120]all that can happen from that and all
- [00:28:16.670]the good that will happen so thank you
- [00:28:17.960]very much Jeff Thank You Trisha please
- [00:28:24.500]join me again in thanking Jeff and
- [00:28:28.160]Trisha and the rake's foundation and the
- [00:28:30.380]build of melinda gates foundation for
- [00:28:32.270]this wonderful start now on our nebraska
- [00:28:34.640]food for health center thank you for
- [00:28:36.140]being here today
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