Additive manufacturing of yttria-stabilized zirconia ceramics

Yusaku Teraguchi - Parallel H Author
09/26/2024 Added
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Student’s name: Yusaku Teraguchi Home Institution: Toyota Technological Institute NNCI Site: NNF @ University of Nebraska - Lincoln REU Principal Investigator: Dr. Bai Cui, University of Nebraska - Lincoln REU Mentor: Luke A. Wadle, University of Nebraska - Lincoln Abstract: Yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) is a fine ceramic material featuring Yttria additives to achieve a desired crystal structure in Zirconia. YSZ is a high strength, high melting point material. These properties allow materials such as porous YSZ to make gas filters that can be used in high-temperature regions; however, often high-density ceramics are needed. The high strength and high melting point of YSZ and other fine ceramic materials make them difficult to manufacture. This research aims to use modern additive manufacturing techniques to additively manufacture both low and high-density YSZ for extreme applications such as filters, orthodontics, and refractory coatings.

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