Maximizing Herd Value with the Bull Value Cow-Q-Lator Tool (Feb. 22, 2024 Webinar)

Center for Agricultural Profitability Author
08/15/2024 Added
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With: Randy Saner, Livestock Systems Extension Educator; Shannon Sand, Agricultural Profitability Extension Educator; and Dr. Matt Stockton, Agricultural Economist. Discover the key to strategic bull selection to optimize the financial health of your cattle operation. Learn how to leverage the Bull Value Cow-Q-Lator tool from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Beef Economics Team to compare potential bull purchases against your current stock. We'll delve into understanding and inputting critical variables such as feed costs, interest rates, and expected progeny differences (EPDs), ensuring you can make data-driven decisions that align with your operational goals. This webinar will also provide insights into calculating the true economic impact of bull investments on your herd, guiding you through scenarios to maximize your return on investment. Find the free tool online at

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