Adding the Events Calendar

Mark D Hiatt Author
06/24/2011 Added
241 Plays


This video explains how to add the Events Calendar to your UNLcms pages, and edit the various markup and code to reflect your own calendar needs, including renaming the calendar and limiting the number of events visible at one time. It does not cover how to add events (see the WDN Wiki for that information—if there is enough demand, we'll make a video of that, too).

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  • It shows you how to past and copy the events calendar but it doesn't show how I can include my own department events. I can enter the information into my website but I don't know where to go from there. Please provide me with further information on adding updated events calendar. thanks!
    Your Profile Pic
    05/31/12 1:44 pm

  • I can't seem to find the disable rich text option
    Your Profile Pic
    09/27/12 8:18 pm

  • Where do I find the WDN template examples now? The CMS webpage developing has changed. Also, I would like the calendar, but just want my own lab events, not all of UNL events. Thank you
    Your Profile Pic
    Chandra Hawley
    03/05/15 11:54 am

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