Explore Turfgrass & Landscape Management at Nebraska

Fran tenBensel Benne Author
08/10/2017 Added
264 Plays


Interested in learning about the turfgrass & landscape management major at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln? Check this out! Turfgrass and landscape management are key elements in the operation of every public garden, sports field, botanical garden, golf course, business establishment, government building, and private residence. You will blend your knowledge of turfgrass and ornamental plants with your understanding of plant physiology and management to produce landscapes that enhance quality of life through their aesthetic and functional uses. The turfgrass & landscape management major offers two options and you are required to fulfill the course requirements under one of the following: Turfgrass Management or Landscape Management. For more information about the TLMT major see http://agronomy.unl.edu/turfgrass-landscape-management.

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