Studying Aphid Damage in Sorghum
Office of Research
Nebraska entomologist Joe Louis is investigating ways to help sorghum naturally resist sugarcane aphids, the crop’s most damaging pest in the United States. Louis earned a five-year, $1.5 million Faculty Early Career Development Program award from the National Science Foundation to continue his research.
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- [0:00] I'm Joe Louis and I'm an assistant professor
- [0:02] in the department of entomology and biochemistry
- [0:04] at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
- [0:07] The global population is expected to reach
- [0:09] 9 billion by the year 2040 and it is critical
- [0:13] that we should increase the global
- [0:15] food production to meet our needs.
- [0:19] My research is on sorghum-insect interaction
- [0:22] and sorghum is one of the top five
- [0:24] cereal crops grown in the world.
- [0:26] And it's predominately grown for food, feed, and fuel.
- [0:29] But at the same time, sorghum is also attacked
- [0:32] by different insect pests,
- [0:33] and one being the aphids.
- [0:35] And these aphids are, you know,
- [0:37] tiny insects, which uses their
- [0:39] needle-like mouth part to consume
- [0:41] those, the sap, and by doing so,
- [0:44] it interferes with the photosynthetic ability of the plant.
- [0:48] And also, at the same time, they transmit several
- [0:51] of those plant viruses that considerably reduces
- [0:55] the yield of the plant.
- [0:57] So the crop loss due to insect infestation
- [0:59] remain as a major concern in the field of agriculture.
- [1:02] So what we are trying to understand
- [1:04] is what are those underlying genetic networks
- [1:08] and phenotypic traits that are contributing
- [1:10] to the sorghum resistance to these sap-sucking insects.
- [1:15] Regarding the educational and outreach
- [1:18] component of the proposal,
- [1:20] I'm collaborating with the school
- [1:22] and the secondary school teachers.
- [1:23] I will be also collaborating
- [1:25] with a middle school in Lincoln.
- [1:27] The program is known as Visit by a Scientist program
- [1:30] and overall, it will help them to have an greater
- [1:34] appreciation of these different food systems.
- [1:36] During the summer, I will provide training
- [1:39] for undergraduate students both from UNL
- [1:42] and also from a different institution in Texas.
- [1:45] In the department of entomology,
- [1:47] we organize an outreach educational event every year
- [1:51] which is known as the Bug Fest
- [1:53] and we get more than 1,000 people
- [1:56] coming to this, giving their time
- [1:58] and we will open up the department
- [1:59] to the public.
- [2:01] We will explain them what we are doing in the lab
- [2:04] and how we are doing this research to make
- [2:06] their lives much better.
- [2:08] (upbeat music)
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