Episode 009: Happy Thanksgiving

Nebraska Extension Digital Agriculture Author
11/26/2020 Added
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Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! In celebration of Thanksgiving, this is a special edition episode featuring only your hosts Samantha Teten and Jackson Stansell. Instead of focusing on the typical digital ag conversation and continuing with the quantifying and responding to soil spatial variability series, for this episode we are just talking about Thanksgiving. We offer up Thanksgiving fun facts, some stories about Thanksgiving traditions and favorite foods, and express what we are thankful for this year. 2020 has been an odd year to say the least, but I think we all have something to be thankful for. We hope that you'll celebrate a small part of your Thanksgiving season with us! We're thankful for all the support you've given this podcast in the short time that it's been produced so far, and we look forward to many more great episodes ahead. If you'd like to share your favorite Thanksgiving traditions, a Thanksgiving fun fact, or want to respond to anything we shared in the episode, please get in touch using the contact info below! FarmBits Team Contact Info: E-Mail: farmbits@unl.edu Twitter: @NEDigitalAg Samantha's Twitter: @SamanthaTeten Jackson's Twitter: @jstansell87 Opinions expressed by the hosts and guests on this podcast are solely their own, and do not reflect the views of Nebraska Extension or the University of Nebraska - Lincoln.

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