Determine Implications of Non-Native Stock Pond Fish on Native Streams in Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve (TAPR) - 2

09/18/2017 Added
36 Plays


The purpose of this project is to consolidate existing stream and pond fish data, collect additional field data, and map fish distributions, and analyze data to determine impacts of non-native pond fish on native stream fishes. The project engages recipients, partners, communities, and/or visitors in shared environmental stewardship. The project includes meetings and conference calls with consulting agencies and other researchers with interests in the Topeka Shiner (Notropis Topeka). The preserve’s primary partner will be actively engaged in this project. The scientific community and/or researchers external to NPS gains by new knowledge provided through research and related results dissemination of natural, cultural and/or historical resource information. The researcher and his students will present this information and formal and informal meetings and may publish results in peer reviewed literature. The project assists in the creation, promotion, facilitation, and/or improvement of the public’s understanding of natural, cultural, historic, recreational and other aspects of areas such as ecological conservation areas, and state and local parks.

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